UPDATE: 10.30.23. Over the next few days we will be testing various membership platforms. Some users may experience a log-in code or sign up. Over the next two weeks we will be experimenting with new themes. Some users may have a different experinece than others. Over the next eight weeks we will convert all subscribers to the new WEHOonline platform. We have over 300 paying member subscribers and each will be converted one by one. There are just shy of 10,000 members who receive our Sunday email blast. Thank you too.
Our company name is also changing. Boystown Media Inc., the primary owner this domain will become WEHOonline Inc. , a California corporation, and the only local media company based in West Hollywood.
I’m thrilled to introduce you to Ed Lopez, our new Director of IT and web development. Ed is a long term friend who has built applications and coding at the Building Decarbonization Coalition and most recently Director of Web Development for Wearit Apparel. We are about to create a world class destination for everything West Hollywood. Stay tuned to the new WEHOonline.com
We are re-branding.
Welcome to WEHOonline.com
We are now part of the Ezoic family of publishers that provide us tools manage and expertise to manage or online platfrom. And we are working closely with other partners to enhance our ability to be a better news source. Brandon takes over as managing director next week and I’m excited to move forward too.
We’ve come a long way in just two and a half years adding new partners and contributors that have helped us be the most relevant voice for our community. But it was time to bury the past and build a new future. Welcome again to WEHOonline.com
There is more work to do which include moving all files from the old platform to the new one. We may experience some glitches. Each file and broken link fixed or removed. Thousands of stories and hundreds of thousands of your comments.
Our emails have also changed. You can reach me at [email protected], and Brandon can be reached at [email protected] . Subscribers will continue to receive mail via the old domain address until the full implementation is complete.
We are West Hollywood’s Community Platform
You can reach us here: WEHOonline.com >>> WEHO.com
So many thanks to everyone for your support.
Guessing that a name that conjures up images of right-wing redneck company towns didn’t fit well with the Progressive image of the Great City of West Hollywood ❗ 🤣
Unfortunately, the new name conjures up communication from the City rather than an unaffiliated publication.
I prefer WEHOville, too. WeHo Online sounds generic and, well…isn’t everything online these days?
Agreed. “Online” is generic and “What? That is the most creative/interesting/engaging name you could come up with?”.
what is a better name than weho.com or WEHOonline.com, .. if you think of one let me know, then check if the url is available. Besides, your judging something that is not even built yet.
BOLD. Love it!
Congratulations Larry and Brandon!
Let’s hope that the new mobile site will work like the original without the pop ups and ads that have wrecked havoc on the functionality.
I love it.
This was one of the smartest decisions you could have made with this publication. Glad you got rid of the ville it always had a wierd ring. The new brand is sensational.
Never liked the ville or the person who ran it. Solid move and congratulations. This is a great move !
Congratulations and the new name is fantastic.
Larry pulls a rabbit out of the hat again! Glad to see the end of any connection to the evil founder.
How did you get that name? I’m a big fan of this site and glad to see the new handle. So easy to remember and says it all.
Great new name! Congrats and thankful for this resource.