DEAR WEHO: Racing cars, crime, homelessness … where does it end?


Dear City Council Members,

I am writing to you as a long-term resident of West Hollywood, living on N. Alfred Street, in the La Cienega/Melrose area (ZIP code 90048). Over the past 10+ years, I have cherished this neighborhood and have actively engaged in various community activities, volunteer work, and advocacy. However, in recent years, our city has been significantly impacted by escalating violence, an increasing unhoused population, and acts of vandalism, which are threatening the safety and well-being of residents.

Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to the ongoing issue of car and motorcycle races that occur incessantly along Beverly Blvd, Melrose Avenue, and La Cienega Blvd. These races are not only disruptive but also pose a serious risk to the safety of pedestrians and motorists. I kindly request your assistance in implementing effective measures to curtail these races, such as the installation of speed bumps and the enforcement of permit parking exclusively for residents.

Furthermore, I am deeply concerned about the lack of security in our neighborhood, particularly at the entrances to various neighborhoods, parks, and public spaces. This inadequacy creates an environment vulnerable to trespassing and criminal activities. I urge you to prioritize the deployment of additional security personnel and enhance the safety infrastructure in these crucial areas.

Additionally, the issue of unhoused individuals, some of whom exhibit signs of mental illness or display disruptive behavior, has become a pressing matter. Their presence and disregard for local rules of conduct and courtesies have negatively impacted the quality of life for residents. I implore the city to address this issue by providing appropriate support services for the unhoused population while ensuring the safety and well-being of the community at large.

Living on N. Alfred Street, I have personally witnessed the detrimental effects of heavy traffic on a daily basis. The constant flow of vehicles, coupled with the lack of police presence, has created an emotionally overwhelming, dangerous, and occasionally violent situation. To alleviate this issue, I kindly request the installation of speed bumps and the implementation of permit parking regulations exclusively for residents. Furthermore, the unauthorized parking of local business workers and construction workers, as well as the littering and disruptive behavior of bar and club attendees, have contributed to the deterioration of our neighborhood. It is crucial that appropriate measures be taken to address these concerns promptly.

Regrettably, incidents of car break-ins, trespassing, and other criminal activities have become alarmingly frequent in our area. The lack of effective support from the city to address these issues has caused many good people to consider moving out of fear for their families’ safety. Moreover, the negative impact on mental health and the loss of pets due to theft have further intensified the distress experienced by residents. I urge the city to prioritize the safety of its citizens and take decisive action to combat these crimes by increasing police patrols and implementing measures to prevent and address criminal activities promptly.


I would also like to bring to your attention several other areas of concern that require your immediate attention:

1. Critical social movements: Please take proactive steps to support affordable and inclusionary housing initiatives, ensuring that new buildings and housing developments do not compromise the character of our city. Preservation of old trees and protection of wildlife habitats should be prioritized to maintain a sustainable environment. There are old trees (decades) that have been torn down to make way for new construction, in a time where global warming is key and trees are needed there should be more protection.

2. Protection of the environment: Ongoing litter and noise pollution resulting from car racing and the irresponsible behavior of local workers have negatively impacted residents’ peace and tranquility. I urge you to enforce stricter regulations and penalties to curb these activities and preserve the well-being of our community.

3. Animal rights: There have been distressing incidents of deliberate poisoning of wildlife (e.g. possums, raccoons, birds, squirrels, and more) and pets by some residents. As the city expands and new construction projects are initiated, it is imperative that proper safeguards be implemented to protect our diverse wildlife, such as birds, squirrels, raccoons, and possums, which play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our environment.

4. Fiscal responsibilities: The deteriorating condition of our streets necessitates immediate action, such as the installation of speed bumps and the consideration of street closures or one-way circulation. The impact of new businesses on our infrastructure must also be carefully assessed to ensure sustainability and the well-being of residents.

5. Public car access and parking: The issue of public parking in our neighborhood (Alfred, Clinton, Croft, Rosewood, and all streets between Melrose and Beverly Blvds) is a significant source of stress as it leads to a disregard for stop signs, excessive speeding, and a lack of respect for the neighborhood. These businesses, among others, have a direct impact on the neighborhood and exacerbate the existing challenges related to traffic and public safety. It is crucial that the City Council addresses these concerns and takes appropriate measures to ensure that businesses in our area operate in a manner that respects the community and prioritizes the safety and well-being of residents. Several businesses in the area contribute to these problems, including:

– Driftwood delivery trucks
– Norms
– Ducati
– The Real Deal
– Kreation
– Urth Cafe
– Onizuka (514 N. La Cienega)
– And many other local businesses

Furthermore, it has come to my attention that there is confusion among residents regarding the jurisdictional boundaries between the City of West Hollywood and Los Angeles County. This confusion leads to misinformation when residents seek assistance from local services such as the police department and code compliance. I kindly request that you take steps to address this issue, ensuring accurate information is provided to residents seeking support in areas such as noise compliance, vandalism, and small business operations.

Lastly, I would like to highlight the difficulty residents face in participating in meetings and providing input through the “Submit an E-Comment” feature, which is outdated and does not allow comments to be submitted. The current agenda listed on the official website dates back to May 15, 2023. I kindly request that you update and streamline the process for residents to provide their input and engage in the decision-making process more effectively.

In conclusion, I urge the City Council of West Hollywood to take immediate and decisive action to address the pressing issues shared above. The safety and well-being of residents should remain paramount, and I trust that you will prioritize these matters accordingly.

Thank you for your attention to these concerns, and I look forward to seeing positive changes that will enhance the quality of life in our beloved city.

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1 year ago

I think the carelessness and neglect mentioned in this essay is because West Hollywood is surrounded on three sides by a huge faceless and unaccountable city,Los Angeles.The residents and workers there don’t care they are in West Hollywood. You could drive through West Hollywood without realizing you are in a different city. Unless you see a sign,you will not know you are in a separate city with its own values. Los Angeles is a anonymous monstrous city with hardly any values.West Hollywood are the other hand,is the opposite with its own values that are hard to maintain because the influence… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you for your time, thoughts and rationale strategic concern.
For common sense in the true values of how our city was founded.
It has been tarnished, disrupted, in todays misleading self entitlement world of politics.
Where Trump era mentality has created a system of deceit, lies, and narcissistic life. That patronizes to the voters in the political unrealistic world that does not see consequences or future ramifications.
The only benefit is for the politician to gain their personal monetary world.
Look at 2020 with Horvath, Shyne Erickson Byers.
Wake up smell the coffee cuz fools don’t last forever.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Toms

The trumpian system of deceit, lies, and narcissism finds an equally comfortable home in the toxic ideological and increasingly intolerant left, as exemplified locally by Shyne, Erickson, Byers, and Horvath. I’d add in a dangerous bit of histrionic personality disorder to most of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Every winning council candidate won because single issue uninformed voters are handed a paper and told who to vote for. Mostly voters here are interested in Marxist style rent control, and really nothing else. Don’t act fake surprised when you see who gets reelected. Career politician John Heilman is the best example and there is no way I could be convinced he truly believes in Marxism. But he sure loves his impoverished renters.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

I blame party politics and incestuous cabal of party clubs and an evil system of endorsements. Lazy voters get slate mailers and pick one and vote down the line. I asked my neighbor last fall why he was voting for certain candidates and he said that a “progressive slate mailer” listed them. I had a good discussion with him about getting to know the candidates beyond the manipulations of the slate mailing industry. I got him to change his mind on his candidates.

Weho voter
Weho voter
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

👏 👏 👏

1 year ago

You are completely out of touch and delusional. They are not “unhoused”, they chose to be street people. There is one way and one way only to solve the problem: offer no assistance inside the city, make it illegal to give them food or money on public property, get them out of town into tents way out in the desert and give them free food there. If someone has a better idea, please post below. What they have done for the last 30 years hasn’t worked, has it. Please post all your better solutions below.

1 year ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

What is called “compassion” for the homeless is actually enabling them. This kind of compassion is misguided and without logic. It doesn’t really help them and it greatly reduces our quality of life.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I note that you attack my workable and cheap plan to get the homeless out of our cities, yet you offer no solution of your own. How convenient. How west hollywood you are.

1 year ago
Reply to  WehoQueen


I was supporting everything you said!

Now, read my comment again with the knowledge that I am agreeing with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Wait until the Homeless Hotel re-opens. I’m certain that will improve the vibe and safety of the city…. NOT!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  08mellie

My plan is to get these people who don’t belong amongst us away from our cities. You don’t belong here if you can’t afford to live or shop here. The weho almost a million dollar per homeless unit hotel only encourages them to stay here. And people wonder why the problem only gets worse. Their fake compassion is the problem

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

“The suspect’s records revealed he had been released twice from Los Angeles County jail on felony charges just a few days before the Santa Monica attack.” Thanks, George Gascon!

1 year ago

While I think there is merit to these concerns and requests, the redundancy of this Dear Weho letter implores me to ask for the crack pipe to be put down and to please step away from the lines. Many of these requests are a pipes dream (‘em, yes) and a prioritized list would suffice. I’d also like to point out that this is a perfect example of the legalization of shrooms and result.

1 year ago

LA will NEVER changed…the majority will keep voting for a Far Left Open Borders radicalized Democrat Party that only pretends to be the party they grew up with. Make no mistake…LA is not far behind SF. And it is the same Far Left group that runs the Democrat Party.

1 year ago

“I am deeply concerned about the lack of security in our neighborhood, particularly at the entrances to various neighborhoods… Their presence and disregard for local rules of conduct and courtesies have negatively impacted the quality of life for residents.” Really?!? And what exactly are these “rules of conduct”? Where are they posted and exactly who decided what these were to be? And is this the consensus of the ENTIRE community as shown by some officials taking a vote to enforce these rules? What I hear you saying is that it’s entirely OK for the homeless to exist, they need to… Read more »

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago
Reply to  JeffP

You’re hysterical, and the “rules of conduct” is just hopefully what you should have been taught at a young age. No signs required.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

What I was taught was the Sermon on The Mount and the parable of The Good Samaritan… You know the RED LETTERS of the New Testament… No tales of how to get the nearest Centurian to run the poor out of town on a rail… We were told to leave 10 percent of our produce in the field for the poor in our community so they could come and collect it for their own cupboards, not to hoard our baubles that only mean anything on this earth.

1 year ago
Reply to  JeffP

Am I wrong in remembering just recently, vax cards were required to enter public buildings and businesses in WeHo? Unvaccinated were barred from serving public office, employment or even volunteering for the City? The LGBT Center, rehabs and drug programs required vax to enter? Homeless people were ticketed for not wearing masks outside? Excuse the rant, but frustrated that this even bares reminding.

1 year ago

Police are completely apathetic. Don’t do anything. I called the sheriff station to report the Sunday ATV and dirt bike riders that shut down the roads and do burnouts in the middle, run lights, etc. They told me they were dealing with emergencies and wouldn’t be handling…yes, our politicians are also awful, that make it hard for anything the police do matter. That said, they both are the problem.

1 year ago
Reply to  gdaddy

Why do you think they are “apathetic.” The politicians and the far left degrade them, back the criminals, and charge the police if they try to arrest someone resisting in too rough a manner.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

I don’t disagree with you. Our politicians are the primary problem. That said, the police could at the very least give these folks that turn our streets into a dirt park every Sunday a ticket. We get tickets for minor parking violations. Why can’t our police do something to discourage the same people, that do the same thing, on the same day, around the same time, every week?

1 year ago

Although there is a detailed outline of the significant problems affecting West Hollywood, it is important to note that N Alfred is situated within the city of Los Angeles. Therefore, they would be more appropriate to address this matter with their LA city councilman initially. The issue with this particular area in LA is that it is somewhat neglected, a no man’s land. One possible solution would be to have Weho annex it. This may not resolve the ongoing issues immediately, but it would bring much-needed attention to this area. LA does not seem to prioritize patrolling or the upkeep… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  KoWeho

The west side of the 500 block of north Alfred is in West Hollywood.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago

That’s a teeny tiny part. Most is in LA City/LAPD

Larrabee 1
Larrabee 1
1 year ago

We have silly people on our CC. They focus on their fetish pet projects……at the expense of everything else.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago

I hope this letter also went to the LA City Council and the LAPD

1 year ago

Anything else to add to the list? This person wants immediate action on all of these items? Speed bumps, on thoroughfares? That is just crazy. I will never, ever happened. And should not. That would create enormous gridlock. some of these demands are completely outrageous. Some are not. How is the city going to prevent people from poisoning animals? And is this really something that happens very often?

1 year ago

It will end when people start to wise up and vote these idiots out and vote in those that are strong ANTI-CRIME / PRO-LAW ENFORCEMENT.

James Paris
James Paris
1 year ago
Reply to  JF1

And getting a city staff that proactively cares and responds to quality of life issues. That doesn’t happen sitting in a cubicle surrounded by rainbow flags.

1 year ago
Reply to  James Paris

They need to stop focusing on one group… the expense of the majority.

New Puritans
New Puritans
1 year ago
Reply to  Indeed

But in the insular harem of sycophants and hangers-on that our benevolent leaders fondle themselves in, they are the de facto moral majority.

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