John Reed opening ushers in new era for West Hollywood


The WeHo John Reed Fitness opened its doors today in a private reception for VIP Guests. The reception was filled with lots of swag, energy and excitement.

“We are the gym West Hollywood deserves,” said the CEO of RSG Group, Colin Thomas, who resides in West Hollywood.

The long-anticipated club replaces the former 24 Hour Fitness, and the Bally’s before it, and the Sports Connection even earlier.

“We ripped everything down to the studs, and then we replaced some of them, too,” said Thomas.

Starting today, the gym will begin its regular hours from 5 a.m. till midnight seven days a week.


“We hope to have more than 1000 members per day,” said Thomas.

There are no salespeople on the premises. Members need to join online.

“We are focused on the experience,” he said. “Everything is new. The best equipment in the world made in Germany.”

DJ booths were playing on both floors with specialty vendors throughout the gym.

Makeup artists, photo booth, myofascial decompression stretches were all available by Reed partners. A trip up the royal steps to a new expanded second floor. The basketball court is gone but a “booty room” awaits. The cardio rooms that run along the second floor along Santa Monica Blvd have sliding glass windows thatopen to the street. Each beat of the music spreading its vibes to a new pulse in the heart of West Hollywood.

John Reed is the anchor to a new dawn for West Hollywood. This facility is the crown jewel of gyms and clubs in Southern California. And all are welcome — beautiful people of all genders, shapes and sizes celebrating in a community space.

Monthly passes are being offered pre-sale at $130 per month. On October 25th the prices will rise to $170 per month. A new annual rate is soon to be offered that will include 12 guest passes per year. The pool area is expected to open in the spring. It’s not a lap pool; it’s a lounge pool. Bring your laptops and spend the afternoon.

To join John Reed, click here.


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About Larry Block
Larry is a West Hollywood resident and business owner of the BlockParty and YMLA stores. He has served the City of West Hollywood as the Chairman of Disability Advisory Board and the Public Facilities Commission. He is also a founding partner and contributor to Boystown Media.

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1 year ago

Looks pretty awesome and the price isn’t bad either. I can’t wait to check it out!! But I predict a lot of complaining here in the comments. Nobody’s ever happy.

1 year ago

It certainly is a step up from 24hr but here are some things that would improve the space and make it more gym user friendly…. Tons of wasted space which should be rethought. Additional workout space could be added especially free weights or a larger stretch area and both are much needed More mirrors in the free weight areas (not for influencers) but to watch workout form. Impossible to find any open mirror space Downstairs front room seems like an afterthought..add more machines or cardio equipment kind of like 24 hr did. If not cardio then add more functional mirrors… Read more »

1 year ago

I won’t be surprised to see JRF in the U.S. sold to someone else within the next 24 months. There is too much competition for gyms and the cost for running these gyms especially in Weho is extremely high. One of the principal owners of Equinox is a billionaire (Stephen Ross) so I am sure he can wait it out. JRF reminds me of the museum of ice cream. It was super popular with influencers when it opened and then it became tired and eventually closed. It’s a fun space but not very practical for a gym that needs a… Read more »

Steve Zlick
Steve Zlick
1 year ago

There were far fewer shirtless guys Sunday than in Friday. And I noticed they were exclusively using the cable machines their bodies wouldn’t touch – so perhaps management has already set certain guidelines. I’ve had friends tell m thru don’t want any design elements in their workout spaces. I’ve read in comments here how some don’t want shirtless hotties in their Boyztown gym. So, stick with Equinox. I happen to love the aesthetic choices .. or that there ARE aesthetic choices. Perhaps that’s just the gay man in me. And if I got my parties in a bunch because some… Read more »

1 year ago


1 year ago

A new gym opening “Ushers in a new era” for an entire city? How dramatic Larry!

I’m grateful that a new gym took over this spot. That Equinox in West Hollywood is vile and super expensive. For those of you complaining about the price of this, $130 per month for a gym in the middle of the City is really not expensive at all in 2023. The aesthetic is not for me but I wish them all the success.

Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
1 year ago

Loving the misandry in your decor. Wonder how that’ll change in a few months when…you know…draft? World War III?

Anderson James Anderson
Anderson James Anderson
1 year ago

Congratulations to the John Reed team and welcome to West Hollywood! Thank you for building this place up for us, it looks awesome! Is the 130 $ pre-sale valid for only a month ? Meaning, will I keep paying 130 $ when the price increases? For those criticizing this place, it’s ok, free speech is allowed in the United States, it’s fine to express yourself. People seem to be uncomfortable seeing people shirtless at the gym , so what ? So what they’re filming? If you’re bothered by people being themselves around you, then Jhon Reed Fitness is not for… Read more »

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago

You’re right. Shirtless people at the gym and almost $200/mon after the introduction? Not my jam. But good for you, have fun!

Board Monitor
Board Monitor
1 year ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

Euqinox is $225 a month, and the John Reed rate is $130 a month now.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
1 year ago
Reply to  Board Monitor

Introductory offer

David buck
David buck
7 months ago

So, I’m sure you also think free speech applies to Christians and republicans and that they should be able to express themselves too, right??? I mean, I’m sure you’re not such a big gay hypocrite as to believe that we all should tolerate sweaty unsanitary bare chests or go somewhere else, but that you shouldn’t have to tolerate republican or Christian views.

1 year ago

I go to the gym to workout. This seems more like a circus. People should not be working out without a shirt. It’s disgusting. Most of these people never wipe down the equipment after they sweat all over it. I’m really surprised this is allowed. It’s worse than the old Athletic club which was more like a sex club. I guess this is what TikTok influencers want.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Sorry, but Equinox would never let someone workout without their shirt on. It is disgusting. They invested a lot of money and I hope they are successful but I doubt it will last more than 18 months. I would rather spend more money going to Equinox and not have trashy TikTok influencers working out next to me sweating all over the equipment or hogging a piece of equipment while they film. To each his own. If you’re into that scene then enjoy it. I’ll workout at a real gym not some night club with weights.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Larry, I know you have a financial interest in the success of JRF. I hope it’s successful for their sake and for the sake of your business. Your comment about this being “the biggest thing to open in this city in 5 years” is just being plain silly. It’s just a gym where Instagram and TikTok influencers can go to shoot their videos. People that like that scene and don’t mind waiting for equipment while someone shoots their videos or doesn’t care that someone shirtless just left sweat all over the equipment will love it. It will be filled with… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Morty

My opinion exactly. Hope they’re successful for sake of the city. That said, they also own Heimat where they make sure you have enough social media followers before allowing you to join. The shirts off, constant photos, and filming yourself is for some…but not what I want in a gym.

1 year ago
Reply to  gdaddy

Heimat was just sold to another company.

1 year ago

I joined. Happy to support the gym. Thank you for investing in our city.

1 year ago

Welp! I just came from there and I am disappointed. The aesthetic is ugly (my opinion ….. I’m sure some people will love it). The layout is choppy, with too little space for some functions, like checking in, and with other wide open spaces for …. god knows what! The work-out area is much too small and it is dark, … and whatever were they thinking to have only two squat racks?! 24 Hour had three and I was always having to wait for someone, and when I got on someone was always waiting for me. Equinox, with less floor… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

There are 3 more squat racks on the bottom floor past those throne chairs. You missed a whole strength training room lol

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

It appears my tour guide didn’t know about it either, nor did the fitness trainer I talked to about this very thing. He agreed that two squat racks is not reasonable.

As I said, …. the layout is choppy!

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I walked all around, I didn’t see three more squat racks? Although, I like the gym and the energy

1 year ago

A gym “ushers in a new era in West Hollywood’?
REALLY? No new era for this WeHo resident, and I’m still trying to figure out how a gym can usher in any kind of era.
Wehoville’s breathless and unending support and advertisement for this place must have cost them a lot. Hope it’s well spent!

1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Opvs? Locally owned new gym – barely a mention here ..

1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Do you have a financial interest in the gym?