Ben Savage jumps into race for Congress


‘Boy Meets World’ star and recent WeHo City Council candidate Ben Savage has filed papers to run for the 30th Congressional District, which includes West Hollywood.

He’ll face current WeHo Mayor Sepi Shyne and possibly several other local office holders in a fierce competition to replace U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff.

Schiff is expected to run for one of California’s two Senate seats. Elections for both positions are in 2024.

Savage’s celebrity status didn’t appear to help him at the polls in West Hollywood last November, where he garnered just over 7 percent of the ballots, but his name recognition will almost certainly be a boon in this larger race, which will be decided by hundreds of thousands of voters, many of whom are millennials.

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WEHO Resident
WEHO Resident
2 years ago

He was barely an actor. Now he wants to legislate. And some people will vote for him because he’s “not a politician.” Or because they saw him on tv for a little while. Right. You know who else isn’t a politician? Marjorie Taylor Green and some of her new cohorts in the Republican party. Look how great that’s turning out. No thanks. I’ll vote for credentials and experience. I’ll vote for someone who understands the law and is qualified to pass laws. I won’t be voting for any former actors. We have enough losers in government.

2 years ago

He’s got my vote too. I am so over career politicians that do nothing for the working class except tax us more and more.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago

Savage interned for U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA at the time) in 2003 as a requirement for completing his studies at Stanford University, where he graduated in 2004 with a degree in political science and as a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago

My main question about anyone running for Congress: WHAT are your credentials? Qualifications? OR are you just looking for a cushy job with a salary for LIFE? At a bare minimum, I hope the person is highly educated, Masters’s at minimum! ideally with some Government courses and/or background. We do not want someone that will embarrass themselves and California like the MORON Santon from NY State.

Michael Havenhurst Drive
Michael Havenhurst Drive
2 years ago

He has my vote. He’s not a lawyer! He’s rather typical of someone going into the Congress in the early last century. Not some political hack like we’ve seen on the West Hollywood City Council. He will be able to cross the bridge into the areas where Shyne couldn’t get elected roach catcher.

Richard Rothenberg
Richard Rothenberg
2 years ago

Septic Shyne and Savage, Keep out of the Congressional Race. We already have a well seasoned, smart, experienced and legal expert, Adam Schiff! If you want to run, run a marathon and keep your overinflated egos out of politics!

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago

In all probability Adam will run for the Senate. SO! that makes our choice very serious business. Not some Flake like Septic Shine! LOL!!!


[…] ultimately lost, garnering under 8% of the vote, according to […]

Stop nitpicking, he still lost.
Stop nitpicking, he still lost.
2 years ago

7.5 is over 7 and under 8.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago

Unfortunately, too many people so not KNOW the qualifications of the people for whom they vote! Unfortunately, “celebrity” name recognition is all too prevalent. Folks really need to study the QUALIFICATIONS, and those should be highly vetted,NOT make the mistake NY made by electing the liar and thief Santos!!!! What a catastrophe. WE must take back the House! MUST!

Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
2 years ago

Disaster strikes. Congress with Sept and savage. Next candidate. Hell I have visited and worked with 105 countries. And governments building up poor areas. I suppose I am a better candidate then these two cheeses.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago
Reply to  Scott Sigman

then throw your hat into the ring. Tell us your educational history as well ad your work history. MUST be bttter than either Septic or him.

2 years ago

He could be certified brain dead the day before the election and I’d vote for him over Sepi.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

ME TOO!!!!! He could be in a COMA and I would not vote for SEPTIC

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

I will wait for him to actually take a stand on something. That said, his one electoral strength in West Hollywood is that he’s not Sepi Shyne. I would recommend that he thicken his skin. It’s also important to note that a poli sci major, from any university, is not vocational training for a career as a politician.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

This guy’s banking on the “name recognition”. He means well, but please just take 2 seats back. Thank you. Next!