PUBLIC COMMENT 💬 HUD homeless numbers are an indictment of us all


Nicholas Roybal speaks during Public Comment at Monday night’s City Council meeting.

When would be a great time to talk about the HUD numbers on homelessness? I don’t know if any of you council members have been able to look at the new numbers that came out of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. I feel they are an indictment of each of us in this room. Homelessness in LA County increased this past year alone by 9.5%. Again, this year alone, homelessness in LA County increased by 9.5%. That means there are 71,320 people living on the streets.

Another number that jumped out at me in the HUD numbers: There are 4,087 trans people who are unsheltered and homeless. There are 3,089 non-binary unsheltered homeless people, and there are 759 questioning unsheltered homeless people. Combined, that’s around 8,000 unsheltered homeless people.

Councilmember Meister, you’re a data nerd like me. What I really appreciated about the HUD report is that they’re really breaking down sheltered and unsheltered homelessness. And I think that can be a really good marker for how we move forward.

6B, the Community Development Block Grant, we really need to do an internal audit on Essentia. The numbers are not adding up. They’re not adding up at all. 146 new clients, how many of those clients have been housed? 13.

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Buster Hymen
Buster Hymen
9 months ago

“There are 4,087 trans people who are unsheltered and homeless. There are 3,089 non-binary unsheltered homeless people, and there are 759 questioning unsheltered homeless people.” Is this satire???

9 months ago

An independent audit is more than prudent. And it bears reminding, WeHo’s ridiculous homeless numbers were fabricated via banning public participation in the last homeless count, because “COVID”, of course. Transparency is the only inoculation to this epidemic.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
9 months ago
Reply to  West

There was zero transparency in the sham “count” that benefited only Sepi Shyne’s campaign narrative (lie) that she alone reduced homelessness by 60%, now adjusted to read significantly, rather than 60%. Reminds me of an old line that asks how you know a politician is lying; they open their mouth. Political lying is political violence.

Same Fictitious Claims
Same Fictitious Claims
9 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Hasn’t Sepi Shyne merely repeated the fictitious claims of Lindsey Horvath regarding homelessness reduction? Same plan,same lies, same absence of integrity. 🙄😨😱

9 months ago

This right here! 🎯🎯🎯 The back up to the b/s numbers our council floats around when necessary – I believe Erickson and Shyne bandy about (48) homeless they counted in West Hollywood on their scientific counting excursion through the city the last time. Homeless and unhoused and homeless and sheltered is a complex issue that a morning stroll can not grasp let alone provide a numeric answer. That we in Weho are walking this double edge sword, the homeless are everywhere and they contribute to the the mess and stress in the community’s daily lives and our desire to be… Read more »

Not Serious
Not Serious
9 months ago
Reply to  :dpb

The City continues to address serious problems in the manner which a company promotes a Public Relations/Marketing Campaign rather that utilizing a critical thinking/engineering approach to solve a problem. The City process consumes exorbitant funds to compensate the box checkers and career bureaucrats that infest our municipal government.

9 months ago
Reply to  Not Serious

🎯🎯🎯 100% correct.