ADAM SCHIFF: Why I’m running for Senate


I wanted you to hear it from me first. I’m running for the U.S. Senate in 2024 to protect our democracy and to build an economy that works for everyone.

Because we’re in the fight of our lives for the future of our country.

Our democracy is under assault by an extreme and power-hungry GOP whose leadership doesn’t care about truth, decency, or right and wrong. And they must be stopped. We did far better than expected against these radical Republicans in the midterms, but we are not out of the woods. Donald Trump is still the dominant voice in his party, and he has spawned a dangerous crowd of imitators.

This is the fight of my life — to protect our democracy, build it back stronger, and hold those who would tear it down accountable.

And at a time when our economy simply isn’t working for millions of Americans, who see their wages fail to keep pace with the cost of food, education, and housing, and who don’t have the same opportunity to succeed as their parents, we simply can’t afford to wait and hope the economy fixes itself.

Because if hard-working folks don’t have a chance to succeed, they start looking for alternatives — like a demagogue who promises that he alone can fix it.

With our economy and our democracy at risk, we must fight:

For an economy that works for everyone and leaves no one behind. For universal health care. Against climate change and for a healthy planet. To stop gun violence and protect our children. To realize a bold and progressive future for the Golden State and our nation.


With Trump on the ballot and control of the House and Senate at stake in 2024, I truly believe that the future of our country hinges on this election. That’s why I need to know that you’re ready for the fight ahead.

Senator Feinstein hasn’t announced her plans yet. But we need to start preparing for the fights ahead right now.

Over the last six years, I’ve taken on Trump and Trumpism to protect our country. And I’d do it again. In a heartbeat.

Already, the Republicans are going after me. Trump bellows at me at his rallies. Fox News runs its constant smears. Kevin McCarthy just removed me from the Intelligence Committee. They don’t want me to continue holding them accountable, and they certainly don’t want me in the Senate.

Many of Trump’s worst enablers are in the U.S. Senate, and it’s where a lot of the critical fights for the future will take place.

When I led the Senate impeachment trial against Trump, I stood my ground, no matter what they threw at me. And I will take on anyone to protect the country I love and its proud legacy of self-government. As I run for the Senate, I need to know that you are by my side.

I’ll keep you posted every step of the way, and I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me and to protect our democracy.

Talk soon,

— Adam

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[…] announcement officially opens the gates for a number of would-be successors, including U.S. Reps. Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, who both began campaigns for the seat prior to […]

Citizen Against Adam Schitt the Liar!
Citizen Against Adam Schitt the Liar!
1 year ago

Adam, you have consistently LIED to the American People on multiple ocassions. You knew there was absolutely no “Russian Collusion” yet you LIED repeatedly! You have NO Credibility and don’t deserve the office of dog catcher, let alone Congress or the Senate!

1 year ago

Just released:

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), a non-partisan ethics watchdog, sent a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) asking for an investigation into Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for allegedly violating federal law and House ethics rules”

carleton cronin
1 year ago

Many hands make light work. fires the old adage.However, in my experience it is better to have one person braid the noose..

Michael On Havenhurst Drive
Michael On Havenhurst Drive
1 year ago

Schiff has problems. He was forced to spend millions defending his congressional seat in the 2022 election against another Democrat, a drag queen. No joke. Almost one in three of his constituents voted against him.  Including many in West Hollywood.

Votes: Adam Schiff 150k 70% and G. “Maebe A. Girl” Pudlo 61K 30%. Both are Democrats. Maebe A. Girl (also known as G. Pudlo; born July 27, 1986) is an American drag queen and politician. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael On Havenhurst Drive
1 year ago

I do not know from where you got your story but it hardly believable. Mr. Schiff always wins his/this district in the 70%+ range.

Rep. Adam Schiff – California District 28 • OpenSecrets

Leslie Karliss
Leslie Karliss
1 year ago

He has my vote.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leslie Karliss

Bet you think he is saving democracy! Biggest liar and leaker in Washington DC. Smug and arrogant. He is part of the swamp.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leslie Karliss

Why? I’m really curious to know.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
1 year ago
Reply to  Leslie Karliss


Wacky Weho
Wacky Weho
1 year ago

Liddle Senate race, eh!

1 year ago

He knowingly lied repeatedly and cost us $40,000,000. He has been thrown off the intelligence committee for very good reason; he has risked the safety of our country by using info that is known only to the people on that committee for personal and partisan purposes. Adam Schiff is a horrible human being. His arrogance is stunning and appalling, but he is counting on the uninformed and those who actually believe his lies to get him what he wants. Unfortunately there are enough of those that it happens all the time.

Lacking Integrity
Lacking Integrity
1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Outlived whatever usefulness he had. Adam Schiff made a very poor choice ti. making this undiplomatic announcement to an elder stateswoman. He is sure to sway Feinstein supporters in someone else’s direction who has more integrity and scope.

1 year ago

All three potential candidates spoke to Sen Feinstein’s office before publicly announcing.
She ought to just acknowledge the end to her career and go home. Past time.

I prefer Barbara Lee or Katie Porter.

Lacking Integrity
Lacking Integrity
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

That’s ok with you that after 30 years of service you call the Senators office and tell her she ought to acknowledge the end to her career? Seems like a complete diplomatic breakdown for all three candidates but especially Schiff who should have known better. We need a resurgence of integrity as it would improve so many issues.

1 year ago

I said she should acknowledge, not that the replacements should tell her.

I wonder if she is afraid of public speaking now and that’s why she hasn’t announced she’s not running again.

Why you would ignore the fact that she is incapable of staying in office is beyond me.

Lacking Integrity
Lacking Integrity
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

The point was that this could have been handled with immeasurably more diplomacy. That you seem to be defensive about the fact foes not speak so well for you. The country needs less crass 🙄and more diplomatic discourse. 😌

1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Ditto re Lee or Porter!

1 year ago
Reply to  Crusader


1 year ago

Wasted two years pushing Russian propaganda he knew wasn’t true. That should qualify him!

Benjamin Story
Benjamin Story
1 year ago

Schiff read the Steele Dossier into congressional record. (Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid a British spy who worked with a Russian agent to create the Steele Dossier, and the FBI official investigating Trump for Russian collusion was himself colluding with Russia.)

Claimed for 2 years he had seen evidence of collusions while being told it wasn’t true.

Called Nunes’ FISA memo Russian disinfo.

Lied about meeting with whistleblower.

Said Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo.

Is he the best that California has to offer?

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
1 year ago
Reply to  Benjamin Story

No he’s not. Hopefully others run to give voters a choice.

Katie Fan
Katie Fan
1 year ago

While, I like Adam Schiff, I think that Katie Porter would make a fabulous senator!

1 year ago

I follow Adam Schiff on Twitter, in the past year he’s probably tweeted less than once a month about his own district, our district. Even this article, a bunch of platitudes and stuff about Trump, nothing about what he did to help small businesses in WeHo or anything else around here. I’ll be voting for Ro Khanna or anyone else other than Schiff.