WeHo chose Friedman over former mayor in race for Congress


While the vote totals have yet to be certified, West Hollywood sent a strong message this past election.  The race for California’s 30th Congressional District, currently occupied by U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, had two West Hollywood residents on the ballot — former Mayor Sepi Shyne and former City Council candidate Ben Savage — both of whom received little support from their WeHo neighbors.  

West Hollywood’s top pick was also the top vote getter overall: Assemblymember Laura Friedman received 1,381 votes from WeHo residents. Former City Attorney Mike Feuer ran a strong second with 1,173 votes. Feuer’s showing in WeHo was very strong compared to his fourth place finish overall.

Republican Alex Balekian finished third among WeHo voters with 514 votes.   Balekian finished second overall and will face Friedman in the November general election.

Savage finished fourth among West Hollywood voters with 425 votes to date.  He was followed closely by Maebe A. Gurl with 384 votes and Anthony Portantino with 353 votes. 

Shyne garnered a total of only 234 votes from West Hollywood voters.   Shyne began her campaign almost immediately after she assumed the role of mayor and spent the full year on the campaign trail.


Shyne’s poor showing among WeHo voters doesn’t bode well for the councilmember, who will be up for re-election in November if she chooses to file.

Final vote totals will be certified on April 12th.      

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Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 months ago

Shyne got only 3% of the votes she garnered in her “landslide” election of 2000 based on a bill of goods she sold to the voters of West Hollywood. Bye.

Ida Lupino
Ida Lupino
3 months ago

I voted for Shyne as Porta-Poti Cleaner. Hope she gets it!

3 months ago

Sepi Shyne has been a disaster. I know people who tried to get her help with multiple issues and she never responds to constituents. She should not be in politics because she does not understand the meaning of public service.

3 months ago

Well, there’s always Culver City..

3 months ago

Sobering reality of her failure as public servant. Hopefully she moves on and away from Weho City Government.

3 months ago

Hopefully Shyne will get the message clearly and not run again for any office in West Hollywood or statewide. Bullies and tyrants are not welcome here.

3 months ago

interesting stats.

3 months ago

Septic Shyne GONE will be a breath of fresh air like using Lysol spray in a bathroom after somebody just took a big dump. Not as good as if the air had been clean all along, but at least it’s a start.

John Arnold
John Arnold
3 months ago

For the sake of accuracy, it should be noted that Josh Bocanega was also a resident of West Hollywood participating in the race..

3 months ago

How embarrassing. Says a lot about what people think about her and her policies.

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