DEAR WEHO: Unite Here’s behind-the-scenes meddling is disturbing


It could be stated on record, that John Erickson or Sepi Shyne refuse to hear  about or admit to increased crime rates. 3 weeks ago in an unannounced city conference in front of  media, Sepi said “Don’t think of committing crimes here in Weho” but where were the residents?

I saw it on TV, only media were in attendance with Sepi at the podium with city logo backdrop. Did the city think to inform residents or invite crime victims —that would not be good for optics. Why is a union that backed Erickson and Shyne and Beyers entrenched in local politics especially in Weho?

The union of Unite Local 11 is requiring them on the dais to fulfill the defund initiative and impose a simple majority referendum or special mandate over local businesses and resident objections and concerns on public safety. I don’t see any public safety ambassadors and their contract agency providing input but they remain silent.

Does any city resident in this know any of the identities of members of Unite Local 11? I sure don’t but they received and knew my contact information. They hide behind signature collectors who now are intimidating residents and the Beverly Hills City Council to give into their demands now.

They used West Hollywood for exclusive contracts. Who are unknown members and leadership of a union that has infiltrated city elections? They initially wanted  exclusive contracts with the city, then to mediate contracts between them and hotel owners, then their union to be exclusive to West Hollywood and not allow competition here(which is monopoly as we know).

Then they wanted to be ensured workers rights and increased minimum wage passed on not only by Transient Occupancy Tax but all purchases within West Hollywood’s boundaries, so we pay more taxes at the grocery and convenience stores for this reason, locals pay the brunt since we live and shop here the most—it was a collective bargaining ploy and tactic and they decided to use West Hollywood as the union epicenter and now home base. Unacceptable to use political endorsements, funding and union leverage and outside operatives and influences and impose their political agendas over resident and business and community safety as a whole. Safety ambassadors alone don’t work and then they rely on police. Where are unions when we report crimes?


Do you care to admit to mention about the last 5 years that Weho has been in the media about being a crime hub for violent criminals?

Jamie Francis
12 year of West Hollywood
resident with disabilities and Victim of Crime here in Weho.

Sent from my iPhone

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slice master
6 months ago

Unions can play an important role in protecting workers’ rights, but it is important to ensure that they do not abuse their power.


[…] HERE Local 11 — the powerful labor union that plays a crucial behind-the-scenes role in West Hollywood politics — flexed its muscles countywide Thursday, coordinating a wave of hotel […]

Dino game
1 year ago

Can anyone here help me update the crime rate in this city? Thanks!

Carolyn Campbell
Carolyn Campbell
1 year ago

I was appalled at the reckless lies of Unite Here’s WeHo mayoral campaign flyers. When I talked with a few candidates whose names were on those flyers they said they did not give Unite Here permission to use their name. Plus, some fact checking on the smear flyers proved the statements as total fabrications. My family has always been pro-union, but there is something fishy about Unite Here.

1 year ago

Should be more accurately named DIVIDE HERE. Let the candidates that indicated they did not allow Unite Here to use there names demand a recount. Seems fair.

1 year ago

Bottom line in West Hollywood, and Los Angeles the leaders don’t care about their citizens. The leaders just go through the motions pretending they care etc. It was all done of purpose to ruin your city and neighborhoods. Lets remember who is to really blame It’s the stupid, clueless, & brainwashed voters who put these “leaders” into power not only locally, but state wide. “To have a functioning democracy in a republic, you must have a educated citizenry.”

Worth Reading
Worth Reading
1 year ago


Worth reading about local chicanery. Seems to have parallels to West Hollywood on some levels.

Insidious Practices
Insidious Practices
1 year ago

Kudos to Janie Francis for pointing out how this insidious effort has taken over the City through its destructive practices. It would be helpful to not criticize him but rather seriously look into how UNITE Local 11 has literally wormed its way in to our topography. This was a significantly calculated effort while much of the residents have been asleep.

1 year ago

Shyne needs to be shouted down by an invasion of citizens at city Council meetings, and screamed at until she resigns not only as mayor, but from the entire city Council. She’s not going to go, unless the citizens force her to, and the citizens should force her to.

1 year ago
Reply to  Outraged

I’m with you. Just let me know when and where. Sepi Shyne is an outrage to all thinking people. An ugly racist.

1 year ago
Reply to  resident


1 year ago

It’s a real shame what they’ve been able to do to the city. It was once a wonderful place to live.

1 year ago
Reply to  Enough!


1 year ago

Unite Here bought the votes for the racist imbecile Sepi Shyne, the anti-semitic grifter Chelsea Byers, and blonde-haired buffoon, John Erickson.
I have a limited amount of support for the hotel workers, but they have gutted and gouged the residents and taxpayers of West Hollywood.

1 year ago
Reply to  resident

You are on the money People are blind in denial of what this BS Union has caused to the people that live here. Unions bs k candidates to support their agendas. Sepi has been in the game game that is destroying our community.
Who voted for her 2020? Reactionary progressives with no vision for cause and effect.

1 year ago
Reply to  resident

And the likely architect of this scheme could very well be Sepi Shyne in her quest for Empire. One tell tale giveaway was the fact that she embraced the “reorganization” as if it was her coronation bringing Persian entertainment and speakers from various positions to anoint her.

The high point was the mother of Ms. Shyne that despite her some 30 years enjoying the American lifestyle, privileges and so forth, spoke in Farsi rather than English. Surprised her entourage actually stood and pledged allegiance to the flag which is something they have avoided in other occasions.

1 year ago

I read a lot of heat in this commentary but am provided no light. There are an awful lot of unsubstantiated accusations without any facts to support the conclusions. This is conspiracy theory making at its best, at its worst it’s slander…

1 year ago
Reply to  RobbyDobby

It’s right on the money!

Insidious Practices
Insidious Practices
1 year ago
Reply to  RobbyDobby

Please wake up from your long sleep. The ground has soften beneath your feet and will likely keep on moving.

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
1 year ago
Reply to  RobbyDobby

Robby—what I stated, it’s actually based on facts of what has happened in previous and recent election cycles as community members and other commenter have already attested to on this platform and at the podium. The union sent deceitful and inflated mailers and pamphlets to West Hollywood residents that acquired our voter information and disseminated wrong and blatant inaccuracies without even mentioning who they were on such mailers. Unions and Lobbyists shouldn’t decide our election outcomes! West Hollywood Elected officials are catering to union leadership polarizing groups and other state and county political decision makers and elected officials to impose… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  RobbyDobby

You noticed, huh?

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

It used to be that deep pocketed developers and land use lobbyists had a pervasive influence at City Hall. At lease now when we see outsized hotel developments like the Viper Room project, at least they will be unionized.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

My response was in re “I read a lot of heat in this commentary but am provided no light.
I support unionization.

1 year ago
Reply to  RobbyDobby

What is it about that witch’s push for DEFUNDING the police you don’t get? Or her funding from GEORGE SOROS that she hid?
Her LYING to voters face about crime? Her funding coming from OUTSIDE of WH?
These are extremists that DO NOT represent the residents of this city. They have done this across the country to local districts with Soros money.
Who do you think funded this moronic DA in LA and the fat nut job DA in NYC?

What the hell do you need, a bill board on Sunset Blvd. to show you?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

Whoa, cool it, Ian.
Not everybody agrees with you.
Certainly not your conspiracies about Mr Soros.

And why are you denigrating people’s looks?