DEAR WEHO: Boot the delivery robots off our streets


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Dear Weho Leaders,

Explain to us again why these robots are allowed on our sidewalks?
These are a nuisance and NOT ADA compliant.  They should be banned from the public right-of-way.  In addition to a hazard on the sidewalks, I saw one stalled out in a lane in front of an oncoming motor vehicle.

Respectfully, GET RID OF THEM!

Thank you,

Stephanie Harker
Pedestrian & Resident
West Hollywood

I agree 100 percent.  I mybneighborhood I see a lot of these robots stopped here and there.  I have thought to myself how do folks on crutches and in wheelchairs get around these?  I imagine the creators never thought about that.  Thanks to the folks who thought of this problem and are bringing it up.  And thanks in advance to our City Council for resolving this.

Virginia Gillick

Greetings Everyone:

I don’t mean to be a NIMBY, but does anyone else feel like a guinea pig in an incubator?

Crime problem? Try these! Security Ambassadors

Transportation Problem? Try these! Scooters

Need a delivery? Try these! Robots

There are some pretty half-baked Libertarian ideas afoot. They are not all where you’d expect to find them either.


When is this pilot program for the delivery robots supposed to be over?  when do you decide whether or not to (hopefully) dump them or (tragically) keep them?

Mayor Shyne sat at my dining area table, drinking my coffee, telling me that she didn’t think they were all that great and that she wasn’t impressed by them because she got a delivery and had to walk all the way out to the street to get her item!
She told me a lot more things that I promised her I wouldn’t share, but she never told me I couldn’t share that!
So, Sepi, , when is this pilot program going to be over? When are we no longer going to have to suffer with delivery robots, outzones, e-scooters, E, bikes, and other hazards?  I write this on behalf of all pedestrians, both able bodied, but mostly the disabled who  want to regain ACCESS to our sideWALKS!!!


Mikie Friedman

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9 months ago

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9 months ago

“鲑鱼干是我在他们家的必买商品之一。鱼肉鲜嫩,滋味浓郁。无论是作为零食还是用来做日式料理,它们都是完美选择。” – 鲑鱼干

Rashad Mcconnell
1 year ago

Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on websites

Lazy & Intolerant
Lazy & Intolerant
1 year ago

The general population has largely become lazy and intolerant. I hour training session at the gym but can’t walk to the gym, needs to rely on a scooter.

1 year ago

Disabled people have every right to the streets and their methods are all just fine with me. This is not about DISABLED HUMAN BEiNGS. Think about how spoiled and impatient Humans have become about almost everything . Where’s the bus? How fasts it getting to the door, how long MUST one has to stand in a line or wait in a store or for a parking spot. “Where’s that delivery guy?” What about the mail delivery; I can’t wait all day”. Not just a few whining. The Whining is Deafening. For anyone who ponders over what exactly are we doing,… Read more »

1 year ago

Deliverybots steal jobs from humans.

JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
1 year ago

Scooters left just anywhere. Now these obnoxious delivery pods. Defeats the whole concept of deliver to my door. If I have to walk out to the street to collect my food, I will not be using that restaurant

1 year ago

It’s just about me, I know 🙂 …but I feel SO weird having to walk aside of, or getting out of the way of, that strange, funny-lookin’ droid. Realistically, however, it DOES save gas.

1 year ago

Lol, these things come to a COMPLETE stop when a pedestrian is in their path. And they’re amusing to watch.

1 year ago

Does this city residence have nothing else to complain about??? You do realize the year is 2023 automated robots are long over do and provide services to those who need them. Also the examples used are in particular areas where chaos normally happens when 2 people going opposite directions in narrow or unusual walkways. Get off your high horse and focus on the rampant homeless issue, or make rent control more controlled to standard $900-1500 for a one bedroom instead of 60 infilled “luxury units” that are charging $5k a month for a basic one bedroom.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

thank you

The Real Zam
1 year ago

I AM disabled and use a mobility device to get around. I also encounter LOTS of these things every day. On both major and side streets. I even see them passing one another at least once a week. They always get out of the way when I approach. The most consistent problem I see them encounter is people’s reactions to them. This is definitely a problem with which I can identify. Many people get in their way out of curiosity. Sometimes, people try to screw with them to see how they react. The worst, and most common issue, is those… Read more »

1 year ago

Actually,the best think these delivery robots can do is when they are not actively delivering is park themselves off the sidewalk so as to not block pedestrians.They could also not take up the middle of a sidewalk when they are delivering.The robot operators need to be more considerate of residents.

If the robots can’t do this,maybe there should be deliveries by e-bike where an actual person can walk up to your door.The suggestion by a commenter on e-bikes is spot-on.

1 year ago
Reply to  hifi5000

Or unemployed, willing humans could be hired to do the job; earn a living, pay taxes, grow up and she how that works. In case we haven;t thought about the financial aspect of these miracle inventions and devices; they cuts costs for corporations; they reduce jobs for entry level workers who need to find work, and many who do find work at such jobs have opportunities to advance in them. Only a small glance at the cons of automation in a society that still needs human beings with gainful employment. And I agree with hifi500 and IBIKE 100%

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