Hello and HNY,
I’m writing to inquire about support for this neighborhood, after reaching out to LA Police (Wilshire/213.473.0476) and the West Hollywood Police Department (in addition to homeless departments) there’s been nothing done to remedy the issue that the homeless represent to this neighborhood.
In addition, there’s been a significant rise in crime (e.g. EP/LP murder, hit and runs, graffiti, drug use/meth near the elementary schools in the area, sex from stranger parking in our streets and more).
There’s a strong lack of police support when reporting issues on Melrose, La Cienega, Beverly, 3rd street, Crescent Heights, Fairfax and all the streets in between.
Since some of these areas fall under LA City/County vs West Hollywood the responses we receive often are from operators “please call LA City”, “we can’t do anything”, and when there is a response (which is usually only from West Hollywood) it usually takes an hour to get support.
A call to LA County/City police department is useless.
As residents, we can call to have the homeless removed, but cleaning up urine, feces, and trash is up to the building – which in such cases leaves residents with the mess.
It’s a problem that is only getting worse in parts due to the terrible decision being made at a leadership level providing services (e.g. opening up bathroom at parts 24/7, creating a hotel to house homeless without being prepared as it and now there will be more homeless).
There are more issues also along all these streets (e.g. Melrose, La Cienega, Beverly, 3rd street, Crescent Heights, Fairfax…) where cars are racing and there’s ZERO police enforcement stopping and prosecuting these individuals that are endangering the lives of people all around them.
Individuals are racing all along these streets (e.g., Melrose, La Cienega, Beverly, 3rd street, Crescent Heights, Fairfax and small neighborhoods).
At the end of the day, we have a weak infrastructure in our city.
Due to the issues that LA County/City faces, we are not left wide open to all the issues that side of town has and we (as West Hollywood) do not have the resources to take care of a city that is not caring for nearby residents.
We keep providing services, and increasing wages (I’m uncertain who this benefits given that most West Hollywood residents have incomes above average).
So instead, we provide a higher wage for people to work in our city, park in our streets (take away the ability for residents to park), litter our streets, races/aggressively drive in our city, drink/drive and create other issues.
2 It’s upsetting to elect leadership that has failed it’ voters and continues to let a great city like West Hollywood slowly deteriorate and become another Portland/San Francisco/Oakland.
There are so many issues happening because the current leadership is weak in implementing strict laws to preserve West Hollywood and ensure it continues to grow and support other cities when possible.
As a voter, I have done my best to support the current leadership, hopefully there will be significant changes it the way the city is taken care of because right now it’s failing.
E-mailed to West Hollywood City Council to be included in the public record of their Jan. 16 meeting by [email protected].
In case any WeHo residents out there do not know about this, on the City of WeHo’s website there is a real time service request page (link below). Here you can report noise, abandoned trash, graffiti, streetlight outages, construction violations, animal control just to name a few. Enter the info and they will update as they fix the problem. This has been a great tool for us on the east side. https://www.weho.org/services/services/service-requests
If Gruesom Newsom were to visit WeHo he’d call the city a 3rd World Country like LA. Alas, that won’t happen since he’s trying to unofficially unset Biden as the puppet President.
“It’s a problem that is only getting worse in parts due to the terrible decision being made at a leadership level providing services (e.g. opening up bathroom at parts 24/7, creating a hotel to house homeless without being prepared as it and now there will be more homeless).” Neither of these things have happened yet. I’m confused. Obviously everyone wants there to be less homeless people. So why are you mad about housing (and providing services for employment opportunities) for existing homeless people? This will be for people who WANT to get back on their feet. They have ambition to… Read more »
The areas you mention seem to really fall into the city of Los Angeles. Have you done a full court outreach to both your LA city council person and identified the police precinct responsible for your area and its leadership. They should be target of your neighborhood association.
Read the headline, and the story.
I did both and was thinking they are not going at this correctly. Just thought I would offer them a suggestion as how do bring attention to their issues to the proper people.
The hopeless homeless derelicts on our streets have already ruined the quality of life for hard-working residents and taxpayers.
The three stooges on our city council are largely to blame for the ruin of our once-lovely city.
Unfortunately this person is addressing issues mainly in Los Angeles, so it is LA’s 15 council members who bear the blame, specifically their local council person.
Sad, but true. The reality is that most of the homeless have underlying issues that need to be addressed first. Like mental illness or substance abuse. That’s not me imagining this or reading it on a blog. It’s coming from reliable sources. We can throw all the money we want at ‘homeless hotels’ or ‘one stop homeless resource centers’. It’s not going to solve the problem. Anyone remember LA’s 2016 Prop HHH? The $1.2 billion voter-approved bond to build housing for homeless. What do we have to show for it? Essentially, nothing. Meanwhile, residents are left to fend for themselves.… Read more »