Woody Harrelson’s anti-vaxx monologue on SNL raises eyebrows


Actor and West Hollywood business owner Woody Harrelson used his fifth hosting stint on “Saturday Night Live” to promote a coronavirus theory during his opening monologue on this week’s show.

Harrelson, appearing on the show to promote his upcoming movie “Champions,” joked about a script he had read where drug cartels buy up all the media and politicians and force people to stay locked in their homes unless they take the cartel’s drugs.

The theory referenced by Harrelson is that drug cartels are behind the production and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, and that they are using the vaccines as a tool to control the population. The theory suggests that the pharmaceutical industry is working in conjunction with the cartels to force people to take the vaccine, which they claim is unnecessary and potentially harmful.

The origin of the theory is unclear, but it appears to be a combination of various existing conspiracy theories and misinformation campaigns. Proponents of the theory claim cartels have been involved illegal production and distribution of counterfeit medications, and suggest that they could also be involved in the production of vaccines.

Some anti-vaccine proponents hailed Harrelson for “speaking truth to power” while others criticized Harrelson and SNL for airing his remarks, calling them harmful and insipid.

As of today, COVID-19 has killed over 9.9 million people worldwide, while more than 370 million have recovered from the disease, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO).


Harrelson has made headlines with some controversial quotes over the years, including:

On marijuana: “I’m a degenerate. I use marijuana on a regular basis for medicinal purposes. I think it’s about 97 percent of the population that does use marijuana for medicinal purposes, for anything from headaches to insomnia to cramps.”

On religion: “I don’t believe in religion. I think it’s ridiculous. However, I think Jesus was cool. He was a great guy. He was a revolutionary.”

On 9/11: “I’m one of those who believe the Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled demolition.”

On politics: “I’m an anarchist. I’m anti-government. I’m anti-authority. I’m anti-establishment. I’m anti-militarism. That doesn’t mean I’m anti-American. It means I’m anti-stupidity.”

Harrelson is owner of the The Woods cannabis retail shop and consumption lounge in West Hollywood.

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Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago

Woody is correct. Who thought he’d be the voice of common sense.

City girl
City girl
2 years ago

Kudos to Harrelson! The inflated Covid numbers came about because anyone who died “with Covid” were counted as dying “of Covid.” For example when Dan Tana’s bartender Michael died his family told friends that he died of a stroke, yet his obit in the LA Times claimed he died of Covid. Even people who died in traffic accidents were counted as Covid deaths. Children’s deaths from Covid were negligible while even those over 80 with Covid had only a 6% risk of death. It has now been proven that masks don’t prevent transmission, that lockdowns did far more harm than… Read more »

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago

Although Woody is a well known “actor”, let’s be candid, he does not have a stellar reputation!. #BoycottWoodyHarrelson henceforth!

Erick Forester
Erick Forester
2 years ago

I don’t like the narrative manipulation I see in stories like this. It’s getting more and more desperate. Let’s be honest–we all know people who have had “mystery” health episodes after getting their shots, but how much longer will people disrespect the painful realities of the vaccine-injured? America is behind other countries in this respect, including the Crown countries that went all in on punishing those who don’t comply.

JACK twist
JACK twist
2 years ago
Reply to  Erick Forester

It is a reality- idiots like Harrelson and now the president of SAG/AFTRA Dresher???? I DON’T WANT TO BE ON A SET WITH THE UNVAXED!!!!
Sure, they have a right- their body- BUT IT PUTS MANY OTHER IN DANGER.
As they have a right- so does the producer- its HIS OR HER SET- and they know how covid can kill the budget…so they have a right to say come to set with your lines learned, keep it in your pants and hands to yourself- AND COME VAXED!!!!

Not Funny
Not Funny
2 years ago

Woody Harrelson appears to be a certifiable mental case.
West Hollywood has become the embodiment of Saturday Night Live but it is far from funny, in reality a tragic case in love with itself.

Joseph Balogna
Joseph Balogna
2 years ago

The last time that “Saturday Night Live” was even remotely funny, I think the musical guest was Mozart.

2 years ago

I grew up in Nebraska and am not surprised by some people who believe these silly things because I hear them talk as if their opinion was science. In most cases these people have nothing to do but find things that make life more interesting; like Bigfoot and alien abductions, and chasing tornados. Or to bring it up a notch, like Don Quixote “tilting at windmills”.

To the skeptics
To the skeptics
2 years ago

In the past week, they’ve admitted:
1. COVID origin/Chinese lab leak (DOE)
2. Natural immunity better or equal to Vax immunity (Lancet)
3. Vax mandates did NOT increase vax rates (GMU)
4. Masks had NO impact on the epidemic (Cochran)
Take a victory lap, my skeptical friends!

Last edited 2 years ago by To the skeptics
Cy Husain
2 years ago

Antivaxxers routinely misrepresent:

  1. The lab leak myth originates from non-science sources with NO supporting evidence and was debunked early on only to return as if new. The most recent extensive study of SARS-CoV-2 origin confirms zoonotic (animal) origin & transfer with lab origin & transfer NOT plausible ❗
Cy Husain
2 years ago

(2) NO, natural immunity is NOT better than vaccination 💉 . Antivaxxers DON’T like to link to the Lancet article because it clearly shows the natural advantage ONLY holds to two-doses of mRNA vaccines. Get a 2nd booster and you are doing way better. Also vaccines spares you the damage of disease while imparting immunity. Note that the authors recommended that “vaccination remains the ‘safest route’ to achieving immunity from COVID-19.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Cy Husain
Cy Husain
2 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

(CDC) study published in 2021 comparing reinfection rates of people previously infected with COVID-19 found that unvaccinated individuals were far more likely likely to be re-infected than fully vaccinated individuals, this is even higher for NEW variants.

Cy Husain
2 years ago

(3) Sorry but, even recent results show that Vaccine mandates were highly effective in increasing vaccination rates.

Effectiveness of vaccination mandates in improving uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in the USA. August 19th 2022 Lancet. Cross-state comparisons show that states’ school-entry mandates are effective in improving vaccination coverage.

Did COVID vaccine mandates work? What the data say. July 6th 2022 Nature.
The finding is consistent with mandates increasing vaccination rates.

Credibility debunked
Credibility debunked
2 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Did you read the conflict of interest on that aweful Lancet study from last year? LMAO the author is pharma b^tch “ PJH is a developer of a COVID-19 vaccine construct, which was licensed by Baylor College of Medicine to Biological E, a commercial vaccine manufacturer for scale-up, production, testing, and licensure. NTB reports personal fees from WHO, US national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Merck outside the submitted work. RMC received research grant funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation, outside the submitted work. RL reports grants from Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur, and Merck, and personal fees from BIO… Read more »

Cy Husain
2 years ago

(4) Cochran did meta-analysis of small studies when large studies were needed to determine what effect is detectable in aggregate across the body of research. A-lot of methodological decisions go into any meta-analysis, and Cochrane brought their own assumptions to the study, excluding the majority of studies as low-quality that contradict their assumptions (Cherry Picking Data), and are quick to declare their sought after effect exists.

2 years ago

More like antivaxx fanatics who are anything but skeptics have been screaming their long disproven misinformation!

2 years ago

Of course, with all overt disclosure, one must ask themselves why now and to what degree is the actual truth is being revealed.

Is this an effort to get out in front of more even more serious (and legally complicated) revelations?

Given China is (today) being formally thrown under the Covid Bus for man made origins, what else is to follow.

France and other countries are withdrawing their recommendations that the public obtain the shots or boosters – is there more clotting in the public narratives to come?

Cy Husain
2 years ago
Reply to  Crookies

A recent large, peer-reviewed study analyzed the risk of heart inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination 💉 . Dr. Imran Rashid, a cardiologist at University Hospitals, explains the findings that ANY risk of heart inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination is extremely LOW but, COVID-19 INFECTION & full blown disease is known to cause a variety of cardiovascular problems in many cases. Just One Year After SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Patients Have an Array of Increased Cardiovascular Risks ❗

Without Borders
Without Borders
2 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

The truth is the exact opposite.

Cy Husain
2 years ago

More like the TRUTH has verifiable evidence that contradicts all of the antivaxx misinformation.

signs of intelligent life
signs of intelligent life
2 years ago
Reply to  Crookies

Critical thinking has entered the chat

2 years ago

We would of been here sooner but full-time employment has it’s demands!

2 years ago

The only item of controversy, in my opinion, is the one on 9/11.
I am not an anarchist, and/but I find most of his comment reasonable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

The proverbial court jester states the truth in a manner that both retains the element of farce while salving the King’s need for honesty

2 years ago

It’s Woody Harrelson. I’d take his medical advice as seriously as I would Dr. Denton, Dr. Crippen, or even Dr. Laura, thanks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

And, Dr. Oz !!

2 years ago
Reply to  Really...

Dr Fetterstein beat Dr Oz fair a square. It’s a shame he is unavailable for comment (for the foreseeable future)

MultiColored Car
MultiColored Car
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

He wasn’t dispensing medical advice. But continue with the narrative, your masters are watching/reading. Pathetic is a word that comes to mind when I read posts that are off topic.

Free Weho
2 years ago

Stand with SAG-AFTRA union members who are still discriminated against based on their vaccine status. We protested outside the 2023 SAG Awards yesterday, in solidarity with workers.

Will you join our fight?

SHOW UP this Tuesday at LA Board of Supervisors, Horvath and BOS will vote to extend the State of Emergency and the mandates for 112,000 LA County employees. @Americanleftistsforfreedom on IG for more info on tomorrows action.

JACK twist
JACK twist
2 years ago
Reply to  Free Weho