WeHo opens call for scholarship applications


The City of West Hollywood has opened applications for the 2024 Youth Scholarship Program. The program awards $2,000 to graduating high school students who are West Hollywood residents and who are pursuing a post-secondary education at an accredited college, university, or trade/vocational school. Students must have completed 150 verified hours of community service to be considered. The Youth Scholarship Program application period is open through Friday, May 10, 2024. The scholarship money can be used for any expense incurred in pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited college, university, or trade/vocational school.

To qualify for a youth scholarship, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Secondary Education – Applicant is a high school senior ready to graduate or an individual receiving a GED.
  • Post-Secondary Education – Applicant is planning to attend a college, university or trade/vocational school and has proof of acceptance to a post-secondary institution.
  • Community Service – Applicant has performed and provided verification of 150 hours of community service.

More information, application instructions, and the application link are available by visiting www.weho.org/youthscholarship.    

The Youth Scholarship Program is organized by the City of West Hollywood, but scholarship funds come entirely from individual and community donations. The City has awarded more than 40 youth scholarships since the program began in 2007. To support the program, the City encourages donations from community members, organizations, and area businesses. Community members wishing to donate to the Youth Scholarship Program may do so at https://secure.qgiv.com/for/youthsco.

The City of West Hollywood’s Youth Scholarship Program is one of the first municipal government sponsored programs of its kind in the country. The Youth Scholarship Program recognizes the importance of education to our community and encourages and supports local students interested in pursuing their education beyond high school.

For more information please contact the City of West Hollywood’s Human Services Division at WeHoCares@weho.org or by calling (323) 848-6510. 

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