Planning Commission recommends more gender-neutral toilets, approves West Knoll/SMB development


The Planning Commission recommended to City Council on Thursday that a wider scope of businesses be required to have gender-neutral toilet facilities. The commissioners unanimously recommended that the following be subject to the ordinance:

  • All new and renovated commercial buildings that constitute a major remodel, as that term is defined under Article 19.90 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code,
  • Commercial renovations requiring a building permit that includes the removal of interior partitions or a complete floor plan alteration
  • Commercial renovations that include relocation, expansion, or accessibility upgrades of existing restrooms.

The Commission also approved the project that will replace a shopping strip and several homes on Santa Monica Boulevard and West Knoll. The commissioners had several issues with the project, including its design and the calculations that allowed its unusual size and scale, but felt constrained by state law in stopping it from proceeding.

“They are two separate projects as far as the calculations are concerned,” said public commenter and former chair of the commission Lynn Hoopingarner said. “This residential is separate. So those high points on the residential property, do not pertain to the calculations on the commercial properties relating to the sloping site method, which are flat. … Any reference to natural grade is not appropriate here because natural grade doesn’t exist. It has an existed for 100 years. There is no slope here.”

The motion to approve the project passed 5-1, with Commissioners Kimberly Copeland voting no and David Gregoire abstaining.

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Michael On Havenhurst Drive
Michael On Havenhurst Drive
1 year ago

Upgrade the toilets for the 100s of Trans residents and positively no urinals because John Erickson won’t use one and Sepi Shyne can’t use one.

8555 Post Mortem Please
8555 Post Mortem Please
1 year ago

The public deserves a Post Mortem considering the questionable gymnastics on display during approval of the 8555 Santa Monica Blvd.project. The excessive and repetitive arm twisting and pretzel making on behalf of staff and the City Attorney appeared considerably over the ethical line. In the years viewing Chairman Stacey Jones it is clear that she has not absorbed any degree of competence on issues directly related to planning & development. Jones specialty appears to be directing the meetings to the extent that she loses integrity and possibly violates ethical standards. Without a discerning eye at the helm, the public looses.… Read more »

David Abrams
David Abrams
1 year ago

Yes, let’s pour one out for the death of questionable, biased, subjective planning commission decisions… Business in the city should not be subject to the whims of individuals instead of the objective criteria set forth in the city’s planning code.

1 year ago

Spending any amount of time on public bathrooms is the height of arrogance. Personal habits are best formed in childhood and have no place becoming a societal disruption. We’ve done just fine for hundreds of years. Have some resoect
for the general public regardless of personal gender.

1 year ago

These disgusting Losers have become a disgrace to all Gay & Lesbians in this town..indeed Los Angeles!

Steve Carry
Steve Carry
1 year ago

The first question is: WHY!!!!?

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
1 year ago

The obvious problem with gender neutral is that females take longer to do their “business” because they have to check their makeup, fix their hair, THE main problme I foresee is the establishment keeping the bathroom’s CLEAN! They are going to have to have a dedicated person to keep them CLEAN!. LARGER bsthrooms, with a separate are for urinals would be smart! I wonder what happens after the first sexual assult in the restrooms!

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago
Reply to  JR Birdsong

a lawsuit, maybe a class action lawsuit will happen to WeHo.
In the women’s prisons, rape has reached an all time high due to men who identify as women are allowed to be with, shower with, and bunk up with the women.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago

getting some real pervy vibes here with these people and their bathroom fantasies.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago

Scary restroom fetish going on in Weho government.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium
Michael Havenhurst Drive
Michael Havenhurst Drive
1 year ago

Planning commission! Another dreary boring woke joke. Just look at them. Worse, look at the people that appointed them. Especially the dreadful Shyne, the ludicrous Erickson and that transplant from Arizona. Of course let’s not forget Heilman. Who is totally owned by developers. He kicked off the career of developers streetwalker Lindsay Horvath so she would give a yes vote on everything surrounding Townscape. Like 8150 Sunsets vacant lot. Unfortunately, the economies getting so bad most of the stuff won’t even get off the ground.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael Havenhurst Drive
David Abrams
David Abrams
1 year ago

I personally like the 8150 Sunset project. Not their fault they got caught up in the macro economic inflationary period we’re all in. Hopefully construction and borrowing costs will come back down to earth and this project gets built.

1 year ago

Bitter cows that HATE all men, especially WHITE MEN, oops-that is our new mayor.
The mission here is to feminize all men.
How about a little priority to, uh, I dunno…C R I M E!!!!

The public is on the edge of despising Trans Fakers (if you have the organs you were BORN with you ain’t transgender!).

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
1 year ago
Reply to  Ian

IAN! YOU are so correct. SEPTI is definitely a male hater! It is very clear in her actions and vrbiage! HOW in the world did this happen? WHEN SEPTIC DECIDES TO RUN FOR CONGRESS, she must resign form City Council!

1 year ago

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? They should each present a thorough justification for their qualifications to make such drastic decisions and their reasoning that the pros outweigh the cons, showing that they do indeed understand the cons and how their decision for gender neutral bathrooms will effect business owners and the general public. I doubt they could do it! Or worse, I doubt they feel they need to answer to anyone!

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

They WILL NOT ever do a thorough justification to make these radical decisions because they are more interested in getting the accolades from their radical higher ups that they are towing the line to transform our little city into thee most radically woke, severe rules & regulations place to live so that they can cancel ANYONE that does not agree with them if they do not walk the tight rope of the “Rules for Radicals” by Sal Alinsky!! Say goodbye to WeHo the way it was just 5-10 years ago! This is not the place to spend the rest of… Read more »

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
1 year ago

Since you feel the need to point out that you are STRAIGHT, THAT runs up a red flag for me for sure! It does not make any difference if one is gay, straight or polka dotted, if they live in WeHo one must know the basic premise on which WeHo was formed. [and it was NOT to be a haven for straight people to live!]

not wise
not wise
1 year ago

Buffoons! They are making the transgendered our enemies for all they are doing to hurt women and girls.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago
Reply to  not wise

Let’s all remember what Caitlen Jenner said in a wide spread interview when asked: “Are you attracted to women or men?” Caitlen’s response: “Oh, I am absolutely attracted to only women and always will be!” That should tell you everything! And the “everything” is that women’s privacy is 1000000% now taken away!

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