Mayor Sepi Shyne received a paltry $18,803 in campaign contributions this quarter according to her latest filings with the Federal Election Commission, a sign that her race for Congress may be in peril.
Shyne’s receipts were the lowest of the nine major candidates hoping to replace U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff next year — even lower than the group’s lone Republican, Dr. Alex Balekian. Her dismal haul represents a massive dropoff from the impressive $216,504.48 she raised in the previous reporting period, which ended June 30.
The FEC filings, which catalog in explicit detail funds received, spent and saved from July 1 through Sept. 30, offer the clearest idea yet of which candidates have the best chance of representing West Hollywood and the others cities of California’s 30th Congressional District on Capitol Hill.
The FEC currently lists 20 candidates who have filed to compete in the race, 15 Democrats, 1 independent and 5 Republicans. This article focuses on the nine candidates viewed as most competitive in the race i.e. those who have raised the most money. Those candidates are marked with a below.
Francesco Arreaga | Democrat |
Republican | |
Josh Bocanegra | Independent |
Drew Michael Britton | Democrat |
Mike Castellanos | Democrat |
Stephen Andrae’ Dunwoody | Democrat |
Democrat | |
Democrat | |
Patrick Lee Gipson | Republican |
Sarah Idan | Democrat |
Ronda Kennedy | Republican |
J. Emilio Martinez | Republican |
Democrat | |
Courtney Simone Najera | Democrat |
Democrat | |
Democrat | |
Democrat | |
Democrat | |
Eric Richard Sawchuk | Republican |
Democrat |
April 1-June 30 | July 1-Sept. 30 | Difference (+/-) | |
1. Savage | $4,903.90 | $262,142.56 | $257,238.66 |
2. Portantino | $451,412.08 | $219,500.77 | -$231,911.31 |
3. Friedman | $268,063.13 | $177,335.37 | -$90,727.76 |
4. Melvoin | $228,423.86 | $152,247.05 | -$76,176.81 |
5. Feuer | $316,849.90 | $138,766.00 | -$178,083.90 |
6. Ratevosian | $199,738.86 | $80,281.86 | -$119,457.00 |
7. Pudlo | $13,285.97 | $46,339.96 | $33,053.99 |
8. Balekian | $9,075.00 | $30,517.81 | $21,442.81 |
9. Shyne | $216,504.48 | $18,803.00 | -$197,701.48 |
Ben Savage’s campaign reported the highest cash haul ($262,142.56) this period, most of which came from a donation of $250,000 he made to himself. That’s separate from the 14 massive personal loans he’s made to his campaign totaling $877,000 since February.
State Sen. Anthony Portantino remains the race’s top fundraiser, adding $219,500.77 in contributions this period for an election cycle total of $1,283,295.91. Right behind Portantino in the total-funds-raised rankings is former L.A. City Attorney Mike Feuer ($1,109,909.90), followed by L.A.U.S.D. Boardmember Nick Melvoin ($940,980.61) and State Assemblymember Laura Friedman ($778,399.50). Despite this period’s disappointing funds raised, Shyne remains the fifth-highest fundraiser with $333,235.48 in receipts since the race’s beginning.
Overall contributions among all candidates decreased this period; only three of the nine raised more than they did April through June: Savage, Balekian and Maebe A. Girl (G. Pudlo).
Maebe A. Girl (G Pudlo) had contributions from 1,808 unique donors, the most in this reporting period.
Friedman had 263 total donors, 237 via ACT Blue, who contributed an average of $621.98 each for a total of $177,335.37. Ten of her donations came from CEOs, 12 from consultants, 22 from attorneys and 8 from real estate and builders. Friedman, a former film industry executive, also received 7 donations from producers, 6 from directors and 5 from writers.
Portantino is receiving substantial financial support from many big-name political action committees, including the American Hospital Association PAC, California Medical Association PAC, the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail Transportation PAC, National Automobile Dealers Association, New York Life Insurance PAC, the United Food and Commercial Workers, Performance Racing Inc. PAC, American Dental PAC. He and Savage appear to be the only Democratic candidates not using ACT Blue.
Friedman and Portantino represent Glendale in the Assembly and state Senate, respectively. Friedman received 65 donations from Glendale addresses, while Portantino received 34.
Feuer, a fixture in City Hall and L.A. Superior Court from more than a decade, received 47 contributions from fellow attorneys.
Many of Melvoin’s donors hail from tech, real estate and media backgrounds (National Geographic, KB Homes, SoundCloud). His donations include 11 from CEOs, 31 from attorneys and several from film/TV producers such as Jena King and Dana Klein.
Eighteen of Shyne’s 56 donations came from people in West Hollywood, including friends and allies like Mayor Pro Tem John Erickson and County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, as well as Jonathan Wilson of the Social Justice Advisory Board and Andrew Solomon of the Public Facilities Commission.
Only two other donations to any of the candidates originated in WeHo —a $35 donation from Dalit Shlapobersky to Laura Friedman, and $250 to Jirair Ratovesian from Councilmember John Heilman.
April 1-June 30 | July 1-Sept. 30 | Difference (+/-) | |
1. Friedman | $107,869.90 | $146,234.89 | $38,364.99 |
2. Melvoin | $115,002.15 | $138,721.21 | $23,719.06 |
3. Savage | $35,719.11 | $133,369.63 | $97,650.52 |
4. Feuer | $65,797.31 | $77,128.23 | $11,330.92 |
5. Ratevosian | $10,408.30 | $62,287.02 | $51,878.72 |
6. Portantino | $52,235.40 | $50,689.73 | -$1,545.67 |
7. Shyne | $93,950.54 | $49,791.60 | -$44,158.94 |
8. Balekian | $17,500.00 | $44,227.00 | $26,727.00 |
9. Pudlo | $9,272.70 | $39,217.76 | $29,945.06 |
Friedman was also the period’s top spender with $146,234.89 in disbursements, including $114,490.67 on consultants for fundraising, campaign strategy and digital.
Close behind was Melvoin with $138,721.21 in expenditures, including $20,000 on communications consultants, $35,926 on digital services and $30,000 on fundraising consultants.
Savage followed as the period’s third-biggest spender, with $120,426.20 earmarked for campaign and digital advertising consultants and canvassers. He also spent $8,637.62 on door hangers and yard signs and $8,400 on voter data.
Shyne spent $40,070.33 on campaign, digital and fundraising consultants, along with $6,965.90 on voter data.
April 1-June 30 | July 1-Sept. 30 | Difference (+/-) | |
1. Portantino | $974,929.52 | $1,141,725.56 | $166,796.04 |
2. Savage | $851,987.86 | $980,741.37 | $128,753.51 |
3. Feuer | $880,602.53 | $942,240.30 | $61,637.77 |
4. Melvoin | $632,493.50 | $646,994.95 | $14,501.45 |
5. Friedman | $468,786.33 | $499,386.81 | $30,600.48 |
6. Shyne | $186,170.54 | $155,181.94 | -$30,988.60 |
7. Ratevosian | $109,048.70 | $127,043.54 | $17,994.84 |
8. Balekian | $11,675 | $25,465.81 | $13,790.81 |
9. Pudlo | $16,593.69 | $23,715.89 | $7,122.20 |
Cash on hand is the “magic number,” according to campaign finance gurus. It’s the figure that most accurately predicts the health of the campaign, they say, because it reveals the resources the candidate actually has to work with as the election draws closer.
For Shyne, it’s another red flag.
WeHo’s mayor was the only of the top nine candidates to report less cash on hand this quarter ($155,181.94) than in the previous ($186,170.54), a deficit of $30,988.60.
Portantino is the only candidate with more than $1 million in the bank, but Feuer and Savage both have more than $900,000 ready to spend as Election Day starts coming into view over the horizon.
In a testament to how expensive the race has become, Melvoin and Friedman are trailing their competitors even with $499,386.81 and $646,994.95, respectively, in cash on hand — the kind of budgets most political campaigns could only dream of.
The Democratic Party should investigate Mike Feur’s Past Actions working across the vast area of helping Abused, Trapped, Disabled, and “trapped’ or “locked in” by people/family/Alleged Caretakers of Disabled/Dependant Adults (ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES” MY DOCTOR REFERRED ME, LEFT A MESSAGE, Mike Feur’s Called & CAME TO MY HOME THE NEXT DAY. 1 He “saw” and assured me that I definitely do need assistance 2 He dug up my private info as to current state of health, medications and Dr.’s Names & Numbers “for the County’s RECORDS” He had been contacted by the small network of once family network who had… Read more »
I show Melvoin’s total donations this quarter at $228,423.86.
Cash on hand end of this quarter at 632,493.50.
If only she was disabled. Then “she” would have my vote.
Her qualifications: an immigrant, a woman of color, the first Iranian lesbian. Sold!!! She deserves everything. Anyone who disagrees is a homophonic, racist, sexist, xenophobic POS. You must vote for sepi.
Do you have ethical behavior in your list of qualifications? It is the underpinning of each of the categories you listed which apparently you and Sepi only consider see as being qualifiers for a Victim. This does not speak leadership under any description.
Completely unqualified for any public office–regardless of her prejudices and biases. She has hurt our community in so many ways.
One should follow Sepi’s mailing list which today was entitled: “Your Voice in Congress” where she positions herself as a voice for ALL of us provided you are a Woman, Worker, Immigrant and LGBTQ+ She also suggests she is a healthcare expert .. She says her campaign is not about her but about “the community”.
Hmmmm, seems she is excluding a large portion of the West Hollywood Community and suggests she has had considerable success in these areas during her two decades of service.
Medical segregationist Sepi Shyne is a master at narrative inversion.
wtf who is this person in the avatar next to my name LOL??
She seems very resilient to the sulphuric vitriole…that is her Secret Super Power!
Look around West Hollywood then remember these faces after what you see.
As a psychic who thinks only of herself couldn’t she have seen this coming already?
Sepi is a really bad psychic. She’s better at quackery.
Excellent summation, Mr Garcia.
Ms. Shyne is one of several candidates that fail to exhibit the temperament, discipline, knowledge and expertise to be an effective public servant. While candidates may not legally directly profit from campaign contributions, it affords them a quasi life style and exposure all expenses paid. Unfortunately that behavior contributes to the overall dysfunction of our political process as designed.
Losers gonna lose.