The Los Angeles LGBT Center is leading a protest against anti-LGBTQ legislation on Easter Sunday, April 9, in Los Angeles. Dubbed as Drag March LA, the event will start at West Hollywood Park at 11 a.m.

According to center CEO Joe Hollendonor, the Drag March pays tribute to the beginnings of the LGBTQ+ movement, where the first demonstrations opposed moral policing and anti-crossdressing laws that imposed a single ideal of gender and sexuality on citizens. Speakers will include Hollendonor, Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, and West Hollywood Mayor Sepi Shyne.

The program will also include performances by “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alums Kerri Colby and Honey Davenport, and a resource fair for attendees to connect with local service providers and tips to activate legislative advocacy. The center cited that more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were introduced or passed in the first three months of 2023 alone in the United States, with most of them targeting transgender and gender nonconforming individuals.

The event organizers noted that members of faith groups will join the Drag March to show solidarity and celebrate the LGBTQ community.

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Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

Hollendonor, and others, continues the historical myth that Stonewall was the genesis of the gay rights movement. Stonewall was an important watershed moment in the movement, but history (that sometimes inconvenient truth) also remembers the 18th century molly houses of London where patrons fought back against police in 1725, There are many organizations and activists whose work predates Stonewall by decades, including Morris Kight and the Gay Liberation Front. We celebrate Stonewall as a significant event that stoked a fire, not as the first match. Lest anyone fuel another historical myth, Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson were not there… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Thanks Alan. People need to reminded of this.

1 year ago

Terrible demographic. They are hurting women and girls.

1 year ago
Reply to  woman

Exactly I supported drag until they decided to hang around children and thought their oversexed, graphic, and lewd behavior would be appropriate to share in front of children like gyrating and lap dancing. Typical that militant Lesbians, and gays that hang out in bath houses all day that will never raise kids want to impose their immoral behavior on straight parents and gay parents.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gorge

Hilarious. Kids today have access to all the hardcore porn from around the world for free right on the devices their parents give them, but yeah, it’s the influence of these drag shows that are shaping them the most and we gotta be all about that. You are getting played like a fiddle.

Mick Remington
Mick Remington
1 year ago
Reply to  woman


Joseph Bologna
Joseph Bologna
1 year ago
Reply to  woman

It’s hurting gays too. Now, everyone thinks that if you’re gay, you likely spend your evenings in knock-off Bob Macke gowns lip-synching to “Believe” in the mirror. I haven’t done that since I was 17. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

Woke Up
Woke Up
1 year ago

Maybe the drag queens could act as stylus for these two middle-aged women. One of course is what they call an Old maid and the other is a divorcee. Sprucing them up might make them look more like mature women than an old Barbie doll and a dike on a bike. As a gay man, these two dreadful women don’t represent me. Ever.

1 year ago

I’ll be there! So glad to be in a city where Drag is celebrated 7 days a week.

Drag Queens are here to stay 🙂

1 year ago

It’s a Drag “March” that starts at 11AM at West Hollywood Park. Care to let us in on where it’s marching to?

Social Justice Warmongers
Social Justice Warmongers
1 year ago

Bizarre to have our divisive Mayor and disgraced Supervisor propped up by the pro-war establishment and so called progressive left.

1 year ago

Horrific! Reaching the bottom to promote your cause in the most repugnant manner possible. Straighten up and fly right.

1 year ago
Reply to  Repugnant

The 1st amendment is repugnant to you? Wow

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Not at all. People yearning for acceptance marking themselves into Public Spectacles is hardly a great idea.

1 year ago
Reply to  Repugnant

Acceptance never arrives if one is stuck in a closet, sunshine.

1 year ago
Reply to  C.R.

Talk it over with God.

Mick Remington
Mick Remington
1 year ago
Reply to  C.R.

if you have to act like that…..perhaps the closet is the best choice.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mick Remington

It’s awfully crowded in there already with you and Lindsay Graham. Role model material, really.

1 year ago
Reply to  Repugnant

Like the embarrassment
and debauchery at “Pride”!

Hey yes please represent all gays by getting on a float with a whip hanging out your butt in front of children. Gay Pride and Drag Queens such a great example of Gay morality because all we are about is sex. Another March to set gay rights back 50 years. Atta boy…girl!

1 year ago

On the very holy day of Easter Sunday we’re gonna have not peace and quiet but large rally broadcast from the park ..great 🙄 so much for respecting religious holidays.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Enough!

I’m not religious, but even I think the timing of this political march is culturally and religiously disrespectful and insensitive, at best. Imagine the yelling and screaming if it occurred on any number of other religion’s or culture’s high holy days.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg


1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

I’m Jewish and I welcome Drag marches on Passover! Will bring some matzah for people to snack on.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Glad to hear you are lacking scruples.🙄

Mick Remington
Mick Remington
1 year ago

Easter Sunday Huh? That should help your cause.


[…] Read More: 11AM EASTER SUNDAY: Drag March LA – WEHOville […]

Woke Gotham
Woke Gotham
1 year ago

Medical segregationists Horvath and Shyne are the Anita Bryant’s of LA. With LGBT “advocates” like these, who needs enemies…

Cy Husain
1 year ago
Reply to  Woke Gotham

Are you kidding me 🦇 ❓ Both Lindsey Horvath and Mayor Sepi Shyne have been the strongest advocates for LGBTQ+ rights and interests, in light of politicians like Lauren Boebert whose entire career consists of putting out hateful misinformation likely to incite lethal violence ❗ Also the term “medical segregationist” is used by reactionary antivaxx nutcases to validate their baseless opposition to nonpharmaceutical disease containment methods 😷 .

1 year ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

I’ll never forget when victims of Ed Buck were banned from attending an outdoor fundraiser in the park, held in their honor, because they were unvaccinated.. while Lindsey was happy to gloat for the cameras. Do you still approve of such “scientific” measures?

1 year ago
Reply to  West

I do! I still approve!

Cy Husain
1 year ago
Reply to  West

YES, and the nonpharmaceutical disease containment methods  😷 including the “lockdowns” saved MILLIONS of LIVES early on in the Pandemic ☣ ❗

1 year ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

And don’t forget the Shyne fine: $300 fines for not wearing useless clothes mask outside that targeted homeless people (caught in tape). Do you still approve of such scientific measures?

Cy Husain
1 year ago
Reply to  West

Not sarcasm what the data says ❗ Spoiler Alert ⚠ Masks are SAFE and EFFECTIVE when it comes to REDUCING the spread of #COVID19 ☣ . #AntiMaskers ask for unrealistic burdens of proof, while consistently offering none themselves.

Unfortunate Strategy
Unfortunate Strategy
1 year ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Horvath & Shyne, attached at the hip and the most disingenuous advocates for LBGTQ+. It was/is simply their cause du jour. Many succeed without drawing abject attention to themselves and alienating the general public. Unfortunate strategy.

Cy Husain
1 year ago

NO evidence of that what so ever. The vast majority of the PUBLIC sees Dr. Fauci as a hero and approve of epidemiological methods to contain disease outbreaks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

“antivax nutcasses” is not very nice. Turns out people who chose not to be vaccinated may have been the smart ones. Eitherway, to discriminate against the choice not to have had one, two, three or eight, loosing count of what is recommended, is not the way forth in civil society. Thinking about all the military personal who were dismissed for not having vaccines, but risking their lives serving the country, is really sad and outright pathetic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Cy Husain
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

A long debunked antivaxx myth. People who go unvaccinated are NOT better off then the vaccinated, the vaccinated gain better immunity without the damage caused by infection. Unvaccinated people not only risk their own health & lives: Their bodies become ‘variant factories.’ New COVID-19 variants tend more contagious, more resistant to immune response and, more lethal. Infection is needed for there to be replication and mutation, VACCINATION ends this FULL STOP

Mick Remington
Mick Remington
1 year ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

^^very strange.

Cy Husain
1 year ago
Reply to  Mick Remington

I try my best to be❗

1 year ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Interesting I didn’t get the vax and been super healthy but know 3 people that died from the results of the vax. Also the new studies are showing natural immunity is safer in the long term and that Fauci is a fascist liar. More to be revealed like your likely case of myocarditis, have fun with that woke vaxx nutcase.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gorge
1 year ago
Reply to  Woke Gotham

“Medical segregationists”

More Far Left lunacy trying to ride the coattails of the black civil rights struggle. You ain’t segregated and you ain’t born BLACK! Black folks don’t try to ram political bs down people’s throats. They have NEVER demanded anything but the same basic civil rights that were denied them for CENTURIES because of the color of their skin!