New proposed billboard in Sunset Plaza heads to Historic Preservation Commission tonight


West Hollywood’s Historic Preservation Commission will review a proposal at their meeting tonight for a new two-sided billboard on Sunset Boulevard. The proposed billboard, named “Sky Frames,” would replace three existing on-site signs on the building roof at 8590 Sunset Boulevard. The project, called “The Sunset,” includes the installation of three pedestrian gathering spaces at key points on the site.

The commission will examine the potential impacts on eligible cultural resources located in Sunset Plaza, adjacent to the proposed project. Sunset Plaza is eligible for designation at the local, state, and national levels.

According to the project proposal, the Sky Frames billboard will have two static faces that measure 1,200 square feet each for advertising. The highest point of the billboard structure is 105 feet from grade. The billboards will be lit from below with both spots and a linear wash of light mounted on the roof from behind the parapet.

The proposal calls for the removal of the three existing on-site signs on the building roof at 8590 Sunset Boulevard. The existing signage will be replaced with a new two-sided static off-site sign or billboard.

The project also includes the installation of three pedestrian gathering spaces at three key points on the site. These improvements are designed to draw in the public from Sunset Boulevard, allowing them three distinctive ways to interact with the project courtyard plaza area.

The proposed upgrade of the courtyard area of the property is constituted by three “picture frames” which take their inspiration from the larger billboard signs on the roof. The frames are designed to provide an attractive public space where people can gather, rest and relax.


No media company has been specified on the plans, but they include a placeholder on the east elevation at the bottom of the billboard face for the future media company logo. This placeholder has been dimensioned to meet the current size recommended by staff.

The project proposal was reviewed by the Sunset Arts & Advertising Subcommittee on July 23, 2022. The subcommittee recommended that the proposal be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council, with comments regarding any potential impacts on adjacent eligible cultural resources located in Sunset Plaza.

The Planning Commission and City Council will review the proposal and provide comments regarding any potential impacts on adjacent eligible cultural resources located in Sunset Plaza. The commission will carefully consider the proposal before making a final decision.

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1 year ago

Did it got approved

There Goes Sunset Plaza
There Goes Sunset Plaza
1 year ago

First bite out of the apple that is Sunset Plaza as we have known it. Second bite will be rolled out this evening at a neighborhood meeting to develop the adjacent back side of the property extending to Holloway Drive. The final destination, undoubtedly re-development. of the entire acreage. As if we are in need of multiple geometric sardine cans that will be marketed as “award winning iconic residences”.

Tom Wright
1 year ago

How many more, these are
Artist eye sores just to block the sun and the sunset view stop selling every piece of our town just for some money.

1 year ago

Billboards with lights shining on them are much better than video screens that are too bright. The city needs to put a maximum on light emanating from screens.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tim

I agree. I would wholeheartedly support this if they could bake into the agreement that they can only be static, Not video.