DEAR WEHO: Residents step up to defend Myra Friedman



I have held my tongue but can do so no longer.  To read that Myra Friedman resigned because you allege that she was disrespectful has pushed me well over the line.  I have watched you in a multitude of meetings reacting to community members with clear disdain registering on your face.  When every other council member approached Larry Block and his team receiving their recognition for community service you stood back and approached nobody.  You have made insulting comments about others in council meetings and to the media.  

In a December meeting when I raised the question of whether it made sense to delay the allocation of funds for a study on reparations as two were already underway you simply chose to look at the camera and call me out as a privileged white can who just couldn’t understand…knowing absolutely nothing about my background including the fact that my mother ran a commission for underprivileged youth in the city of Chicago throughout my childhood and my father was a friend and consultant to Louis Farrakhan.

You, Ms Shyne do not understand the meaning of respect nor have I seen any sign since the very first time I interviewed you that you are deserving of any respect.  You are unworthy to sit as a public official and it is an embarrassment to our city that you will now serve as our Mayor.  

Keith Kaplan

Respect is Earned, not Something You’re Entitled To

Hi Yola and Myra! I’m Jordan.

I’ve unfortunately never gotten the chance to meet either of you in person, but I’m going to change that very soon! I want to start by saying thank you for what you’ve done for our community. As someone who isn’t disAbled, there are many things that happen during my day that I don’t think twice about, because they don’t affect me, or they don’t cause an issue for me (other than maybe some annoyance).

I’ve constantly reiterated that I am not an expert, nor do I pretend to be, on every issue.


This is a perfect example; I rely on people like you to bring those issues to my attention so I can help fix them.

Thank you for everything you’ve done, and I know will continue to do, to make sure the needs of people with disabilities are met. Apparently, I grew up with a very different definition and outlook of “respect” than most people do. I don’t respect my mom JUST because she’s my mom.

She stands up for what’s right, she sets a good example for me and for others, and she’s a good person. For those reasons (and many more) I respect her.

This goes further than the topic of our article, but the same goes for love. I love my mom for those reasons. If she was a bad person who hurt people and cared about no one other than herself, I would feel no obligation to love her just because she’s my mom.

I know that others may feel differently when it comes to love, but those are my feelings. You have earned the respect of everyone because (from the stories I’ve heard, since we’ve yet to meet in person) you help people, you not only look out of for your neighbors and your community, but you use your voice to stand up for them. For that, you have my respect.

For someone, anyone, to tell you that they automatically deserve their respect because they’re an elected official, or simply because they exist, is absurd. We all saw the exchange you had with your representative, and there was no disrespect shown. You can say anyone is acting in a certain way without diminishing your respect for them. Hell, if my mom told you some of the things and the words I’ve used to tell my mom that she’s doing something wrong, you might think I hate her (if you only looked at those isolated incidents. Most of our exchanges, as you can see on Facebook, are full of love J).

It doesn’t mean I don’t respect her, it means that I think what she’s doing or saying is not appropriate, not sufficient enough, or crosses some sort of line. I have an immense amount of respect for my mom. She’s the reason that I’ve treated every constituent with equal treatment, whether or not we disagree on something going on in the city, or even if they’re on the other side of the aisle than I am.

It’s what built my reputation as being a good candidate during this last election, and why despite having no backing from any outside sources, I was able to gather as many votes as I did. You’re the same way. Resigning from a commission or board has become a way to protest many different things going on in the city.

While I wish you (Myra) would stay on and continue to use your voice to help your community, I respect your decision to do so. West Hollywood needs people with strong voices in elected and appointed positions to make sure that the needs of everyone in this city are being met.

Regardless of what your decision is, I know you will continue that fight, and I can’t wait to meet you one day. As always, I want feedback on my posts (constructive, preferably). Without that feedback, I can’t grow, and I can’t be of better service to West Hollywood. Speaking on the specific issue you resigned over; I will be writing a separate Op Ed with an idea to solve your problem.

Jordan Cockeram

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[…] Kaplan wrote this op-ed, After Keith wrote his story Shyne called the Chamber of Commerce to order Kaplan removed from the […]


[…] of trying to have him removed from the organization’s Board of Directors in retaliation for a letter to the editor he submitted to WEHOville in December. Kaplan phoned in to City Council’s meeting Monday […]

2 years ago

You remained distant and did not initiate conversation with anybody when Larry Block and his crew were being honored for their contributions to the community, while every other dordle council member approached them. You have been rude to other people in public settings, such as council meetings and interviews with the media.

2 years ago

I have known Mikie Friedman for nearly decades now and I love her. I saw the exchange between her and Sepi Shyne. I did not think Mikie’s comment was egregious nor a personal attack. She was strongly refuting a stance. Was it the comparison I would have chosen? Probably not. Would it be triggering for most people? Yes, sure. Mikie has always been ballsy, opinionated and outspoken, she’s yelled at me before haha. We have disagreed strongly before, yet we agree on more than we don’t, and I can tell you she’s a good, solid, caring person. I did not… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Tobias
Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago

I agree with the first comment by “Your Highness” that soon to be Mayor-Crown-Glory Sepi, will become more demanding, less apologetic, but the scary part…..this is just the tip of the iceberg! I never voted for her because I saw a wolf in Identity Politics Sheep’s clothing. Whenever someone LEADS with Gay, Woman, Persian…or whatever is the latest term of identity is….the substance simply is not there! But I know people that voted for her because they simply wanted to see a majority women on the City Council! As a woman, I thought how ridiculous! Nobody is looking for: Is… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Eastside Straight Girl
Wacky Weho
Wacky Weho
2 years ago

Physiognomy doesn’t lie. Look at the council and its members – you get what you vote for

2 years ago

Jordan Cockeram in two years! Let’s turn this city around. He sounds like the kind of person you want to represent your city. Shyne should take note of his words. She has a lot of room for growth, empathy, understanding and respect. #notmymayor #ShynethenewTrump

John Arnold
John Arnold
2 years ago

I suggest to address this during Public Comments at the next City Council meeting on January 9th to make actual impact.

2 years ago

The behavior of Sepi is consistent anti everything if it does not suit her.
Shame on the clowns that voted for her and continue to support her.Sepi qualities are self entitled racist.

2 years ago

Stop with the meaningless whining. RISE UP and DO SOMETHING to FORCE Shyne out of office! Demonstrations. Petitions. Disruption (to the point of complete stall of proceedings) at every City Council meeting. Sit-ins. Do not stop until she resigns by overwhelming public DEMAND. Arrogant Incompetent Narcissists like her will not go away quietly. Start with a massive, street demonstration outside City Hall with signs and bullhorns. Do not stop until this festering vermin is out on her keester and replaced!

Michael G Labarbera
Michael G Labarbera
2 years ago

Shyne is a bully.

2 years ago

Keith Kaplan said it best, “You are unworthy to sit as a public official and it is an embarrassment to our city that you will now serve as our Mayor.”