OpEd: They want to kill the Jews


Hi, my name is Larry. It’s not Lawrence. ‘Label’ in Hebrew. My mom would tell the story of her lineage of being a ‘kohen.’ A kohen has direct patrilineal descent from the biblical Aaron, brother of Moses. Once you marry out of the lineage, the chain breaks. My mom married an Ashkenazi, one of the peasant Jews, and the chain was broken with me.

My grandparents on my mother’s side fled Russia and Poland during the war. They escaped the wrath of Hitler but lost many relatives in the Holocaust. They had to hide their Jewish identity until they arrived safely on U.S. shores. The ‘Schlossbergs’ would settle in Brooklyn, New York. They had really large noses. I’m glad I didn’t inherit that nose. But you can tell they were Jewish.

It was mid-1964, with commotion in our house. The news that the KKK killed three Jews during Freedom Summer brought tears to my mother’s eyes. Michael Schwerner, James Cheney, and Andrew Goodman were killed fighting for equality in the South. “They want to kill all the Jews,” my mom said.

There were blackouts in New York in 1965–we were at the dinner table. The lights went out, and Mom pushed us all under the kitchen table and said, “Be quiet.  we are under attack.”.  Mom spoke of the stories she had learned from her parents fleeing Hitler.  Fear passed on from generation to generation.


Our family left Brooklyn two years later and moved to Cedarhurst, Long Island. My high school years were spent between Lawrence High School and Far Rockaway. I grew up with Jews, Italians, Blacks, and Puerto Ricans. We were a melting pot.  We jaunted to Miami, an 18-hour drive, dozens of times.  The first time I saw the burning flames and cross on the sides of I-95 sent chills up my spine.   The Ku Klux Klan is real.  My mom said they want to kill the Jews and the Blacks.

My college years took me to the State University of New York at Fredonia.  The small town university is a stone’s throw from Lake Erie.  Fredonia is in the heart of lily white America and I was one of the rare Jews. Many would say they ‘never met a Jew before, and asked where are my horns? Other yelled out the dorm window ‘Heeb’, ‘Heeb’, the equivalent of calling a black a nigger.   And. when I got my head beat in  they would yell ‘kik’, ‘heeb’. ‘jewboy’,.   I started to deny my Jewish heritage. Half/half I’d say. My dad was Italian, and I got a cross to wear around my neck.

When my college roommate asked me to be the best man at his wedding it was an honor. Bob always hung around with the tough guys on campus. Bill was one of those tough guys who often called me heeb — “you’re picking a heeb as your best man?” I never felt like I fit in.

I was told there could never be a Jewish president. And so far there has never been a Jewish president. Al Gore picked Joe Lieberman for the Vice Presidential ticket in 2000 and lost.  Lieberman was an Orthodox Jew and many spoke against having a Jew just a heartbeat from the presidency. Gore lost his home state of Tennessee to George W. Bush. Many blamed the Jew on the ticket. If Gore had carried Tennessee he would have beat George W. Bush and became the 43rd president.

Fast forward to the 1980s and moving to a place called West Hollywood. A city founded by gays, Jews, and Russian immigrants. A city that supported equal rights for all and stood against oppression.   Yet, multiple mezzuzzah’s have been vandalized at my shop.   Nazi symbols have been etched into my storefront and so many others in West Hollywood.    But the politicians tell me that I have white male privledge.

The Jews are being slaughtered and it takes three days for the City of West Hollywood to put out a muted note to condemn the attacks. Three council members force ICAN, the Israeli American Civic Action Network, to pull the movie J’Accuse from being shown during National Holocaust Day.  Our Mayor Sepi Shyne and co-council member Chelsea Byers take an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel and hide the trip from the public.  The Mayor and City Manager have not moved our flags to half-mass in honor of the innocent victims.

Hamas is killing innocent people. They are beheading babies. They are mass murdering innocent civilians.

Right here at home there is not a single Jew on the social justice task force.   And Ms. Sepi Shyne talks a big game about equity but has only one Jewish appointee out of 17-  a holdover from previous council member.  Sepi fights for women, life, freedom but shows little actionable words in support of the innocents in Israel.  Chelsea Byers founded a chapter of the Students for Social Justice in Palestine.  Today the same group,  the organization “Students for Justice in Palestine,” plans a day of resistance, saying Israeli civilians are legitimate targets.   Chelsea Byers has been mostly silent but the group she founded continues to advocate for the torture and murder of innocent civilians.


They want to kill the Jews.

There are large groups of people all over the world calling for the killing of Jews and elimination of Israel. Anti-Semitism and Anti-Asian hate are at an all-time high. According to Google, in 2023 there are approximately 16.1 million Jews in the entire world. By contrast, there are over a billion persons of African descent, two billion that identify as Muslims, and five billion persons of Asian descent.



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Single Guy WeHo
Single Guy WeHo
1 year ago

A friend who grew up in Miami in the late 1950s related that he felt the chill of “Jew-counts” in public life, i.e. informal quotas so that Jews wouldn’t ‘take over’. Yet decades later, Larry is counting Jews in public life. Not sure who Mayor Shyne appointed who is or is not Jewish, but I’d wager his ‘count’ is based on something other than objective fact.

1 year ago

This is way more complicated than “They want to kill the Jews”.

1 year ago

This is Part Two; Medicine and other inventions: Salk and Sabin – Polio Vaccine Jewish Hospitals with Jewish Sounding Names (sounds restrictive to others.) The Polaroid Camera. The Ball point pen Psychiatry Chateau Mouton Google. Hollywood. Metro Goldwyn Mayer Schindler’s List Broadway musicals “Laff’s’ The Borscht Belt. The Deli The Three Stooges The Marx Brothers Bagels Performers who changed their names to gain acceptance must I elaborate) and then came out. Oy. As Performers who didn’t change their names…how dare they. Before I didn’t know I was laughing at some Jew!!! Literature, music, science, entertainment, that has lasted And the… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

On a more serious vein, if you know, why have the Jews historically been ostracized and or hated by many and for a seeming eternity. I have inquired of several intelligent Jews but would like to hear your answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Question

Chloe Ross says: I like your question. And as one of my Catholic friend’s priest has said to me years ago…the answer… “it’s one of the mysteries, my Child”. (As I thought, “as if!”) I suspect over time and not all rear much time, it had to do with Jesus. There was always sectarian violence in those times, but Jesus built up quite a following – and they too were Jews. SO far so good, but then, my take anyway, the story became ridden with myths and fantasy after the crucifixion –which I think the Romans realized was a bad… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

Thank you. Having asked the question several times I invariably get a response such as “people are jealous because we are the best in everything” then enumerating the disciplines which I found quite arrogant. The terms disloyal and stubborn that you mentioned seem illustrative and I might add unnecessarily deceitful offset by claims of charity and benevolence. A strange conundrum best explained to me on several levels by a lovely lady, Polish military nurse in WW II from an orthodox family of seven sisters. All but two perished in their hometown of Luck, Poland where her father had been the… Read more »

1 year ago

Of course they do. The question of why are the Jews so hated has vexed history forever. No one has the same answer and many have no answer at all. But they know that they hate them and they don’t even care why they do. Here are some of the reasons I believe have played into the hatred. Part One. The Simple Version They are greedy and dishonest and only want money and only want it for other Jews.. “Everyone knows this”. All the big millionaires are sneaky, conspiratorial Jews. They are clannish. They like to live their own neighborhoods.… Read more »

april lang
april lang
1 year ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

Hi Chloe, Regarding people seeing jews are greedy and dishonest money grubbers, did you know that jews were employed as moneylenders because the Christian Church traditionally ruled that usury (money lending for interest) was illegal for Christians, but not for jews? The Jews were heavily taxed so the wealth went back to the church or king. This is how jews became good with money. It’s one of the few kinds of work available to them in ancient times.

1 year ago
Reply to  april lang

Few individuals know how the Rothschilds became pivotal in the financial world. In the 18th c.as pawn brokers signified by “House of the Red Shield” Mayer Amschel later Rothschild somehow became involved in a transaction with the Prince of Hesse-Kessel in Germany. While never repaying the original debt he/they proceeded to become insidiously involved with the royal families of Europe and wormed their way into their respective governments.

Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum
Rabbi Mordechai Kirschenbaum
1 year ago

Thank you for standing up and sharing this Larry!

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

1 year ago

One group who totally looked down on Russian and Eastern European Jews before Hitler arrived were the German Jews. In fact, before WW 2 Americans, mostly from the Northeast, were very anti-Jewish. As for the KKK bit and the South, Jews are much more accepting. They were successful emergency and in the civil war for the Confederacy the Secretary of State was Jewish. In Palm Beach, the Bath and Tennis Club next to Mar-A-Lago was restricted no Catholics or Jews. Then of course there were the Irish and Italians not wanted. That’s for killing Jews, the communist killed over 20… Read more »

april lang
april lang
1 year ago
Reply to  #blueyedguy

Poor me? Is that what you think Larry is saying? IMHO, aside from the nasty and bigoted tone of your comments, your understanding of anti-semitism and anti-semitic history is pathetic. I think the world would benefit if people like you were willing to examine their own bigotry.

Single Guy WeHo
Single Guy WeHo
1 year ago
Reply to  #blueyedguy

If you know the Bath and Tennis, then you’ll know that the Breakers Hotel, now a very tony spot for b’nai mitzvot parties, was for generations ‘restricted’, including during my lifetime.

1 year ago

The beheading story is fairly horrific, and that’s what makes it so powerful. It has not been confirmed. Sounds like Iraqis and incubators.


Weho B
Weho B
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

What a time we live in, where we are debating whether 40 babies were beheaded or just slaughtered.

april lang
april lang
1 year ago
Reply to  Weho B

Thank you

april lang
april lang
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Yes it has been confirmed. There are videos and pictures. What planet are you on?

1 year ago

They said it in Charlottesville. The Jews will not replace us. And they were not kidding.

1 year ago

Wehoville is the new fox news.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laquanda

Why, do you not feel enough support for your deranged far left misguided insane views on life?

1 year ago

They want to kill the Jews. And they aren’t exactly fond of the gays, either..

1 year ago
Reply to  Tom

Byers wouldn’t last half a second in either West Bank or Gaza, but stood there chanting from sea to sea. Pathetic that she was ever appointed to a commission and allowed into the City. Thanks Lindsey and John!

Weho B
Weho B
1 year ago
Reply to  Tom

Exactly – Israel is the only democratic nation in the middle east where queers and gays can be themselves. “Queers for Palestine” sounds like “Chicken for KFC”

1 year ago

Recall the terrorist

1 year ago
Reply to  Jason

She is so imbedded in Weho thanks to Horvath and John E, who possibly turned a blind eye to get the support of Byers boyfriend or whatever he is, to help their campaigns and get support of Unite 11. What people only do to to advance themselves, its unbelievable.

1 year ago

The German people were ashamed when the world found out about their atrocities. The Arab people are holding rallies at American college campuses and bragging about their great “accomplishment.” Shameful, to say the least.

1 year ago
Reply to  resident

Not just the Arabs, so many American university student groups have also been vocal in their support to Hamas. Have to wonder what the woke university idiots are taught, oh yea progressive woke ideology.

april lang
april lang
1 year ago
Reply to  Stevie

Anyone who supports terrorism is not woke. Their critical thinking has deserted them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stevie

Are they supporting Hamas, or Palestinians? Why did the people in Gaza vote for Hamas, back in the day?