Adam Eramian brings nightlife perspective to Public Safety Commission


Larry Block interviews Adam Eramian, who was recently appointed to the Public Safety Commission.

LARRY: Hi, Adam! First off, congratulations on your appointment to the Public Safety Commission. Let’s start off with a bit about you. Where were you born, and when did you migrate to West Hollywood?

ADAM: Thank you, Larry. I’ve been a resident of West Hollywood for more than 25 years. It’s an honor to serve our city and earn the trust of the City Council. Like many West Hollywood residents, such as Councilmember Lauren Meister, I also moved here from New York City. But now, I call West Hollywood home. Go Mets!

LARRY: You are the Operations Manager of Micky’s. Can you tell us a little about the fun and challenges of life in the heart of WeHo?

ADAM: As the Operations Manager of Micky’s, I have seen the Rainbow District grow and evolve over the years. It remains the top destination for LGBT+ nightlife in Southern California. For many LGBTQ+ visitors, both Micky’s and The Abbey are some of their first destinations when they come out. We have an important and unique role in serving our community. Like everyone, we have faced many challenges in the past few years, such as Covid, inflation, and the increase in government regulations. But Micky’s continues to serve the LGBTQ community by providing them with a safe place to gather and have fun.


LARRY: Let’s talk about the security measures at Micky’s and the new patron scan system that is currently in place at Micky’s and some other WeHo bars.

ADAM: When we reopened after Covid, we introduced a new security system. This system allows us to match customers’ IDs to verify their validity and to make sure that we don’t allow entry to people who are assessed to be a risk to our community.

LARRY: Is the traffic up or down? Is there a changing demographic?

ADAM: Post-Covid, people are not going into the office like they used to. Happy hour has not yet fully recovered to pre-pandemic levels. However, people are certainly coming out to the amazing events that Micky’s hosts, such as Showgirls, Hot Rod, our Latin night Arriba, our Middle Eastern event, HUMP, and of course, our Official House of Love Ru Paul’s Drag Race Viewing Parties and our legendary Ice Cream Sunday.

LARRY: But Micky’s is the young, fun bar. As the rainbow district expands, it seems like the true LGBTQ bars shrink. Any thoughts on that?

ADAM: We welcome everyone at Micky’s, no matter how old you are or how you identify yourself. Are the ‘Drink Test Strips’ relevant? Is that program working? You will have to ask City staff whether it’s a success, but Micky’s makes the strips available upon request. Just ask your bartender for one.

LARRY: What do you hope to bring to the Public Safety Commission?

ADAM: As a 25-year resident of West Hollywood, I love this city due to its unique place in local and global LGBTQ+ communities, the social services we provide to our residents, and the protection we provide to our renters. My hope for the City is that we can make West Hollywood one of the safest cities in L.A. County. We can do this with more visible Public Safety patrols helping our unhoused residents get off the streets and fostering a vibrant business community that promotes the safety of both their customers and their neighborhood. As a Public Safety Commissioner, I believe I bring a unique perspective as someone who has worked in nightlife security and management and volunteered for the Eastside Neighborhood Watch.

LARRY: Adam’s married? Single?

ADAM: Depends on the day of the week. LOL

LARRY: What are your favorite places to eat in WeHo?

ADAM: We have so many great places to eat in WeHo, but most of the meals I eat are at Micky’s. I also enjoy going to Astro Burger, Galanga Thai, Breakfast Republic, Fresh Corn Grill, Tender Greens, and Guisados. Thanks for all you do! Onward and upward!

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Edd H
Edd H
9 months ago

Adam is a GREAT guy, one of the best. I worked with him as security back in the late 90’s. As time has shown he has been a stand out addition to the Micky’s crew. Beyond proud that he’s now on the Public Safety Commission. #YouRockAdam

9 months ago

At the last psc mtg, it was interesting to hear his comment about how useless block by block was when he reached out to ask them for help one afternoon…and how none of the people in charge ever returned his call.

9 months ago

I love that the answer to “where we’re you born” was “I moved from New York city”. No wonder I don’t trust anyone on commissions.

9 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen


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