Transportation Commissioner Kroll denies that he is ‘greeneyedguy’


UPDATE: An earlier copy of this story was posted under the title : “Transportation Commissioner Adam Kroll played a prominent role in scooter debate disguised as ‘greeneyedguy’,    Krolldenied that he is the infamous ‘greeneyedguy.   We decided to pause the story on Saturday and update with Kroll’s denial’   There are only 2 choices, Kroll is ‘greeneyedguy’ or ‘greeneyedguy’ is using Kroll’s name.

As you read the story below you will see that upon learning of a connection between ‘greeneyedguy’ and Kroll I wrote to the city manager and city attorney and we did not publish any story.  Neither the city manager or city attorney replied.  But ‘greeneyedguy” sent an email to my personal address accusing WEHOville of substituting Kroll’s name on his post.  How would ‘greenyeyedguy’ know of my personal letter to the city manager and city attorney?

The title has been updated and you can make up your mind – but we have chosen to take Kroll at his word and update the title with his denial.

WEHOville has banned ‘greeneyedguy’ from the platform for impersonating a commissioner, and we ask that you contact us if you are familiar with a person who uses an email address of



As previously reported:

The direct appointee to the Transportation Commission Adam Kroll appeared to have outed himself as ‘greeneyedguy’ in the WEHOville comment section earlier this week. Both email addresses and IP address matched the infamous ‘greeneyedguy.’

Kroll, who is the direct appointee of Mayor Pro Tem John Erickson, would have breached multiple ethics and decorum rules while the scooter debate has been in effect over the past twelve to eighteen months if he was posting on social media under an alias.

When the mix in identity was uncovered, I went directly to City Manager David Wilson and City Attorney Lauren Langer writing:

I wanted to ask a question w regard to process. During the scooter debate there is a commissioner on the transportation commission who continually comments, and bashes commentators but his email gave away his identity. I know the Congress and ethics are taught – but what the remedy. This person is a direct appointee and frequent commenter bullying residents.


‘greeneyedguy’ wrote to my personal email, “WEHOville switched my user name.”   – But thats not true, I personally approved the post and snapped a photo in real time..”busted greeneyed guy’.

Only the real ‘greeneyedguy’ would know his own posts.

It became clear that my letter to the City Manager and City Attorney made its way to Mayor Pro Tem Erickson and then to Transportation Commissioner Kroll. (or somebody else)

While posting in WEHOville ‘greeneyedguy’ often attacked residents, interfered with the public dialog and put his thumb on the scale of public debate.

In this post ‘greeneyedguy’ badgers former Disability Board Member and amputee Mikie Friedman:

“Let’s get real here for a moment. We all know you were never going to accept the results of the survey if they weren’t in your favor.”

In another post ‘greeneyedguy’ tries to argue the public perception of the scooter poll.

“A poll is fake because you didn’t receive a randomized invite? Thats not how this works, sorry!”

Kroll is the current Chair of the Transportation Commission. ‘greeneyedguy’ showed his deep knowledge of the scooter survey in another post “The survey was conducted in two rounds, one open to the general public and one from a randomized sample of verified West Hollywood residents. The survey met the necessary criteria for statistical validity with sample sizes of 516 and 537 for the two rounds, respectively. The survey found a slightly higher percentage of residents supporting the program (39%) than those opposing it (36%), with a significant portion being neutral (25%).”

In numerous replies to commenters, ‘greeneyedguy’ would hound those who spoke against scooters. And it did not stop at scooters. ‘greeneyedguy’ continued to harass residents and commenters on multiple articles.

“Care to do us a favor and sell your slumlord property and leave West Hollywood?

Let’s see your apartment, Ham. You just sound like an awful person to be around. Yikes!

So you left a comment 6 hours ago and came back 3 hours later to let us know how negative and miserable you are.

“You do realize people who peaked in HS tend to be losers later in life, right?”

‘greeneyedguy’ is a frequent WEHOville commenter with over 2,000 comments and is known as the ‘mean girl’ of the comment board.  They also went after John Heilman on multiple posts.

“Remind me again what John Heilman has said? Any actionable words in support of the innocents in Israel from him?

Another Erickson direct appointee disguised as ‘Holloway Janet’ went after Heilman during the election attempting to confuse the mindset of voters between John Duran and John Heilman.

‘Holloway Janet’ wrote: Is this the one that was accused of SEXUAL ASSAULT?? And being on Grindr at meetings?!? Sorry weho but we can do BETTER. Holloway Janet is a current direct appointee of Mayor Pro Tem Erickson but his name been deleted out of respect for his family.

‘greeneyedguy’  continued to tow the Erickson line as anti-sheriff.

“Wait until you hear about LASD employees getting caught sexually abusing children, DUIs, or having sex on the job (google these incidents). Oh but that doesn’t fit the Wehoville narrative: LASD GOOD. Block by Block BAD

But one his best posts were to his confession or lie:

“I’m not John Erickson lol. In fact, I didn’t even vote for him back in 2020!”

The interference by ‘greeneyedguy’ took place during a heated citywide discussion over scooters. Should Mikie Friedman follow through on her threat to file a lawsuit against the City of West Hollywood for violations of the American with Disabilities Act this evidence would surely weigh heavily against the city for any infractions of ethics or decorum..

The was not any reply from the City Manager and City Attorney to my letter asking about “process.” It’s clear they are more interested giving cover then UNcovering unethical behavior.


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About Larry Block
Larry is a West Hollywood resident and business owner of the BlockParty and YMLA stores. He has served the City of West Hollywood as the Chairman of Disability Advisory Board and the Public Facilities Commission. He is also a founding partner and contributor to Boystown Media.

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1 year ago

I still think it’s Jon Erikson. Who else has such a bitchy, condescending tone as that dumb bully.

this guy
this guy
1 year ago

who really cares? really. its an online forum

1 year ago

Yes,it is not smart to use the same IP address and e-mail address for a alternate personalty you are using to make fun of and attack people on a on-line publication.

Wow, 2000 Wehoville messages are a lot.”Greeneyedguy” needs to get off the computer and do do some useful work.I guess he is obsessed with Wehoville.

The Real Zam
1 year ago
Reply to  hifi5000

If it’s the IP of a public WiFi, it might appear to be the same. WeHoWiFi would be a great example, especially since it may be difficult to distinguish between that and city hall.

1 year ago

Hard to believe that this can even be true, but given that it stems from “whiney” Erickson, its no surprise at all. Kroll should step down immediately. The spoken of, law suit, must proceed!

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
1 year ago

I have to comment about the egregious comments made by the alleged person who harassed so many people online or always had a remark with everything that person disagreed with. However, for this person to taunt and berate and accuse others which by the way saying untrue things or actions was outright wrong and unfair for people to make their points and opinions known. How much time did this person have to spew 2000 comments. This wasn’t someone who wanted to provide opinions in the Op-Ed’s but acted a rogue splinter who wanted to be a disruptor, act with impunity,… Read more »

1 year ago

Wow, seems like so many unethical people have infiltrated our city hall. I expect this from people who are Trump MAGA supporters not employees who work for the people of West Hollywood. Our city is really in decline under these people. Whatever happened to honesty and serving the people who live in the community?

1 year ago
Reply to  Morty

Yeah, how can us Biden supporters ever be unethical. We are so much better than anyone who wants secure borders, and tough on crime. And they are also against being mandated to take a rushed, experimental shot. Geez, we are so superior.

1 year ago

Since when is it unethical to speak your mind? Indirectly, this is the concept behind the First Amendment to the Constitution. I may not agree with him but the idea of “outing” someone on this website is most definitely crossing the ethics line.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  David

A) Outing someone is not an affront to the First Amendment. B) Appointed and elected public servants have certain ethical duties to their office, and I would prod the city attorney to weigh in on this subject (she won’t).

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

A) No, but it’s morally and ethically wrong. B ) There is no proof of this person’s identity and it’s irrelevant and slanderous.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  David

B) the aggrieved at his disposal the justice system to right the alleged slander.

Robert Kechter
Robert Kechter
1 year ago
Reply to  David

David, I agree with you 100%

1 year ago

This poor guy is the mouthpiece for the ludicrous “Dr” John Erikcson!

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

John Erickson seems to be the common denominator in questionable behaviors all around. Lauren Langer should shock us all and stop being an apologist for all the crap that emanates from West Hollywood officialdom. WEHOVille gets bashed in anonymity all too often. Anonymity is a lazy tactic of people who can’t stand on their own two feet to defend their toxic intolerance of diversity of thought. I believe strongly that the intellectually lazy talking points espoused by a handful of anonymous posters is what gives Sepi Shyne license to throw out labels like right-wing blog, and racism, and misogyny, all… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

I admire your thoughtful comments, Alan, but consider what life in WeHo would be like for those of us who are right-of-center if we outed ourselves. I have experienced it in small groups here and it is scary! There is no tolerance for diversity of thought.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I understand your concerns from my left-of-center but not in the intolerant ideological extreme perch.

1 year ago

If he were a decent guy, he would resign his position. Whether this is the guy or not, the evidence leans towards the fact that it is him. For the good of the city, he should step down…people would think better of him from removing himself from the process because his seat there has been tainted whether rightly or wrongly. Like I said…or the good of the city.

1 year ago

I was convinced GEG was Erickson himself. If this turns out to be true, I’m sorry for suggesting that. Whoever they are, I hope they make more of an effort to learn about the values of those they dismiss as hateful bigots merely for disagreeing. We all likely share more core values in common than we realize. The last thing we need in this era is more division based on assumptions and hyper partisanship. Just my two cents.

1 year ago
Reply to  West

I agree.

1 year ago

Slightly off topic here, but am I the only one experiencing articles being blocked due to pop-ups, sometimes not opening at all? Or requiring multiple attempts to open them?

1 year ago
Reply to  SeeMe

Yes, ads are taking the page and articles way too long to load. It’s a pain.