MAYOR SHYNE: We responded appropriately to Pride arrests


In the wake of the unnecessary and unsettling arrests during our Pride celebrations, I heard the community’s calls for justice and am proud of the way we responded. In a nation quick to find division and to react with rhetoric, I was able to bring law enforcement and community members together to have open and productive dialogue. As Mayor, my ultimate goal is to build a community where every person feels safe, welcome and protected and I’m proud that we are taking important steps forward.

Immediately after the incident, we gathered LGBTQ+ community leaders, the District Attorney’s office, the Sheriff’s department and our community safety department to listen and truly hear all sides. I’m proud that this has resulted in continuing dialogue, including an ongoing LGBTQ+ advisory group, quarterly meetings between the Sheriff and the transgender community, and increased training standards within the sheriff’s department.

While the arrests themselves were a horrible reminder of the work that remains, progress doesn’t happen without communication and open minds. I hope our swift action and continued leadership on this issue can serve as a roadmap in a country that is increasingly divided. When we all sit together in community and find common solutions, hate will not win. Tolerance and understanding will.


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Rules for thee not for me
Rules for thee not for me
1 year ago

Lemme get this straight. So words are violent, but physical assault is just a friendly disagreement. Got it.

1 year ago

It’s unbelievable, isn’t it?! The crap that comes out of her mouth. I see you Shyne. I hear you. You don’t deserve to represent law abiding citizens. You don’t belong in any leadership royal. You are a disgrace.

1 year ago

Longing for the days when Wehoville comments praised the wonderful Mayor Lauren Meister.

After we slog through the rest of the year with the maniacal Shyne, we’ll be stuck with Unethical Erickson for a year.

Criminal Negligence
Criminal Negligence
1 year ago

After ignoring the original victim, she had the audacity to defend the attackers. Did you notice that Sepi did not mention the assault victim? Was Sepi suggesting that the arrest of the alleged assailant was not required?

yada yada yada
yada yada yada
1 year ago

Yet another snow job!

John Arnold
John Arnold
1 year ago

It’s disconcerting to see West Hollywood’s Mayor label this recent, fully justified arrest related to an outstanding warrant as “unnecessary.” Is she suggesting that our law enforcement should ignore the law? This stance contradicts everything our peace officers represent and their training. I wonder how Capt. Moulder feels about individuals creating narratives that serve their political interests, yet directly jeopardize public safety.

Divinely Ordained
Divinely Ordained
1 year ago

Sepi Shyne inappropriately interjecting herself into a police/sheriff matter in an attempt to be considered the great mediator. Seems as though she may likely be imposing on the Sheriff Deputies or on the domain of Captain Moulder. Her actions depict entitlement since she in not in full favor of the Sheriff’s purview.

Perhaps Sepi Shyne believes herself to be divinely ordained

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago

What does this interview with the former Sheriff have to do with this story?
You keep imposing this video on us even though the majority of residents voted to boot Villanueva and most of us where happy to see him go.

Larry Block
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

those videos pop up at random, from a video vault, – we probably dont have enough videos in the database so the ones we have may repeat a bit too often.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Why is she wasting her time on supporting such low level crimes in our neighborhood? She should go to Washington and rally support to get all the murderers and rapists and pedophiles out of jail as soon as possible.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

In what capacity does Sepi Shyne purport to speak as we and our?  Is she speaking on behalf of the entire council? Was there a meeting of a council majority that was not noticed and resulted in policy action in violation of the Brown Act? Is she unilaterally speaking for the city staff and bureaucratic leadership in violation of the code of conduct the rests day-to-day management of the city in the hands of the city manager? Is Shyne inappropriately and unethically (and illegally) applying political pressure on an active investigation, thus jeopardizing the independence of the prosecutors? I’ll call that Trumpian and she’ll… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Two months back, I reached out to the City council to raise concerns about a shocking assault that had occurred. Despite emailing every council member, I was met with radio silence. It wasn’t until I brought the issue up during the next City council meeting that anyone paid attention – but even then, some members were incredulous about the assault even happening. To make matters worse, when I tried to schedule a meeting with Sepi to discuss the matter further, she flat out refused. It wasn’t until weeks passed and I persisted that she finally agreed to meet – a… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  West

The Mayor’s logic is troubling. The person who committed an assault is the victim.

1 year ago
Reply to  West

Exactly, she must stick to ribbon cuttings and chairing meetings, wish her colleagues would remind her the scope of her ceremonial duties. She is a pathetic council member.

1 year ago
Reply to  West

Maybe depicting the city council members as farm animals in your memes wasn’t the best idea if you’re trying to be taken seriously…

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I don’t need to rehash my contributions to this City GEG, the point is CC ignored those of us raising the alarm over this assault while the attackers were still at large and iced us out of the “community dialogue”

1 year ago
Reply to  West

CC ignored those of us raising the alarm over this assault”

Just because they ignored you, does not mean they ignored the others who brought up the issue.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

🙏 for speaking up West and to Wehoville for reporting the story when other local outlets didn’t!

1 year ago

The person was resisting arrest and their friend interfered with the arrest and therefore she got arrested as well. I didn’t see anything wrong…AT ALL..with the way in which the sheriffs made the arrest(s). When you rest arrest, more sheriffs will have to get involved. Kudos to the sheriffs! Mayor Shyne gets ZERO pats on the back as she is the person most responsible for dividing people and encouraging horrible behavior.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago

Who’s “we”? Was this statement given to the writer of this article?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

I think she’s employing the monarchical “Royal we”.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago

Wasn’t the person arrested the same person who assaulted a demonstrator who protesting the City’s Drag Story Hour last April? While I think it was inappropriate for demonstrators to try to disrupt that event, people I disagree with still have First Amendment Rights and should not be subject to assault. Is the Mayor saying that the Sheriff should not have arrested the suspect simply to avoid the bad optics of an arrest during Pride?

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

The mayor is part of the problem..not the solution.

1 year ago

So certain people should be exempt from arrest when they commit a crime or obstruct justice, I must not be understanding what happened.

This council member is deranged, wonder how she believes the garbage she spews.

Criminal Negligence
Criminal Negligence
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

She should be disbarred

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