CANDIDATE INTROS | Josh Bocanegra for Congress


It was the 90s, and the dawn of the digital age. Little did I know it was just the beginning for how the world was going to change, my life included.

I was nine years old when I got my hands on my first computer. Like many kids, I was initially drawn to computer games at first. But soon enough, I was drawn to a sense of endless possibilities. The more I used it, the more I wanted to learn and explore.

By the time I was seventeen, I was making money online by selling music that I had taught myself to produce.

My mom took notice, and eventually decided to pull me out of high school. She worked in education all of her life and saw first-hand how some schools failed students who didn’t fit into a one-size-fits-all educational model.

I became homeschooled, teaching myself everything I know today through online courses, books and mentors. It provided a personalized and flexible learning experience.

Thankfully, my self-taught skills were starting to pay off as I started making income online. This was until the economic stability of the United States was about to be put to the test.


In 2008, the financial crisis hit the United States. Our country was experiencing one of the worst economic downturns in US history.

Many of us were faced with daunting challenges. For some, it meant losing a job or a home. For others, it meant struggling to make ends meet.

For me, I had just turned 18 and I had to figure out how to raise my newborn daughter. 

As with any teenage parent, becoming a father forced me to mature quickly. My purpose in life became greater than myself, my responsibilities intensified, and I knew that I had to do whatever it took to provide for my daughter. 

Despite the odds against me, I used everything I taught myself to start my first business. It slowly began turning a profit but not fast enough.

Determined to create a better life for myself and my family, I set out to achieve an impossible dream. I moved to Los Angeles with no family, no friends, and just $300 in my pocket.

To me, California was the land of opportunities and I believed that if I could figure out how to achieve success, it would change the course of my family’s history forever.

I eventually succeeded as a tech entrepreneur, founding and growing multiple profitable businesses in the last decade. 

Two of my most notable ventures were in the field of artificial intelligence. I founded Persona, an agency that developed technology used by over 100 million people, and was awarded for our A.I. technology. 

After this, I moved on to Humai, a med-tech startup where I assembled a team of scientists and researchers to extend human life through advances in robotics, artificial intelligence and medical nanotechnology. 


Along the way, I’ve been led by a burning desire to empower the next generation. I spent the last decade mentoring hundreds of young people in various skills such as coding, personal finance, marketing, business, personal development and so much more.

Believing that knowledge is power, I have always provided guidance without charge, recognizing that much of what I have learned is not taught in traditional schools.

This is why I am running to represent my district. Congress is broken. It is divided and unable to pass legislation due to constant disagreements and petty behavior, all of which have no benefit to everyday people.

When I first moved to Los Angeles, I wasn’t interested in politics. Like many young people, I didn’t realize the extent to which government policies impacted my life. However, over time, I have come to understand a dark truth. That is, that many of my personal struggles were caused by the dysfunction within our political system, where personal gain often overrides the needs of the community.

As your congressman, my first rule of business is to address what I hear most of my community needs now. That is affordable housing, safer communities, support for small businesses and fundamentally keeping toxic partisan ideology from influencing legislation

If you believe in this vision, we need to win the primary election in March 2024. We won’t get the support from the political establishment, so we need you. 

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1 year ago

What in the hell does life extension tech for the super rich have to do with the rest of us? Maybe he made some important “friends” along the way that he believes will push him past the mark..

Josh Bocanegra
1 year ago

Hello! Josh Bocanegra here. Thanks for sharing my story. To give some context to readers, this story was republished from my website and wasn’t instead to be an op-ed. I will write an op-ed and include my stances soon. I will say this now though: I’m not the typical democrat. And I’m certainly not entering this race with blind loyalty to any political ideology or establishment. I’m just a concerned citizen who thinks our government can do better. Overall, I love California. I want more of my family who live in other states to move here. But because of the… Read more »

Student Council Candidate
Student Council Candidate
1 year ago
Reply to  Josh Bocanegra

One rarely gets a second chance to make a first impression.

Student Council Candidate
Student Council Candidate
1 year ago

Another candidate for Student Council missed during home schooling while he was seeking financial rewards and now exposure.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
1 year ago

In a free market ……increased demand drives higher prices. In other words “scarcity”.

When we have millions upon millions upon millions of people living/working in LA illegally… should be no surprise that we have higher housing costs.

In the past…..areas surrounding West LA were affordable. Gov policies changed that scenario and now we hear D politicians promising solutions to the problems they created.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

Higher housing costs were driven mostly by more and more people. First people from the US then wealthy/very wealthy people from other countries, starting about the late ’70’s early 80’s who wanted to live in a Mediterranean climate in the US and could afford anything.

Last edited 1 year ago by David
2024 Voter
2024 Voter
1 year ago

too early

Last edited 1 year ago by 2024 Voter
Joseph Balogna
Joseph Balogna
1 year ago

Hmmm, I’d like to know more about how the candidates are going to fix what’s wrong with local politics, and less of the VH1 “Behind the Music’ biography.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Balogna

Go over to his website. This compelling bio is from that website where he also lists his vision, a vision which seems sensible and measured in a way that many in the performative work crowd don’t quite seem to understand. His bio is one of fortitude, resilience and charging forward and getting shit done rather than resting on victimhood and identity. Josh is a strong candidate, but sadly will unlikely get the endorsement of the parlor-game-playing establishment. All the more reason to rise up and support a truly independent voice.

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