City Hall calls ‘All-Staff’ meeting to deal with whistleblower complaints.


“There will be an all staff meeting hosted by Labor Attorney HR Manager Raelynn Napper, for all WeHO Staff.   The purpose of this meeting is to encourage staff to go through HR for any complaints instead of going to you or any news outlet.   They will explain the whistleblower policy and try to build the employees morale.”

WEHOonline received a copy of the above email that was sent to City Staff and Teams.   The all staff meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 25th.   

Recent reports have been reported here, here and here.

Included with the notice to staff was a commentary.   The author of the email is unknown.  

“The city fails to realize that this is too little too late and the reason why many people have come forward is because HR has swept everything under the rug.   Bluntly speaking – how can anyone trust Janet Jimenez, who has benefitted the most from the favoritism and nepotism?   She has reached the highest pay and position just by being part of the ‘clique’ and is not the HR Director.   Who in their right mind would trust her or any of her people?”


“In addition, my personal experience with Raelynn was one of the most unpleasant experiences I have gone though.   She was rude, condescending, and confrontational.   The woman was hired specifically to remove unfavored employees and no-one can convince me otherwise.”

Janet Jimenez is an Administrative Director who oversees Human Resources.   She was hired on 3/12/2007 as a permit services specialist.   Jimenez was promoted to code compliance officer in October 2008, and then again in September 2013 to a Management Specialist.   In November of 2014 Jimenez became the Assistant to the City Manager Paul Arevalo.   Upon Arevalo’s retirement Jimenez was then promoted to a top post at City Hall in June 2022 as the Director of Administrative Services.    

Most recently Jimenez put forth the recommendation to re-hire Oscar Delgado as an independent contractor bypassing the 180-day policy that was intended to prevent double dipping by a retiring employee.    The whistleblower has alleged that Delgado knows Jimenez since childhood and was responsible for her hiring at city hall.   Jimenez returned the favor when she spearheaded the re-hiring of Delgado as a consultant bypassing the 180 day rule with city council’s approval.   





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8 months ago

OBVIOUSLY, this “Jimenez” is corrupt and needs to be FORCED OUT by an uprising of West Hollywood City residents. We will NOT stand for this corruption GTFO!!

8 months ago

THIS IS SUCH CRAP. This was said by someone else, but bears repeating: “The whistleblowers are heroes. I hope this Mafia-style power play to silence dissent is squelched and people continue to speak out. The reason people act as whistleblowers is that the city government is corrupt and unresponsive. Seems the city is trying to intimidate their workers into silent submission.” EXACTLY. RISE UP! DO NOT take this crap from WeHo obnoxious “executives” trying to silence wrongdoing and line their pockets or feed their own ambitions/egos at the expense of staff and City residents. BLOW that whistle and expose ALL… Read more »

Malibu boy
Malibu boy
8 months ago

If true, this is extremely disturbing and is not what WEHO is all about. At least it isn’t supposed to be.

8 months ago

Holy crap this is worse than even I imagined

Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
8 months ago

I don’t even work for city government, and I still need to file an HR complaint against John Erickson for… Being himself.

Left Field
Left Field
8 months ago

The city is trying to find out which co-worker is going to join the 13 year club.

Need a Public Advocate
Need a Public Advocate
8 months ago

Perhaps it’s time for West Hollywood to have an independently appointed PUBLIC ADVOCATE. That is the position formerly held by Leticia James in Manhattan currently AG prosecuting
Donald Trump’s fraud case. As PA she dug into the details.

Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
8 months ago

Yes. What we need are more anti-American communists running around in city government!

8 months ago

Were you a friend or devoted relative of Joe McCarthy?

Need a Public Advocate
Need a Public Advocate
8 months ago

And you consider AG James an “anti American communist”? If so please give a few reasons for your opinion.

8 months ago

Someone else who’s clueless what communism is. Why are people like you always so eager to display your ignorance.

Microscope on City Hall
Microscope on City Hall
8 months ago

Huizar sentenced to 13 years today on charges of corruption as chair of land use committee on LA City Council. Time for the microscope on Weho Community Development and its own planners. Another case reported today in the NYT regarding S.F. determination of corruption via consultants and kickbacks.

Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
8 months ago

Hello planning commission, this is karma…

8 months ago

Oh and I shouldn’t forget; on the topic of favoritism, Jackie being included in every interview process where she can sway the decision and hire the people she wants in each position, you know, the in crowd. The clique. This is favoritism and it SUCKS, especially if you’re not a “favorite.” This is wrong and it needs to change. Treat your employees better and you’ll get back so much more. Also, where was Jackie in today’s meeting?!

Deep Throat
Deep Throat
8 months ago

The meeting was nothing but a waste of time. For as much as the Trump-like executives try to make things better, their actions proved the meeting to be nothing but damage control to save face. – Questions were not answered. – Suggestions were shut down. – Should-be-fired City Manager Wilson defended his choice of promoting Rosario Salazar’s Offspring Janet and Danny Duggar by stating that they worked hard to get where they’re at but, not surprisingly, failed to give examples. As Wilson spoke and promoted kumbaya the toxic executive team stood at the back of the room gawking at employees… Read more »

Deep Throat
Deep Throat
8 months ago
Reply to  Deep Throat

Part 2, continued We ask for equality, respect, consideration and understanding. 1. Equality – stop showing blatant favoritism and treat everyone the same. 2. Respect – stop gaslighting us and ignoring the situations that you have created. Stop trying to undermine us. 3. Consideration – stop promoting individuals that are part of your clique and focus on hiring QUALIFIED and EXPERIENCED individuals. 4. Understanding – stop changing policy’s and procedures without our feedback. How about you ask us our opinion before implementing any changes that we, not you, will work and oversee? In conclusion, stop pretending that what you have… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
8 months ago
Reply to  Deep Throat

I should add that the City Manager nor other management NEVER tells the City Council to set priorities and that some of their dumb ass ideas are just not going to go to the front of the line. In the past, when we were a smaller City, the City Manager would often ask, how much of a priority is this suggestion? The fact of the matter is that by loading up staff with distracting items we wound up missing the deadline for our Housing Element. Now the residents face the consequences of this lack of management and competent leadership.

Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
Harambe’s Vengeful Ghost
8 months ago
Reply to  Deep Throat

How is anybody in WeHo government Trump-like? They’re all a bunch of communist losers who deserve the worst in life.

8 months ago

I think karma is coming your way.

8 months ago

You don’t have a clue what communism is do you. Are you proud of your ignorance?

tired of OLD weho
tired of OLD weho
8 months ago

Ive gone to City Hall to rent stabilization and Anwar was great. I called Code about a neighbor’s illegal construction and they came out in a few hours. I have written to city staff and always gotten an answer.

Maybe try NOT being an A-hole and you’ll get help from the city

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
8 months ago

I dealt with a number of serious issues at City Hall at Rent and Community Development an was always provided with first class service by employees who seemed to care. We have a ton of really good and professional employees, but they are undercut by lack of leadership and self interested leadership at the top.

Had Enough
Had Enough
8 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Exactly. Anwar is great. But when you get to the people who make the decisions, not so much, including the hearing examine Brandon. Couldn’t keep up, bent over backwards to accommodate my landlord, and then made insulting false allegations against me. And some of the codes are ridiculous. Like, inspector needs to see water from roof leaks. I begged the City to inspect the roof re ceiling/wall damage in my apartment, but no. As soon as my case was over, tenant below me got water leaks around her front door. Landlord/slumlord Danny xxxxxxxx tried to blame me, even though nothing… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
8 months ago
Reply to  Had Enough

Anwar was one of the employees I dealt with; he has proven his worth time and again over the years as a pro-active staffer.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
8 months ago

If our City employees feel that going to HR is pointless they should at least have the option of reporting to a City Omsbud person. The fact that Management is concerned that employees are going to the press to seek some sort of redress should be cause for alarm. But having an “all staff” meeting to berate employees for talking to the press is bullying and is an admission that the workplace is dysfunctional.