Monday, January 23
9:00 AM Helen Albert Certified Farmers’ Market
6:00 PM City Council Meeting
7:00 PM (Cancelled) Historic Preservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, January 24
1:00 PM Seniors in Action: Community + Connection + Conversation
6:00 PM Pacific Design Center Amendment of the PDC Specific Plan Teleconference Community Meeting
Wednesday, January 25
2:00 PM Senior Advisory Board Teleconference Meeting
6:00 PM Disabilities Advisory Board Teleconference Meeting
Thursday, January 26
3:30 PM Art on the Outside Subcommittee Teleconference Meeting
5:00 PM Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission Teleconference Meeting
6:00 PM (Cancelled) Design Review Subcommittee Teleconference Meeting
7:00 PM Women’s Advisory Board Meeting
7:00 PM Rent Stabilization Commission Teleconference Meeting
Friday, January 27
No events scheduled at this time.
Saturday, January 28
9:00 AM Athens Services Kitchen Pail Giveaways for Food Scrap Collection
9:00 AM Junk in the Trunk
1:00 PM Athens Services Kitchen Pail Giveaways for Food Scrap Collection
5:00 PM Winter Sounds: The Essentials
For a look at the entire month visit our website calendar.