A wish list for WeHo


Dear Santa,

We may complain a lot about living in West Hollywood, but let’s be honest — it’s about as close to heaven on earth as a person could ask for. Still, here a few things we think could make it even better.

A Christmas tree at the PDC

How much time have you spent at Pacific Design Center this year? This amazing facility is supposed to be open to the West Hollywood community yet all too often it’s reserved as a cloistered event space for the rich and famous. How about a Rockefeller-sized Christmas tree in the courtyard that all of us could enjoy? It certainly beats what’s currently there: a non-operational fountain that’s forever roped off by crime scene tape.

Trail of Lights

So many beautiful streets in WeHo yet so little urge to illuminate them at night. While we understand hesitance to sending crowds wandering through WeHo’s residential neighborhoods, a city-sponsored trail of lights would do a lot to bring the community together and soften the overly NIMBY vibe WeHoans can sometimes give off. Also, property theft thrives in darkness.

World Christmas Food Festival

No matter where we come from or what color our skin is, we all love to pig out during the holidays. How about a delicious food festival at Plummer Park to celebrate and share the incredible array of multicultural cuisine we’ve got in West Hollywood? Think baklava, borscht, hamentashen, pan de polvo… hungry yet?

Foot patrols

Nothing would make many residents happier than to see a Sheriff’s deputy or even a security ambassador wave hello on an evening walk through the neighborhood.

A grocery store open 24 hours

While we’d love one that starts with W and ends with almart, anything would be an improvement over the selection at 7 Eleven (which closes at 1 am!).


Hang out with the homeless

Instead of outsourcing your charity to the homeless industrial complex, make a few sandwiches this Christmas and hand them out to the people you usually try not to look at. Talk to them. The government offers millions of dollars worth of services most of them don’t want, and nothing is improving. So offer them something more than pity — don’t treat them like they’re subhuman. 

Parking ticket amnesty

Asking for a friend.

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Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
7 months ago

You’re asking a city full of LGBTQπR^2 communists, run by a bunch of communists, to celebrate Christmas. Just checking.

Cy Husain
7 months ago

I know many Communists who celebrate Christmas, they will be doing it on January 7th❗

7 months ago

Nice piece here and a reminder of how much better it is than most other places in the nation. The regulars here need to hear that. A world Christmas food festival is a great idea for the city, you should try to get some interest and momentum for it next year, I’d be into going to that. The Pavillions should be open 24 hours, with so much late night traffic especially on the weekends in that location it says obvious, to me at least.

7 months ago

My wish for WeHo is that 2024 will bring understanding and enlightenment to city officials including council, commissioners and staff that our stakeholders living in the city for 30+ years have a much greater investment in the city than those new to the city or than those who have yet move here. Many of us come from other places and chose to move to Los Angeles. It is a city that notoriously eats people up and spits them out, so sustaining 30+ years is not something to be taken lightly. So, when we stand up in the meetings during the… Read more »

Billy Batts
Billy Batts
7 months ago

Well, what do expect from a city that worships Halloween and will give you a parking ticket on Easter cause I guess that’s not an official holiday?

7 months ago

We all would HATE a Walmart, I hope.
Ralph’s on Sunset is open 24hrs.
(Close enough.)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

C'mon Sense
C'mon Sense
7 months ago

Merry Christmas to everyone!! Yes, “Merry Christmas” and not “Happy Holidays.” This woke bs needs to stop. Bringing back tradition and peace starts with each one of us. Again, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

7 months ago
Reply to  C'mon Sense

Happy Holidays!

7 months ago
Reply to  C'mon Sense

Happy Holidays!

Cy Husain
7 months ago
Reply to  C'mon Sense

NO it’s NOT Christmas, Christ who was a dark skinned Middle Eastern Jewish SOCIALIST☭ who spent his lifetime resisting the evils of capitalism and western imperialism, was born in September. What we are really celebrating is the stolen ❄ Winter Solstice. So please DON’T bring back euro genocidal war tradition and exploitation in North America. Get WOKE to the “Happy Holidays ❗ “

Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
7 months ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

That’s garbage and you know it. You spread falsehoods because you want others to join in your misery. That’s fine. I get it. I do, I sympathize with your lack of ownership of your life. Now do something about it or you may wind up celebrating Christmas like Nikolai Ceaucescu.

Cy Husain
7 months ago

I backed my claims up with source links, where as your claims appear to be entirely base on psychological projection.🤣

7 months ago

I love every suggest specially the Christmas lights trail and a magnificent Christmas tree at The PDC.

Jerome Cleary
Jerome Cleary
7 months ago

In the early 1990s we had a beautiful Christmas tree lit up with covered lights. It was really big and it was right in that triangle piece of land at Holloway and Sunset with the Bullwinkle statue is today. And everybody raved about it and everybody loved it. People even came to the city council meeting and said that it brought a tear to the eye that they love that Christmas tree so much. But today we have nothing.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
7 months ago

I think the World Christmas Food Festival sounds absolutely divine but this city is too busy tearing people apart by identity and there’s no time left to celebrate all that truly unites us. Was anyone paying attention on Monday night when council voted to co-sponsor The Queer Food Festival and waive $23,500 in fees in doing so? Apparently, in West Hollywood we need to “uplift” chefs by their identity, rather than merely by their talents.

7 months ago

Brandon is really into AI generated images, huh?

7 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Greeneyedguy is really into meaningless verbal diarrhea that adds zero substance to civic discourse, huh?

(I rather like Brandon’s graphics)

7 months ago
Reply to  STFU

You think discussing AI in journalism isn’t relevant in 2023? Have you been paying attention?

7 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Is that what i said? Thought not. Realizing thought is not one of your strengths. There’s a gulf of divide between graphics and words. Also realizing that the latter are not your strong suit.

Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
7 months ago
Reply to  STFU

Still wondering how him using AI images instead of stock photos is relevant.

7 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Weren’t you banned?

Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
7 months ago
Reply to  gdaddy

Pretty sure Larry loves truly free speech and lets everyone bare their ass to the world.

Cy Husain
7 months ago
Reply to  gdaddy

Now that would be tragic to see the only voice of reason banned among the comment trolls here.

Joy To the World
Joy To the World
7 months ago

Joy for the City and its residents!

A Lump of Coal for the self involved, and self promoting Councilmembers who preen and postulate on the proverbial political ladder.

May the wayward, uninformed Councilmembers find an element of self realization internally or by traveling to the mountaintop of humility.

7 months ago

Let me see if I have this right. You want to give out free sandwiches to “the homeless”. How loving and welcoming you are. Most people think we have too many here, but you want them to feel welcome here, and to encourage more to settle on our sidewalks. You’re the new Mother Teresa.

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
7 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Dear queen
Mother Theresa was actually a sadistic monster. You’re welcome.

Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
Harambe's Vengeful Ghost
7 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy palmieri


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