Longtime WeHo photographer Richard Settle has died


On July 19, 2023, West Hollywood said goodbye to its longtime photographer, Richard Settle, who passed away at the age of 76. Settle, a seasoned lensman, had played a pivotal role in capturing countless moments that shaped the city’s history. He had also exhibited remarkable courage while battling colon cancer the year before.

Born in a small town, Settle’s passion for photography blossomed early in life as he skillfully captured the essence and beauty of his surroundings. In the 1960s, Settle decided to make West Hollywood his home, drawn to its vibrant and diverse culture. He had a profound connection with the city’s LGBTQ+ community, and his photographs often conveyed their struggles and triumphs with raw honesty and empathy.

Throughout the decades, Settle’s lens documented the era of activism, the rise of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and the exuberant celebrations of love and equality during Pride events.

The news of Settle’s battle with colon cancer in 2022 deeply affected the community. They mourned the realization that the man who had immortalized their joyous moments was now confronting his own mortality. Yet, Settle faced his illness with the same tenacity that defined his work. Even during his treatments, he found solace behind the lens, capturing scenes of courage and vulnerability mirroring his personal struggle.

Fellow photographers, artists, and West Hollywood residents came together to celebrate Settle’s life and legacy. Messages of gratitude and admiration flooded social media, highlighting the positive influence he had on numerous individuals. Various organizations, including the City of West Hollywood Government, WeHo Arts, and the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, joined in commemorating Settle’s contributions.


In the upcoming fall, West Hollywood plans to honor Richard Settle’s memory with a memorial service. As the city reflects on the significance of his work, his photographs, immortalizing moments of joy, love, and resilience, will continue to inspire future generations.

Richard Settle’s legacy will forever be intertwined with the fabric of West Hollywood’s history. His photographs will serve as a poignant reminder to residents and visitors alike of the city’s vibrant past and the courage it took to overcome adversities. In remembering him, the community stands united, recognizing the beauty and power of his art, and committing to carrying forward his message of love, acceptance, and the pursuit of a more compassionate world.


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[…] Settle another long term resident and photographer for the City of West Hollywood for over 20 years passed away on July 19th. A memorial service in his honor will also take place on Sunday, October 8th at 1pm, at the First […]

1 year ago

Richard was one of nature’s noblemen.

David Mason Eichman
David Mason Eichman
1 year ago

Rest in peace, Richard! You were a welcome sight at a West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce or City of West Hollywood event and I always enjoyed our short conversations about a variety of topics. You were a true Renaissance man and I will miss you. Your thousands of pictures will provide a wonderful history of the City of West Hollywood for generations to come.

1 year ago

I knew Richard for many, many years. While I saw and spoke with him fairly frequently, I immediately contacted him when I learned he injured himself via a fall in his apartment. He then spent, in his words “too much time” at a rehab facility. I thought he would recover from the health challenges he faced. I was regrettably wrong What many people may not know, is that Richard was the last assistant (for a decade or more) to perhaps the most famous Hollywood celebrity photographer of the 30s and 40s, George Hurrell Google Hurrell if you don’t know how… Read more »

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
1 year ago

Richard was part of the fabric of West Hollywood. His pictures chronicled a time long before others came on board. He often told me of the thousands of photos he had taken of the city, that he hoped to make a coffee table book with. He was a great guy and we will all miss him. Rest in power, old friend.

David Reid
David Reid
1 year ago

Richard was a West Hollywood icon. It was an official event if he was there. A really nice guy with a good soul.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago

Richard was beloved by all who knew him. He chronicled the history of West Hollywood from its’ earliest days thru his lens and through his insight into the personalities that make up this crazy, wonderful City. He played a leadership role in creating the City’s first AIDS memorial. His opinions were always well reasoned and discreet given his role as the neutral historian for the City, but he always had a witty comment, even if it was not for attribution Rick’s recent absence at meetings has been missed and his passing is a loss to the community.

1 year ago

He was a nice guy. Never heard anyone say anything bad about him. R.I.P.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

Beautiful photos of an era of West Hollywood before the anger and divisiveness invaded our borders.

1 year ago

He covered the GAY COMMUNITY…not the stupid Alphabet extremist trash!