DEAR WEHO 🔹 Stop spinning your wheels and tell scooters to skedaddle


Dear Mayor Shyne, and council members


I am writing in regard to item 5C, Dockless Micro-Mobility Pilot Program.
Where to begin? Perhaps mentioning that although there was a survey taken, how, where and to whom was this survey made available or noticed. I have mentioned it to many friends and neighbors, and not one even knew about it.
Surveys aside, in my opinion the problem with the dockless program is not going to be solved by reviewing the results of a survey. The problem is basically in the responsibility and lack there of, of both the riders and the dockless companies.
I suspect, IF the riders/companies took the responsibility to:
then and only if those major concerns were addressed, there might not be such a plea from the citizens to end the pilot program.
Are there responsible riders? Yes, but sadly the ones who DO use the sidewalks as their roadway or leave their scooters/bikes in precarious ways on the sidewalks are the ones responsible for this “pilot” programs failure.
Have you ever tried to take a shopping cart off the premises of a supermarket? The wheels lock and you cannot. Why? Because of those people who did not follow the rules and would take the carts home with them and then just leave them wherever.
There are consequences for actions and behaviors and so far with this pilot program it is the pedestrians both disabled and able bodied who have to adjust to suffering the consequences! And that’s fair?!
I ask you to vote to end this unsafe pilot program.
Cathy Blaivas
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WeHo Dave
WeHo Dave
8 months ago

Brave WeHoans will lift up scooters that block the right-of-way and trash those scooters

9 months ago

Its pretty much a done deal, Sepi and Jihadist Terrorist supporter Byers will vote to continue, Erickson will follow them cause he will be too scared to go against them and so the program will continue.

Stephanie Harker
Stephanie Harker
9 months ago
It's Rigged
It's Rigged
9 months ago

Skewed surveys are tantamount to the awards that City Staff are always announcing. Where they find folks to produce such awards which seem highly improbable is another facet of dishonesty, lack of integrity and lack of foundational ethics by the City. As Donald Trump would claim “it’s all rigged”. Not a fan of DJT.

Left Field
Left Field
9 months ago

I know of know other business that leave there stuff all over the city for residents to trip on.
At the very least, the scooters should have a storefront. And a phone app so riders can have a scooter delivered and picked up when they reach their destination. But that will not stop the riders running red lights, Zigzagging thru traffic or riding in the dark with no lights.
Sometimes the city council need to be the adult in the room and put the safety of residents first.

Leslie Karliss
Leslie Karliss
9 months ago

Surveys when it comes to matters affecting public safety are ridiculous. The city has a duty to protect pedestrians.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
9 months ago

this survey conducted byToole Design is biased. This consulting firm was originally hired by the city for almost $200,000 to ease the way into making the scooters permanent. However, when Sepi found out how little money the city was actually making and how much money, the scooter companies were making here, she put the contract with a Toole Design on hold. However, they did keep Toole Design at a much smaller rate to conduct the survey. So, if the survey “proves” that more people want Scooters, Toole Design would be able to finish their original contract and ease the way… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman


Let’s get real here for a moment. We all know you were never going to accept the results of the survey if they weren’t in your favor.

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Thank you!

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
9 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

what I stated above are facts. if you think you know what I’m thinking, I can’t control that. Think what you will,
too bad, you don’t have the courage to put your real name on your accusations!

9 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You’ve missed the point as usual. The point is, why, for a matter of public safety, is a survey needed to determine how the Council feels about it. Should we have a survey if a majority think it’s ok to run red lights, without penalty or punishment? Why suddenly do scooters get a survey, but nothing else gets a survey? Should we poll people on everything, and everything gets decided by the unscientific poll results? Why do we need a Council in this case, let’s just poll and decide everything that way. Good grief. Sometimes I wonder about the basic… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Um, maybe you’re not up to speed. Mikie is the person who met with Sepi Shyne to come up with some sort of resolution to the scooter issue. They both agreed to doing a survey before making any decisions.

Stephanie Harker
Stephanie Harker
9 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Dear Greeneyed Guy,
Here’s one part of the survey that should be noted 59% of the riders stated they DO RIDE ON THE SIDEWALKS, because it is too dangerous to ride in the streets.
That is a problem.

9 months ago

I do agree that is a problem.

9 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

One essential fact about the essence of this program is actually discriminatory as to in in conflict with the City’s claims to be supportive of residents with disabilities, ADA compliant and supportive of Aging in Place not only in peoples homes but the vicinity they have access to in their daily lives. To have hired Toole Design, yes please do some minimum research on their objectives, proponents of just such mobility programs shows a lack of even handedness and likelihood of bias in their survey. Toole set out to design a particular outcome for the city and then offered up… Read more »

9 months ago

Remove these road hazards immediately. How many people need to be killed or injured before something is done for public safety? As far as I am concerned anyone riding a scooter on the sidewalk who hits someone or injures someone should receive jail time.

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Morty

Cars pose a much, much bigger safety threat. Should we ban those too?

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

cars don’t ride on the sidewalk.

9 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

Genius Mikie. Thank you again!!!!!

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

Not all scooters do either.

David Reid
9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

Please, the data. Just because they are bigger? When cars drive on sidewalks definitely more dangerous. Now exactly how many times…..
This posit is like a Fox news poll

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  David Reid

Just because you don’t like the results doesn’t mean the survey outcomes are invalid.

Long Time Resident
Long Time Resident
9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

Cars generally do not drive on the sidewalk.

9 months ago

Now we need a survey to ask how many of the people opposed to scooters on the sidewalk are also opposed to designated road lanes for them, I’m willing to bet that would include most of the same people. We need as many alternative modes of transportation as possible besides everyone sitting in a car and this is not going to stop.

Scooter Ownership
Scooter Ownership
9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

Mr. Smith, since you have a multitude of arguments in favor of scooters, how about advocating for personal ownership and personal responsibility for them. Take the risk of operating and storing them correctly That should eliminate much of the grey area and relieve the city of nut and bolt compliance issues. The. Sheriff can exercise their authority regarding infractions.

9 months ago

“The survey was conducted in two rounds, one open to the general public and one from a randomized sample of verified West Hollywood residents. The survey met the necessary criteria for statistical validity with sample sizes of 516 and 537 for the two rounds, respectively.
The survey found a slightly higher percentage of residents supporting the program (39%) than those opposing it (36%), with a significant portion being neutral (25%).”

9 months ago

And seriously, we just saw a poll stating that most WeHoians favor the scooters. So what do you want her to do?

Sepi Shyne for Congress:
Total Receipts$19,303.00 $333,835.48Total Disbursements$50,291.60 $178,653.54

Bull Pucky!
Bull Pucky!
9 months ago
Reply to  Joshua88

MOST? Is 39% to 36% considered most where you live??? It’s actually a tie if you take into consideration margin for error.
Don’t use your wishful thinking to try to gaslight others

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Bull Pucky!

Yes. 39% is more than 36%. The majority wants to keep the program.

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago

The majority of West Hollywood residents is in favor of the program.

9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

That’s not true. It was a flawed survey and the tiniest of majorities. Would be foolish to take this seriously.

9 months ago
Reply to  voter

50.1% is a majority. So is 65%.
What is your point?

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  voter

Flawed how? Just because you don’t like the results doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the survey.

9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

How do you know that? Are you psychic? Did you conduct a survey of only weho residents, that included all weho residents? Why didn’t you tell us about the results of your survey? Because you are making up what you want to be true. No fair survey was ever made, nor was an explanation ever given why/how a survey is somehow the right way to govern for selection issues. How irresponsible. Either everything is determined by survey, or nothing should be determined by survey. It’s hard to believe this has to even be explained.

9 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

This issue was specifically selected for a survey because the most outspoken critic of the scooters was promised one.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
9 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I asked for the survey because the city Council was going to just send this to consent calendar without any public discussion whatsoever. However, when they chose Toole Design to conduct a survey, I was furious because as you will see in my latest comment, Toole Design is anything but unbiased! If the scooter program is ended, they stand to lose a lot of money!

9 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

How about we survey the City’s bar owners too, and think if all bars should be shut down or not. I wonder how that survey would turn out. Unbelievable what decent people who want to protect others are up against.

9 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

People also need to commute into and out of West Hollywood, which on one hand you are opposed to by all indications, yet you have gone on ad nauseum about how people who can’t afford to live in West Hollywood shouldn’t be here. So you also want to make poorer people’s commutes into or through WeHo to work as difficult as possible. That part seems on brand at least. Random elitism with no consistent answers from you always here.

Stephanie Harker
Stephanie Harker
9 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

And your point?

9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

90% of the people surveyed do not even live in West Hollywood.

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Morty

Just because you don’t like the results doesn’t make this a flawed survey.

David Reid
9 months ago
Reply to  Erwin Smith

Not a majority
50% +1 is a majority

Erwin Smith
Erwin Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  David Reid

More people want to keep the program than those who do not. Data is data. Facts are facts.

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