Safer crossings for bikes and pedestrians are in the works throughout WeHo


Crossing San Vicente and Rosewood is going to be a lot easier by fall.

WeHo’s Engineering Division will be constructing a signalized pedestrian/bicycle crossing at the intersection incorporating blank-out electronic signs that activate from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays to prohibit southbound San Vicente vehicle turns onto eastbound Rosewood, thereby deterring peak hour cut-through traffic through the neighborhood. The project also includes new enhanced crossings, and will improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity and safety for all travel modes within the intersection by modifying the intersection’s geometrics.

The staff has advertised for bids in early March 2023, and the project is expected to be completed in August/September 2023, subject to the awarding of the contract, scheduling, and procurement of materials.

The division will also discuss the prefabricated rubber speed lumps on the 1000 block of Genesee Avenue, which have been in place for over three years. Staff conducted a recent traffic survey and found that the average speeds are 15 miles per hour, with 85 percent of the motorists traveling less than 20 miles per hour. The speed lumps have reduced the speeds by 3 to 4 miles per hour, and they have not created traffic diversions to surrounding residential streets.

The Transportation Commission and City Council reviewed and approved the 6-month test installation of the speed lumps in 2019. During the pandemic, traffic and speeds were in a state of flux, so conducting follow-up studies during that period would have provided skewed results. Staff’s decision to maintain the prefabricated rubber speed lumps where there was neighborhood support for the devices was based on material durability, long-term cost savings, and studies showing that the prefabricated speed lumps are just as effective as the asphalt speed lumps.

Speed lumps are expected to be installed on Poinsettia Place/Poinsettia Drive and Cynthia Street later this month.

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Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago

All these speed bumps will do is FORCE those damn scooters to stay on the sidewalks to run over me and my two dogs that has already happened & almost happened more times that I can count while taking a walk. I am sick of this city being a litter box of these dangerous scooters and these speed bumps will slow down traffic yes, but make it more dangerous for pedestrians!

Speed Bump
Speed Bump
1 year ago

Can you not see ample space for the scooters and bikes to use in between curb and speed bumps for as long as they be are tolerated?

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago
Reply to  Speed Bump

not if cars are parked on the street!

Speed Bump
Speed Bump
1 year ago

You’ve got a point there.🙄

1 year ago

Nothing makes a street look ghetto or problematic than a bunch of speed bumps running cross cross over the road.

Peter B
Peter B
1 year ago

There needs to be a thorough review of the process to slow cut through traffic down, enforce stop sign laws, and generally make residential street safety an absolute priority in West Hollywood. The system of having to petition the city to install speed jumps is outdated. City planners, please allocate more funds to this.

Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
1 year ago

Are these giant bumps for tanks? How about bikes have certain streets? how about one way streets like during the Olympics or Beverly Hills or downtown LA?

Richard Karliss
Richard Karliss
1 year ago

This is great news. Residents have been asking for a remedy for getting across this dangerous stretch of San Vicente safely for years.

1 year ago

Do something about the treacherous Palm/Holloway/Sunset intersection, please!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jason

Agree! Super dangerous. Cars dont even stop

Rod S
Rod S
1 year ago
Reply to  Jason

Yes, PLEASE!!!! This has to be one of the most dangerous intersections in West Hollywood. It’s obvious they knew how to make it safer when the intersection was revised several years ago. The signals on Sunset already have the capability of right turn flashing signals that could slow down vehicles turning. As it is, vehicles often come of Sunset onto Holloway as if it’s just another lane of Sunset, not even bothering to slow down. I’ve almost been hit several times. Having been hit by a car while crossing a street and living to tell about it, I’m not eager… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Jason

Yeah and the Out Zone created during the pandemic makes it impossible to see traffic when turning left or crossing from Palm. It would be good to make an all way stop with red flashing lights there. I think the primary area needing a stoplight is Cynthia and Doheny. Playing frogger turning left or going straight is dangerous, and often made worse by cars parked that block the view of oncoming traffic. They added a crosswalk there, but really a light is also needed for cars to safely get across.