Statement from the City of West Hollywood regarding whistleblower claims


Two weeks ago we received a letter written by the city employee we’re calling “Whistleblower 3,” who is known to city officials but whom we’ve chosen not to identify by name. We waited two weeks before its publication to give the city an opportunity to submit a rebuttal, which is printed below, and this article will stand as the final in this series. Future whistleblowers are encouraged to follow the protocol set by the city’s whistblower policy. 

In recent weeks, the community in West Hollywood and the City of West Hollywood’s staff, appointed officials, and City Councilmembers have been aware of a series of posts in WEHOonline from an individual claiming to be a City Hall whistleblower.

Recently, this individual came forward to City management to indicate that they are, in fact, the person communicating with WEHOonline and WEHOonline has posted that the individual has revealed their identity to the online publication, as well.

The content and tone of the posts on WEHOonline has sparked a wave of comments that reflect negatively on the City and the posts, themselves, contain a myriad of speculative information and a range of accusations about workplace culture and City employees.

WEHOonline reached out to City management this week to provide the City with an opportunity to provide this statement. The City appreciates the opportunity to act in response in this public forum.


In regard to this topic, City Manager David Wilson provided an overview to all City staff and the City Council on Thursday, February 29 to communicate next steps being taken the City. In the spirit of transparency and accountability, this information, as follows, is also being provided to the community.

With the identity of the person making the allegations now known to City management, a more comprehensive investigation can be conducted into all claims made in the online publication posts, as well as any related activities. This will be initiated by the City Attorney’s office, which will engage an independent third-party investigator to conduct the process. The investigation will include conducting interviews with everyone involved to ensure accountability for any alleged misconduct within the organization.

While whistleblowers are essential in upholding transparency and accountability, often risking their careers to expose truths that can lead to significant institutional reforms and justice, it is important to point out that there are multiple City processes and points of contact available to all employees to file whistleblower complaints for investigation, as well as a free and external ombudsperson service. The City’s intention is always to encourage open dialogue, but creating a public-facing discourse can have detrimental impacts on many employees within the organization, particularly when personal and professional information was shared with WEHOonline, rather than through the City’s Human Resources Manager or the City’s ombudsperson, who are qualified to accept sensitive information as part of the complaint process.

When it comes to the professionalism of the City as an organization, confidentiality is required in matters concerning individual employees, as it not only protects the privacy and rights of those involved, but also ensures fair and impartial treatment throughout any investigative or disciplinary processes. Publicly speculating on personnel matters can potentially compromise the integrity of such proceedings and expose the City to legal liabilities. Nevertheless, the allegations and concerns expressed in these posts deserve attention. The City takes all allegations of misconduct or unethical behavior seriously, and appropriate steps are being taken to address

them in accordance with established policies and procedures. The City’s commitment to maintaining a workplace environment that is supportive, respectful, and free from discrimination and harassment remains steadfast. Violating the City’s codes, abuse of authority, and bullying are not acceptable, nor are personal attacks against other employees, sharing of inaccurate information, or efforts to damage the important work and reputation of the City.

Importantly, while there may be community expectations at this time that the City should engage in an additional level of public-facing detail about specific allegations or personnel, it’s the City’s obligation to protect the privacy of individual staff members as the City goes through an investigative process. WEHOonline’s publisher has indicated to City management that the publication would like to mark this moment as an endpoint in posting whistleblower claims. To that end, the City agrees, and it regards transparent and factual information following an investigation as the best way for the City to hold itself accountable to the community.

The City of West Hollywood owes much of its success to the dedication and hard work of its dedicated City staff members and deeply values the support and engagement of its community members, who make West Hollywood the extraordinary place it is. The City achieves remarkable results when we stand together in support of one another and we want to support our employees’ success as we continue our focus on providing excellent service to our community.

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8 months ago

WEHOonline’s publisher has indicated to City management that the publication would like to mark this moment as an endpoint in posting whistleblower claims. To that end, the City agrees, and it regards transparent and factual information following an investigation as the best way for the City to hold itself accountable to the community. this is not such a so subtle way of the city saying Wehoonline must run any city hall related information by them before publishing. Are we supposed to wait for the city to release the result of their pretend investigation? City investigating themselves will lead to no… Read more »

Make that make sense
Make that make sense
10 months ago

So, based on the whistleblower’s title of their latest letter they returned from leave after their cancer battle and for whatever reason is fighting for “reasonable accommodation” at the city that prides itself on their involvement for civil rights. Make that make sense.

No doubt there is more to the story and the city’s response says as much. Whether the whistleblower has a reputation of being credible, has proof of all allegations, or the city has been caught red handed, an investigation excluding the city’s involvement must be had.

9 months ago

Yes there is lots more , I was an employ for 22 years and was forced to leave for my mental health reasons . This is No surprise . I came to West Hollywood looking for inclusion and all I received was discrimination from Management. I have lots to share and documents to show my case West Hollywood needs to do a better job when it comes to staff Mental Health , I was looked at as if I was the problem I had to fight just to receive help ,even going off work with out pay during lock down… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Private

To think this was written sixteen days ago and today I see the investigative report on the executive’s salary and titles. I believe every word you say after this article. I would not be surprised if they’re all related. WeHo is so inbred it’s disturbing.

7 months ago
Reply to  Private

I agree the facilities depart has become Helen Collins little friendship corner hiring family members of employees , unskilled staff or guys that are recommended to Her from within the department. Helen also values brown noising over skilled and hard working employees is show in the selection of lead men, supervisors and superintendents she has hired. HR should be to blame where as they do the processing of the new hires.

10 months ago

But of course the city manager did not acknowledge anything about this topic during the council meeting tonight. He is truly shameless and incompetent. Fire the man.

Future whistleblowers must contact LA Times or local news outlets instead of this publication that can be bullied by the city. If whistleblower3 hasn’t already done this, they should do so immediately.

Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech
10 months ago

Did anyone else notice that the whistleblower’s latest statement was updated to show who each whistleblower is? Why would that information be released? Is the city trying to silence this publication too?

10 months ago

Why does that surprise you? If the latest title is correct, a cancer survivor is fighting for reasonable accommodations. The city picking on someone with a disability means they’ll pick on anyone.

10 months ago

This explains a lot. I overheard them talking about a picture and how “she” knows. They sounded panicked and from the conversations overheard it sounded like there is more than one picture. I think one of the code officers caught these exemplary individuals together too and that picture can be requested through records request (unless it has already been deleted) With the city being so small and everyone running into each other. It begs the question why they would risk being seen together after everything was brought to light. Especially after David Wilson denied there is any nepotism. This serves… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  True

True. A code officer was questioned about this mess which supports the claims that a code officer caught them too.

This is the real reason for the city’s response. Too many witnesses and they cannot deny what was seen and reported on.

9 months ago
Reply to  True

I can’t believe David Wilson said there’s no
nepotism Oscar Delgado who was also one of the City Managers hired his God , Daughter and now she holds a Director’s position In the facilities landscape department, there are many staff members that are related to supervisors and managers. That’s how it is work since I have been there only promote who they know.

10 months ago

How can it be that all of the prior comments here are reasonable and well thought out, but these are from the same people who mostly support thuggery rent control, which no reasonable fair-thinking person could possibly and truthfully be in favor of.

10 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

So why did you write a eulogy/comment for Esther Baum praising her efforts in this city? Which one is it, “WehoQueen”?

Esther was possibly one of the most influential citizens in regards to rent control and tenant rights in this city.

Do you have no shame?

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
10 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

No shame at all.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy palmieri

This from the #1 defender of rewarding people who made bad life choices, like people who chose to become a drug addict, and want others to pay for someone else’s bad decisions. I get it. Maybe you’re not the one to pass judgement on shame.

10 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Unlike you, I appreciate different opinions. I don’t want everyone to agree with me. I didn’t agree with much of what Esther Baum believed, but I admired that she didn’t just sit anonymously behind some computer screen and throw out vacant insults. She believed in something, and she took action.

10 months ago

The city statement is being made after the whistleblower came forward and identified themselves which means there is validity in what was said. So what now? David Wilson will investigate himself? What a joke.

Undoubtedly, whistleblower 3 will face the city’s wrath and be blamed for whoever goes down. Best of luck whistleblower 3 and if any reader knows of an attorney, maybe we can put their information here so they can help whistleblower 3.

Ben McCormick
Ben McCormick
10 months ago

So, if I’m understanding this story correctly, it was only last Thursday, 2/29, that David Wilson finally agreed to look into this issue that has been percolating out in the open for months (largely thanks to WeHoVILLE’s coverage) but only because it was finally exposed to the public by Whistleblower 3 because she was not getting any adequate redress by following the City’s internal complaint policies. How long will this investigation take? Who is in charge of it? When will a report on its findings be issued? Will it be issued to the public? Finally, and actually more disturbing to… Read more »

Larry Block
10 months ago
Reply to  Ben McCormick

Hi Ben, the city did nothing to encourage me or brandon to move forward. The decision was mine alone that this topic of her claims has been exhausted in these pages. Whistle3’s claims need to be settled in a court, or through the city process. I took that position on my own. We are glad to cover, expose, report verifiable new allegations from Whistle 3 or others.

Sure, Jan
Sure, Jan
10 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block

It’s ok Larry. We know how the city operates.

Thank you for helping us city employees expose what goes on inside city hall.

10 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block

You sound mad at WB3. All this seems to be taking a toll on you and I’m sure WB knows this is not a court. Godspeed.

10 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block

From the likes of it the whistleblower is ready for anything. Only someone with proof would make this move. And David Wilson’s rebuttal letter is telling. No other whistleblower has caused a rebuttal an internal investigation or mention of the city attorney’s involvement. This is serious.

Sam Shaw
Sam Shaw
10 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Please don’t stop Larry. There are many more of us.

10 months ago

“Violating the City’s codes, abuse of authority, and bullying are not acceptable, “ says the one that praised the bully during the all staff meeting.

“nor are personal attacks against other employees, sharing of inaccurate information” curios choice of words. Sure we were together but we weren’t drinking

“or efforts to damage the important work and reputation of the City.” The audacity to blame the cancer survivor for your failures. Bravo West Hollywood, bravo.

10 months ago

“creating a public-facing discourse can have detrimental impacts on many employees within the organization, particularly when personal and professional information was shared with WEHOonline, rather than through the City’s Human Resources Manager or the City’s ombudsperson”

According to HR’s email response to the whistleblower, the whistleblower did follow protocol and they were aware of her personal battles.

Why is this the first time we hear about an ombudsman? Who are they and where can they be contacted?

Johnny H.
Johnny H.
10 months ago

The City’s HR manager seems to be incompetent and grossly negligent in performing their duties as is the City Manager. In the real world both would be fired and Delgado’s contract terminated immediately. The third party should be from a legal office outside of the county of Los Angeles and it should consist of two attorneys and a forensic account to review all practices and decisions made by senior staff in the past ten years. The corruption and negligence is beyond the pale. I encourage whistleblowers to file whatever actions necessary to bring in the State to serve a conservator… Read more »

Bye, bye, bye
Bye, bye, bye
10 months ago

David Wilson preaching about transparency is ridiculous. Does he think we forgot how he forced Lauren Meister to obtain a public records request instead of just giving her the information she had the right to obtain?

If he treated and dismissed the then weho Mayor, I’m certain this whistleblower 3 was treated worse. He needs to be fired along with everyone else.

Johnny H.
Johnny H.
10 months ago
Reply to  Bye, bye, bye

Well said. David Wilson has revealed his complicity in dragging things out he is otherwise compelled by statute to share with elected officials. His tripe needs to be sold to a butcher. Not tax paying property owners who have watched the city turn into a rats nest of nearer do well hired hands. Send him back to the farm