WeHo suffers another scary armed robbery, this time at popular celeb hangout


A pair of brazen armed robberies has left West Hollywood on edge, causing a surge of fear and anxiety among its residents. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is currently investigating two similar incidents, one of which occurred Thursday outside the famed celebrity hangout Craig’s, following a similar crime only a few weeks ago on Larrabee Street.

In the most recent incident, two masked individuals clad in dark attire, targeted two unsuspecting victims outside Craig’s restaurant, known as a hotspot for Hollywood A-listers. The robbers made away with a watch before escaping in a white vehicle driven by an accomplice. This event left witnesses, including reality star Hayley De Sola Pinto, deeply shaken and questioning their safety in the city.

This robbery echoes a similar incident that took place July 19 on Larrabee Street. In this case, three individuals, two armed with handguns and one with a rifle, accosted a man on the sidewalk. The assailants forcefully pushed the man against a fence, robbed him of his cell phone and wallet, and then fled on foot. The Sheriff’s Department has released security footage of the incident and has appealed to the public for assistance in identifying the culprits.

The pair of robberies follow two other notable crimes from earlier in the year. In March, a woman was sexually assaulted at a bus stop on Santa Monica Boulevard, and in April, two men were robbed by suspects carrying an assault rifle behind La Boheme restaurant. The latter incident led to the temporary closure of the restaurant as the owner sought to address safety concerns with city officials.

These incidents are part of a growing trend of violent crime in West Hollywood. Residents like Alan Strasburg have expressed their concern about the increasing frequency and severity of these crimes. Strasburg, who has lived in the area for years, has stopped his routine after-dinner walks due to safety concerns.


The crime rate in West Hollywood exceeds the state average, with 5.67 violent incidents per 100 residents and 783 crimes per square mile. This is a stark contrast to the national median of 26.2 crimes per square mile. The probability of becoming a victim in West Hollywood is 1 in 176, compared to 1 in 227 for California as a whole.

The Sheriff’s Department suspects a connection between the recent robberies and is urging anyone with information to come forward. As the investigations continue, the residents of West Hollywood are left grappling with the unsettling reality of escalating crime in their community.

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1 year ago

Vote Republican locally and democrat federally

1 year ago

Invited to West Hollywood by Far Left Democrats.
These gangs are shaking in their boots from “Walking Ambassadors”.

1 year ago

We will soon have to be a fenced-off city with security checkpoints if this do-nothing council continues to do nothing.

1 year ago

Who didn’t see this coming a year ago. Ambassadors on 10 speeds armed with an iPhone…🤣🤣🤣

1 year ago
Reply to  David

It’s even worse than you suspect!! The Ambassadors are using Androids on Tmobile.

1 year ago
Reply to  jason

LOL. This explains everything!

1 year ago
Reply to  jason


1 year ago

Dih..with 2 security ambassadors making out and defending the police it’s an invitation for crime. Liberal politics at work.

1 year ago

This is the all too predictable result of Prop 47, Prop 57, defund the police, Gascon deliberately sabotaging the DA’s office, Newsom eliminating gang and gun sentencing enhancements in 2021, etc, etc, etc. Unfortunately, this is now the official platform of the democrat party, and crime in this city and state will only get worse for years to come

1 year ago
Reply to  Andrew

I voted Democrat all my life, NEVER again!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sassy

Same. I’m done.

1 year ago

We need real cops on the beat. Police presence that will make crime a baaaad choice in WeHo. Not cars that cruise by. Feet on the street. Real law enforcement with real agency and real guns and handcuffs. This method has worked for eons in large cities and small. When is the city, the county, the state going to TRY what has been proven to work?

1 year ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

Cops on the streets don’t mean a damn thing if criminals know they are OUT in 24 hours with zero prosecution.
Citizens are on their own in Democrat cities 2023.

1 year ago

The high end restaurants in this stretch like Craig’s, Drakes, Catch, Sur, etc. should hire private security to have eyes on their locations full time. No way, even with a few more deputies, you can counter organized and planed theft like this. Given the high net worth of the clientele for these restaurants, I am surprised we don’t have a lot more crime like this.

Unsafe at Any Time
Unsafe at Any Time
1 year ago
Reply to  Kevin

Must ask you to what do you attribute this dramatic change in atmosphere from even 10 years ago?

Michael Cautillo
Michael Cautillo
1 year ago

We need (and demand) more Sheriff’s Deputies and more of them on-foot and on bikes. Enough of this! It costs business, homeowner and residents a FORTUNE to live here. And what are we getting for our money? And if you don’t reside within the City of West Hollywood, please hold your comments because you don’t understand the complexities of this situation.

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
1 year ago

I concur with other commenters, I don’t know how you can generalize crime not happening or can make ignorant remarks, Peter or others for that matter! Don’t speak for others when you should only speak for yourself. I have been followed after going to catch a bus down the street with people mistaking that I owned a house this was during the day mind you or cornered or coming from the grocery store before 10pm. I was attacked and I was chased in Weho! Luckily for me I was fortunate this all happened before criminals were pointing handguns and military… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Jamie Francis
Unsafe at Any Time
Unsafe at Any Time
1 year ago
Reply to  Jamie Francis

Well stated Jamie. Many fail to see the subtle realities and differences between Public Safety and Housing until they have gun in their face.

Unsafe at Any Time
Unsafe at Any Time
1 year ago
Reply to  Jamie Francis

Additionally, currently one needs a mindful strategy about leaving their home to go anywhere…dinner, the grocery store or the post office. One needs also to be mindful of even secure buildings becoming infiltrated by bad actors looking for opportunities. Too many sketchy folks secure side hustles as delivery folks because it gives them access and are available for opportunity. This has become a dangerous social mindset and if not nipped in the bud becomes an epidemic to wit smash and grab robberies of jewelry and other sophisticated retail stores.


Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
1 year ago

Thank You. I absolutely agree with your statement and how you explained that people can do whatever it takes and hurt and rob whoever they can even to the extent as posing as delivery people or valets or drivers or fellow patrons scoping us out.

Unsafe at Any Time
Unsafe at Any Time
1 year ago
Reply to  Jamie Francis

Who is to say or be sure that these “ambassadors” are not playing an inside game by collaborating with the potential bad actors. Perfect setup.🙄


[…] many West Hollywood residents spent last night worrying about the wave of armed robberies plaguing the city, a pair of Block by Block security ambassadors were caught putting the moves on […]

1 year ago

I’ve lived in Weho since 1986; have NEVER seen this level of crime & have never felt particularly unsafe until the last 2 yrs. We now have armed robberies – this is NOT ok. While out at night, I no longer carry my phone nor wallet – just ID, Health Insurance card & 1 credit card. 1.5 yrs ago, I had what could have been a very bad situation at 4am on SM Blvd at Plummer Park. Had to take out a large German Shepherd mix I was watching. Across the street, I notice 3 black guys, all with masks,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Slade

I have been here for over 30 years. If anything, the crime should have dropped or at least been dealt with effectively as LE became better equipped, trained and aware of the activity. Is there something ‘demeaning” about deputies walking a beat? When I first moved to WeHo my neighborhood was posted as a “Prostitution Abatement Zone”. Signs posted on corners to let hookers know not to turn tricks in the area. Signs posted on street signs to discourage ‘buyers’ not to shop in the area. Arrests were made. That was the ‘crime” by and large in what was considered… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

These criminals are not stupid, they know they will NOT be prosecuted.