UPDATE: The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service School Beautification Volunteer Event has been postponed due to a weather forecast of rain. The event is now scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
In January 2023, the City of West Hollywood will continue its tradition of joining hundreds of communities across the country in a National Day of Service to commemorate the Martin Luther King Jr. Day federal holiday by hosting a volunteer event to beautify West Hollywood Elementary.
The 2023 West Hollywood Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service event will take place on Saturday, January 14, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at West Hollywood Elementary, located at 970 N. Hammond Street. It is a partnership with the City of West Hollywood, West Hollywood Elementary, and Friends of West Hollywood Elementary (FOWHE). This MLK Day of Service project will highlight West Hollywood Elementary’s participation in the LAUSD SEEDS program and launch their greening initiative to cool the campus. The Sustainable Environment Enhancement Developments for Schools (SEEDS) provides funding to enhance and/or create outdoor healthy and sustainable learning environments that support LAUSD’s curriculum.
Volunteers are needed to help perform various gardening, landscaping, clean-up, painting, and other beautifying tasks at the school. All tasks involve physical labor and volunteers are expected to be available to work a four-hour shift. Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age to take part and participants will receive a commemorative t-shirt and lunch. Space is limited and advanced registration is required to volunteer. To register to volunteer, please visit www.weho.org/volunteer.
This year’s MLK Day of Service will providing an opportunity for community members to make an impact locally with a donation drive for people who are experiencing homelessness and will be collecting monetary and gift card donations to support new socks, blankets, and sleeping bags for the City’s Homeless Initiative, which partners closely with nonprofit service providers, the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station, and Los Angeles County agencies to provide a wide variety of services aimed at reducing homelessness and supporting community members who are experiencing homelessness.
This year’s City of West Hollywood Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service activity reflects the desires of students from West Hollywood Elementary to help those most in-need in the community. It will run from Saturday, January 14, 2023 to Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Donations can be made online at https://secure.qgiv.com/for/homeless or donations of physical gift cards or of personal checks made out to ‘City of West Hollywood’ may be mailed to:
West Hollywood Homeless Initiative/MLK Day of Service
West Hollywood City Hall
8300 Santa Monica Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90069
The City is, additionally, encouraging donations to the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Youth Center, which has posted a “CARE 4 Youth Essentials” wish list on Amazon at lalgbtcenter.org/care4youth. The City of West Hollywood would have hosted its eleventh-annual clothing drive for the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Youth Center on Highland in January 2023, but due to COVID-19 health and safety protocols, this year the City is instead encouraging virtual donations of needed supplies that will be distributed to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth who are experiencing homelessness. For more information about the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Youth Center, please visit www.lalgbtcenter.org/social-service-and-housing/youth.
The City of West Hollywood encourages community members who seek to make a difference to volunteer in response to the urgent call and unprecedented need for volunteers during these uncertain times. To find out more about local volunteer opportunities with the City of West Hollywood’s community partners, please visit www.weho.org/volunteer. For addition information about virtual and in-person volunteer opportunities to address critical needs, please visit California Volunteers at www.californiavolunteers.ca.gov/get-involved/covid-19 or call (888) 567-SERV; visit Volunteer Match at www.volunteermatch.org; or visit LA Works at www.laworks.com or call (323) 224-6510.
Guess MLK never did anything in the rain, that or the supreme Counciltwits can’t let their drag queen make up get wet. It’s gotta be one of the two.
Yea! Its almost “Lets Feel Guilty About Being White” February. Can’t wait!!!