Jewish woman in WeHo catches ex-pastor drawing swastika on groceries


Leah Grossman, a Jewish resident of West Hollywood, recently confronted her neighbor after her security camera caught him drawing a swastika on her groceries.

The neighbor was identified as Mark Nakagawa, a retired pastor and ex-District Superintendent for the United Methodist Church.

Grossman’s confrontation occurred after noticing the disturbing imagery on a seltzer box at her doorstep. She directly addressed Nakagawa, inquiring about his actions and the symbol’s significance, which he initially denied recognizing or drawing.

This incident came to light amidst escalating tensions within the community, notably after a dispute at a homeowners’ association meeting, where political and national symbols became points of contention. Nakagawa later explained his intent was to educate Grossman on the swastika’s historical context outside of its association with Nazism, though he acknowledged his approach was misguided.

The United Methodist Church publicly expressed dismay over Nakagawa’s actions, emphasizing its stance against hatred and discrimination.


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4 months ago

I just called somebody the N word because I wanted to educate them about it’s etymological origins…. Sounds pretty stupid, doesn’t it? This man committed a hate crime and now that he was caught on camera he is trying to gaslight everyone about the intention of his actions. I think Ms Grossman should press charges.

Last edited 4 months ago by bzelazny
4 months ago
Reply to  bzelazny

Agree 100%

I am so sick of our culture’s double standard. We are all supposed to be united in fighting hate against Asian, Black and Hispanic communities (and rightfully so) – but when Jews are attacked and our voices are silenced by intimidation from the #freepalestine crowd (ahem, as just happened at Booksoup) then suddenly our cities take a much softer approach to punishing the hatemongers’ actions. Ms. Grossman definitely should press charges against this vandalizing antisemite.

4 months ago

Thank you for publishing the name of this lowlife.

He’s most likely been harboring these anti-semitic fantasies for a long time.

4 months ago

She should smack some sense into him and then explain her intent was to educate him on her smack’s historical context outside of its association with correcting fools, though I acknowledge this approach may be misguided.

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
4 months ago

Sickening. It’s so sad how in 2024 this type of absolute hatred and shame still exists. I have watched how this has become so prevalent since the Maga m9vement reared its ugly head. I hope he realizes j7st how non Christian his behavior is.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy palmieri

Oh, please. You and your “MAGA” delusions. Grow up. Pull your liberal head out of the sand. I’m gay and will proudly vote for the esteemed Donald J. Trump because he is a true leader, unlike that incompetant squinty-eyed fool that is destroying the country with the support of people like you. Try thinking with your cabeza rather than following the Thik-Tok leads.

Kilroy Rogers
Kilroy Rogers
4 months ago

So. when we’re shunted into camps and our rights revoked, we can look upon you as a facilitator. They don’t want you at their table. Take off those blinders.

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
4 months ago
Reply to  Kilroy Rogers

I literally ignore him as his entire existence is to write comments to get a rise out of people.

4 months ago

Trump is a true loser. A proven loser. He invites holocaust deniers to dinner with him. Can’t wait to see him lose again this year.

Bring on those salty MAGA tears! I’m thirsty

4 months ago

Oh, finally a cult member who worships at the altar of the racist, rapist, etc., etc., etc. Trump has come forward.

4 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy palmieri

The United Methodist Church is very liberal (Progressive). Hillary Clinton is one. So it surprises me that he is actually a pastor of that particular denomination.

Christopher Roth
Christopher Roth
4 months ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak


Craig Appelbaum
Craig Appelbaum
4 months ago
Reply to  Jimmy palmieri

Sorry but it’s not the right that is committing all these antisemitic acts….

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
4 months ago

I forget…..what were the white suoremist Maga skinheads chanting during their tiki party?…oh wait….it’ll come to me….

4 months ago

Reprehensible. And his excuse/explanation is even worse. May he become a pariah everywhere he goes.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
4 months ago

not only is his explanation totally lame, but I can’t believe his arrogance in that he actually thought she would buy it!

4 months ago

Leah Grossman should press charges. Nakagawa should be charged on mental and emotional assault, hate crime + graffiti. And also file a civil lawsuit against Nakagawa; actions have consequences and in the current environment of hate we must use all our tools to defuse further assaults.

4 months ago

Jeezuz, that’s disgusting.
Guy is obviously a liar, an ass****, and a bigoted fool.

Last edited 4 months ago by Joshua88
Steve Martin
Steve Martin
4 months ago
Reply to  Joshua88

I suspect this guy has some mental health issues; it was very courageous for Leah to stand up and confront this guy.

Neal Z
Neal Z
4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Sorry, Steve, but being a lying a-hole isn’t a mental health issue. If it were, you could claim mental illness as well.

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