State Assemblymember Laura Friedman is well ahead of more than a dozen competitors in the race for Congress, according to vote counts released early Wednesday morning.
With 29,062 votes, Friedman looks headed for the runoff in November’s General Election.
In 2nd place so far with 19,549 votes is Republican Alex Balekian, a doctor from Glendale. Democrats Anthony Portantino (14,045 votes) and Mike Feuer (13,171 votes), the race’s presumed frontrunners, are trailing Balekian by more than 5,000 votes.
Maebe A. Girl (8,132 votes) is in fifth place.
Ben Savage has 4,098 votes and Nick Melvoin has 2,530 votes.
WeHo Councilmember Sepi Shyne is in 10th place with a mere 1,351 votes.
75.4 percent of votes have been counted.
Incumbent George Gascon (227,329 votes) is headed for a runoff with Republican Nathan Hochman (172,393 votes). Deputy DA Jonathan Hatami, who garnered 131,056 votes, has conceded.
Rep. Adam Schiff will face Republican Steve Garvey in November.
I don’t understand that candidate’s name. “Maybe a girl“?? Is this a trans person who is trying to do a play on words to imply that she is “maybe” a girl because she’s trans? How about she just plain IS a woman because she is trans. The play on words just sounds amateurish and stupid. No one with that level of presentation deserves public office. That’s an insult to legitimate trans candidates nationwide who have been victorious and shown class.
Should read her platform.
She would make a great congresswoman.
So no one is going to mention how pathetic Ben Savage’s run was?
What was he thinking? Mid life crisis?
I am not sure what motivated him to jump into the race; he never really articulated a coherent reason to vote for him. But given the amount of money he personally invested in the race, it was good effort to address income inequality and spread the wealth. Ben is a nice guy and I hope he can figure a way to channel his sincere desire to be an engaged constructively.
Savage is obviously a guy that is pretty well off (funded his own campaign) and has virtually no experience (never held office). Decides he wants to get involved to try and do better than what’s currently being done by the people that are in office. This non-politician actually ends up doing better than an actual politician running (Shyne). I’d say well done, sir.
One would think that if anyone is having a crisis, it should be Shyne.
Yes, he did better than Shyne, but you omitted the fact that he is a famous actor and has that name recognition.
And he beat a well known member of the Board of Education. So obviously there was a lane for a “non-politician”, but not necessary a road to election.
Just about everyone(!) did better than Shyne. 🤭
Sepi needs to re-invent herself, maybe even become a Republican, or start her own party, like maybe the Bully Party. As horrible a person as Sepi is in every possible way, she is like Mother Teresa compared to Lindsey Horvath on the integrity scale. Did anyone ever got to the bottom of why the City’s insurance company paid to repair Sepi’s personal car? Does Sepi think we forgot about that?
Where did Sepi’s “landslide” 8,000 WeHo voters go?
It will be a landslide NO mo Sepi vote to remove her in November should she run again. Hopefully, she can take John Erickson with her.
Nobody wants to be around a victim! And while “poor me Sepi” blames everyone else for her fall from grace, she should blame only herself!
Looks like Melvoin really underperformed.
Sepi’s performance in this election should knock her ego down a peg. She performed as disastrously as her policies do. Hoping this is the end of her political career but we all know that’s probably not true. One can dream. Very happy to see Alex do so well and out best the presumed front runners.
Perhaps this is a hopeful foreshadowing to Shyne’s finish in her next city council race. Good riddance.
I don’t believe she’s running?
Now that she’s out of this race, she could decide to run for city council again…but since she did so poorly..she would be wise not to consider and save herself the embarrassment. She is not well liked and her policies have brought West Hollywood disastrous results.
More people will come out to vote for a Presidential election, this could potentially get her more votes?
Yup. As did the last national election when a lot in WeHo voted for her. The union contributed enough money that she blasted the city with her flyers. But now she has a disastrous track record in our city. Don’t know that the union’s help will do her any good. Our city is certainly not better off than 4 years ago. And people are hopefully smart enough not to make the same mistake twice should the opportunity present itself.
Well now that she lost this bid for congress she could decide to run again for council. God help us.
If 100% of Sepi’s votes came only from West Hollywood, that would still only be 2% of the residents of WeHo. It’s very telling.
High school elections seem to be taken more seriously nowadays. Maebe this is a joke? Who knows?