DEAR WEHO: It’s time to clean house


Dear City Manager David Wilson and City Attorney Lauren Langer,

This all points to a lack of ethics and accountability. Neither of you has shown yourself to be capable of calling for or enforcing either ethical behavior or accountability.  Neither of you are in a position to select a third party to “fairly” see this disaster of your own making through to a fair, transparent, ethical, and accountable outcome.

Where does the city go from here?  We’re stuck in a pile of horseshit.  Your only course of action now is to dispense with the bureaucrat bullshit of your statement and forcefully start doing the people’s work.

How does one rise to the top HR position in the city with seemingly zero HR experience?

1)    Fire Jimenez
2)    Fire Rivas
3)    End Delgado’s contract
4)    David, resign
5)    Lauren, time for your firm’s contract to be put out to bid.

Ethics matter.
Accountability matters.
Transparency matters.

The people are still on the top of the org chart.

Do better.

Alan M. Strasburg
32-year resident of West Hollywood

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About Alan Strasburg
“Alan Strasburg is a thirty-one year resident of West Hollywood who has served on a number of non-profit boards seeking to improve the lives of other people through quiet, humble and meaningful impact. He also believes in the spiritual doctrine to do good work and not boastfully draw attention to oneself. He continues to serve (with gratitude, humility, and without ego) on the board of a national 501(c)3 organization bringing arts education and career opportunities to children on the autism spectrum."

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7 months ago

Alan…I gave up. on WeHo City Council years ago. With the exception of Lauren. It had some fascinating highs and lows when I fist moved to WH years ago. The wannabe who lost the Adam Schiff “name on the ballot” race really stuck in my craw. And I am old enough to have seen how all governments work both here and abroad. As a woman of a certain age, I have no faith in the next generation because they have been cut loose in a sea of artifice that blows an ill wind. And we all know an ill wind… Read more »

Johnny H.
Johnny H.
7 months ago

Excellent and to the point Mr Strasburg!!! Cut off the snakes numerous heads and pour Clorox through city hall. As a 27 year home owner in West Hollywood and a homeowner in Carmel by the Sea for 40 plus years – the city of West Hollywood is by far the most poorly managed, graft laden and corrupt tax payer supported organization in our state. Yet when elections are held it’s the same people who might have good ideas yet thanks to their developer friends nothing changes. Again I wish their was a forensic audit of all payments made by the… Read more »

Left Field
Left Field
7 months ago

The big democratic money in Los Angeles and West Hollywood is from Minnesota…. J H Snyder Construction / The Gateway and Ralphs , NoHo Commons, John D’Amico , Museum Square and UCLA. . Lyle Berman/University of Minnesota / Wilsons Leathers/ Grand Casinos. Carl Pohlad Minnesota Twins. Steven Walker and 21st Insurance services. Drew Backstrand / Green Dot financial./ Susan G Koman Breast Cancer Foundation Minnesota. Former Governor Bruce Dayton’s family started Dayton Hudson Corp/ Dayton’s, Target/ Marshall Fields/ Hudson Jewelers and later Macys. The Cargill family who gave money to buy life insurance policies from Dayton Hudson Corp. Fun Fact…About… Read more »

7 months ago

Let’s not overlook the rest of the nepotism gang. Lorena Quijano, who has a history of questionable financial practices, Jackie Rocco, and Steve Campbell, who seem to let certain developers do what they please. And lastly, Helen Collins, who consistently hires family members of her favorite staff, and fails miserably as a supposed manager. All of these people have been given special treatment and promoted to positions they would otherwise have a marginal chance at attaining. I’m happy I am no longer an employee or resident. I used to love this city but, the city I loved is only a… Read more »

Left Field
Left Field
7 months ago

NBC/ Universal filmed a reality shows in unlicensed West Hollywood venues. Broadcast it over their Bravo network and sold advertising. The letter should be addressed to the FCC, not the city.
What happened to the satellite system from Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker ‘s Trinity Broadcasting Network ? Asking for a friend.

Hear, hear
Hear, hear
7 months ago

Thank you, Alan. There is so much a whistleblower can accomplish and the rest falls on you, residents, business owners, property owner’s, etcétera. The City of West Hollywood has a history of protecting and promoting the bullies (Lorena Quintanilla, Cleo Smith, Jackie Rocco, Kristin Cook, Coby Wagman, Danny Rivas and the queen of bullies, Janet Jimenez) while the victims are shamed and abolished from their employment. The continued lack of accountability has created a superiority complex for these bullies who are under the impression that they are above the law. This behavior shows outside of city hall, as mentioned in… Read more »

7 months ago

We had another all staff meeting and was clear that the alleged investigation will be done by a third party. No doubt they will be hired by the city attorney which means the investigation is a front. David Wilson continues to ask employees to follow protocol and seek HR’s assistance. As for the ombudsman he mentioned on this email to all staff it turns out we actually do not have an ombudsman and they are looking for one now.

All bullshit.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
7 months ago

I think there’s some confusion as to whom this letter is addressed; it is intended for City Manager David Wilson and City Attorney Lauren Langer. This relates to the bureaucracy at city hall, not the dysfunction of city council, and matters addressed many times elsewhere.

March Is Better
March Is Better
7 months ago

And furthermore. The Weho change to November elections really got us into this mess Lucy.

7 months ago

Another wannabe career politician. I can tell because you didn’t address the elephant in the room, the one constant since Cityhood almost 40 years ago: John Heilman has been around since day 1. He has had his dirty fingers in every bad thing in the City (and admittedly in a handful of good things too). Is he your hero, and that’s why you didn’t mention him in your plan to cleanup the city?

7 months ago

Bravo Alan! Thank you for stating this bluntly and understandably. Please consider running for city Council again.

Long Time Resident
Long Time Resident
7 months ago
Reply to  Susan

As one of the City’s original residents, I agree. Please run for the Council. We need clear-headed, intelligent people like you running our City.

7 months ago

Alan’s candidacy would be warmly welcomed by the many residents who have been paying attention the last few years!

Keith Kaplan
Keith Kaplan
7 months ago

Our city attorney, city manager and staff work for the residents and are purportedly responsible to us. But they work at the pleasure of city council who determines their employment tenure, salaries etc. As long as this is the case we cannot expect transparency or accountability. And given the divisive council, the need for political maneuvering and the fear of retaliation, our current council members have repeatedly refused to hold any council member accountable for even the clearest violations of our city’s Code of Conduct and clear transgressions of acceptable behavior. One suggestion for correcting this would be the creation… Read more »

Tom Cook
Tom Cook
5 months ago
Reply to  Keith Kaplan

Somebody please put Keith Kaplan up for a council seat! Please!