WeHo has feelings about the Supreme Court


City Council is taking a quick break from solving WeHo’s woes to let the world know how they feel about the recent Supreme Court rulings on equal rights and affirmative action.

A pair of resolutions destined to pass at Council’s Monday night meeting will publicize their opposition to “303 Creative LLC v. Elenis” and “Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College”/”Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina.”

The 303 Creative case hinged on whether state anti-discrimination laws in the U.S. can force designers to produce work recognizing same-sex marriages if such recognition is at odds with their personal beliefs. The court sided with the designer.

City Hall’s report describes the ruling as “a go-ahead for businesses, whose services to the public should be equally open to all, to discriminate against an individual because of who they are.” Others see it is a win for free speech and freedom of religion.

The second case held that race-based affirmative action programs in college admissions processes violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


While affirmative action has been outlawed in California since 1996, the city claims the new ruling “undermines decades of work in improving the much-needed diversity of our workforce across the nation.”

No city council in the country has the ability to change federal law. The resolutions, authored by Mayor Sepi Shyne, Mayor Pro Tem John Erickson and Councilmember Chelsea Byers, are entirely for show.

As WeHo wades back into the culture wars, residents and businesses continue to struggle with rampant crime, rising costs and a love-hate relationship with electric scooters.




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1 year ago

CJ Roberts seems to strive for more unanimous decisions,
Delighted they voted in favor of the VRA and against the wacky Independent State Legislature theory.

Some Weho Bish
Some Weho Bish
1 year ago

I wonder if any of the members of the council have read any of these court decisions.

Voter 1
Voter 1
1 year ago
Reply to  Some Weho Bish

Of course not. These people can only work in politics. What serious business would employ them.

A man wearing pearls….with a women’s studies degree. Unreal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Voter 1

What is your degree in, Ham?

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago

I don’t mind local city councils taking a stand on national issues. But this city council? Not so much.

Medical Segregation is Wrong
Medical Segregation is Wrong
1 year ago

I seem to remember John Erickson and Sepi Shyne eagerly banning unvaccinated people from employment, education, basic consumption and participation in public life. They kept the segregation going until people stopped keeping up with the endless boosters and became classified as “unvaccinated” themselves… here we are years later, no answers, no apologies, but plenty of gaslighting from these unrepentant bigots.

1 year ago

If Biden wins in 2024, mandates are coming again. This time because of so called climate emergency. Might not be as restrictive but they will force something on us. Those loving communist…I mean the ones “saving our democracy.”

1 year ago

You’re going about this all wrong. All you have to do is push for hospitals to be able to turn people away who are unvaccinated for related medical care. Then nobody is going to care whether you are vaccinated or not, because you won’t be taking up hospital space due to your choice about that in a pandemic situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  C.R.

Do they turn you away when you overdose on illegal drugs? Or if you get shot after killing 20 people? Not taking an experimental drug that was rushed to market is a decision the government should stay out of.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

If drug overdoses or people who get shot overwhelm the hospital system disproportionately the way covid did, then we have something to discuss.

No confidence
No confidence
1 year ago
Reply to  C.R.

Denying medical care is against the Hippocratic oath and any sense of decency. I’m sorry you were swept up in the hate campaign against the unjabbed, but it’s time to admit your mistake and seek forgiveness

1 year ago
Reply to  No confidence

Someone who can’t do their part in preventing hospitalization during a pandemic by simply getting a free readily available vaccine preaching about decency is pure hypocrisy. And it will be when the next pandemic arrives. As I said, just take care of the sickness associated with what the vaccine minimizes on your own instead of relying on a hospital due to your choice and this becomes a non-starter. But of course, you want it both ways. That bird doesn’t fly.

1 year ago

I agree with all these rulings. What’s wrong with our CC??

Larry Block
1 year ago

Lindsey Horvath banned Donald Trump from shopping in my store or coming to West Hollywood and Sepi, or John Erickson didn’t say a word.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Block


“Where other cities or other communities might roll out the carpet we’re rolling up the carpet,” she told The Times in a recent interview. 
The practical effects? If Trump’s campaign were to apply for a permit to hold a rally in West Hollywood, for example, Horvath’s city officials would reject the application.”

No one “banned” Trump from shopping in your store or coming to West Hollywood.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

While that was a great headline, Horvath had virtually zero authority to make that statement or to block anyone’s exercise of their First Amendment Rights, even Donald Trump’s. Sadly “leaders” on the left and right seem be willing to engage in antics for short term advantage that undermine our democracy.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Horvath, that dreadful woman, when Mayor, got to play nationally in the media… her big pitch that Trump should not come to West Hollywood. Why would he come here? The major problem with this city is that these political hacks think it’s the center of the universe. As for the three backing this reaction to the Supreme Court decisions, they are the most hated politicians in California. The buffoon Ericsson, the miserable Shine and the carpet bagger from Arizona Buyers. They of course would be against affirmative action because they couldn’t get a job in the real world. What hard-working… Read more »

1 year ago

I believe the ruling are crap too. But I wish our City Council would shut the f—k-up and put their energy and care into the city business. Their political posturing is for self promotion and just depreciates citizen positions on the rulings.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  :dpb

I share your sentiments. These are reactionary rulings that move the nation backward. Unfortunately our City Council does not have a lot of credibility so it’s indignation is of small solace to residents.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Regardless of how one feels about these two decisions, or indeed any number of other issues facing the world, I think it is inappropriate for any city council to virtue signal on behalf of the residents at large. The council’s job is to focus on the nuts and bolts of sound municipal governance. The rest of us should be left to our own conscience on matters that are often presented as if the City of West Hollywood speaks as one voice on them. For example, as an individual I support and defend strongly a woman’s right to bodily autonomy; I… Read more »

Larrabee 1
Larrabee 1
1 year ago

Of course they would disagree. These rulings made perfect sense to me.

Voter 1
Voter 1
1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

No one cares what these woke dingbats think? They should go back to painting sidewalks, which is their speciality.

1 year ago
Reply to  Voter 1

Obviously you care

Voter 1
Voter 1
1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I care….only that I agree with the rulings.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

And what were the end results? Nothing. Zero. Nada.

They need to focus on what they were elected to do, which is not virtue signal on a weekly basis.

1 year ago

They should focus on the dire issues facing our city. They were elected to handle local city affairs (of 37,000 people) not federal issues. DO YOUR JOB.

1 year ago

Shlepi is soooo behind on her fundraising for Congress, she’ll use this to try to get some funds. Smells like desperation.

1 year ago

I’m a liberal and I agree with all recent decisions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Indeed

You are not a liberal “Indeed”. I’ve seen all of your comments.

Nice attempt at astroturfing though!

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Well I’m certainly not a renter.

Voter 1
Voter 1
1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Most liberals disagree with all of your comments.

1 year ago
Reply to  Voter 1

Greenie thinks himself the arbiter of all that everyone in WeHo stands for, thinks, and feels. He has some nebulous concept of what makes a liberal, and only he can confer upon anyone true liberal status. He feels he can simply declare someone not a liberal.

1 year ago
Reply to  liberaleyedguy

Go back and read their comments about unions, minimum wage, LGBT rights etc and get back to me 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

This relies on a faulty assumption that the person using a handle in one post is the same as a person using a handle in another post. It further assumes that there is a litmus test for what makes a liberal identity and that there is an unappointed board of adjudicators who decide what that litmus test includes. All silly fallacies of a tiresome boor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Voter 1

Okay, Ham/Pete/Betty whatever you’ve decided your name is today