RFK Jr. eyes history: A path to the independent presidency


This past Saturday, Presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. visited Los Angeles at the historic Union Station, for a rally that wasn’t just any gathering—it was a full-on declaration!

Commemorating Cesar Chavez Day, Kennedy reminisced about his family’s deep roots in labor rights, while setting the stage for a political revolution aimed at upending the very systems that keep the working class down.

The air was electric as Kennedy laid out a radical blueprint to shake the very foundations of the political status quo. But not everyone was there to cheer; a contingent of protestors, their pockets allegedly lined by the Biden camp, made their presence felt. Yet, Kennedy didn’t just hold his ground; he turned the tables, engaging with the mainstream media’s heavy hitters, who could no longer turn a blind eye to the Kennedy campaign’s burgeoning wave of momentum.

But let’s cut to the chase: Kennedy’s recent political gambles, like roping in the technocrat enthusiast Nicole Shanahan as his VP pick, and his ongoing support for Israeli military aggression in Gaza, have raised serious doubts even among his staunchest supporters. And when the spotlight turned to me, I didn’t hold back, probing Kennedy on his controversial advisor, Rabbi Shmuley, whose presence in the campaign has grown increasingly toxic as some alt-media journalists have suggested Shmuley is suffering a public mental breakdown.

Yet, in a twist that’s got both the blue and red camps watching in disbelief, Kennedy’s appeal continues to skyrocket in the polls, drawing in a swath of voters desperate for an escape from the tired old two-party deadlock. According to a recent Gallup poll taken in mid-January, Kennedy has a 52% favorable rating among U.S. adults, compared with 42% for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and 41% for President Biden.


As part of its California ballot drive, Kennedy’s campaign is asking supporters to register with the We the People party on the Secretary of State’s website using “other” as the party preference and writing in “We the People.” It is also asking new party registrants to identify three other voters in the state who can register. Should Kennedy emerge victorious in November, he’ll be etching his name in the annals of history as the first Independent President since George Washington.

Reprinted from KPFK Rebel Alliance News

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About West Seegmiller
West Seegmiller is a national policy researcher and local advocate for survivors of labor abuse and human trafficking. He is a Co-Founder of the Free WeHo Coalition, www.FreeWeho.com

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3 months ago

I would like to point out that Biden is factually a racist. He is the one who WROTE the CRIME BILL that put thousands and thousands of black men in jail, with long sentences, for low level drug offenses. He is also the one who said that he did not want his kids to grow up in a “racial Jungle.” How anyone who claims to care about diversity could vote for that man, is beyond me. I just chalk it up to people so brainwashed by the corporate powers that run this country, that they don’t even bother looking for… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Edie

Please provide the Senate and House bill name and number you are referring to. Otherwise, this is just a bunch of BS However, I am open to be corrected. Thank you.

3 months ago
Reply to  Edie

How anyone who claims to care about diversity could vote for that man, is beyond me”

Because you can look at the recent policies and actions he’s taken. The 80’s were a long time ago and Biden has proven to have grown since then. There are 2 choices this election- Biden and Trump. And Trump is STILL making racist remarks in 2024. So there you go!

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Biden is STILL a RACIST! He is against school choice. The education system is the single place that systemic racism still exists. Yet Democrats are against School Choice. School Choice will level the playing field. Yet Democrats are completely against it. They do not want the parents, of poor black kids, to take the 13k the government gives public schools for their children to get a half-assed education. That 13k could go a long way in a charter or private school. But as Biden said, he doesn’t want his “kids to go to grow up in a racial jungle.” Which… Read more »

Last edited 3 months ago by Edie
3 months ago

I hope everyone sees that just below the headline and byline, there… in much lighter ink… is the word “Advertisement”. This is an ad for Kennedy written in a breathless style that’s meant to look like a glowing news article about Kennedy. It’s not. His campaign paid for this and they’re hoping you don’t notice it’s an ad.

Brandon Ross Garcia
3 months ago
Reply to  Chris

It’s not. The advertisement label refers to the banner ad beneath it. Might not be displaying for you.

3 months ago

Well, I guess Larry didn’t want to approve my comment about West’s photo editing skills.

There is no path to the presidency for this lunatic.

3 months ago

Grasping at straws bringing up Shmuley and one dumb comment by a single person suggesting he’s having a breakdown. Oh West, your hatred towards the State of Israel has no boundaries.

3 months ago
Reply to  Eric

The international community has near unanimously condemned Israel’s war crimes. As for Shmuley, at the very least he’s not helping his cause… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13233741/amp/Rabbi-Shmuley-Boteach-Candace-Owens-Jew-video.html

3 months ago
Reply to  West

Guess I better refresh my browser to see this unanimous condemnation, I keep seeing the call for hostages to be freed and Hamas to surrender. I keep seeing Hamas turning down deal after deal, I keep seeing lunatics calling for the eradication of the Jewish state. I keep seeing moron LGBTQ+ standing up for an organization which will have them holding onto their last breath. A post of Shmuley mocking the anti Semite Candice Owen’s at a Purim party, not sure it hurts Kennedy in anyway. But to your point, Kennedy may need more stronger Jewish support to win over… Read more »

Weho Resident
Weho Resident
3 months ago
Reply to  Eric

Obviously not unanimous because…USA…but…most of the world has condemned the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinian civilians and called for a ceasefire…calling for the release of Jewish hostages doesn’t preclude condemnation of Israel’s right wing government and their fascist leader, which up until recently was a major point of protests among Israelis themselves…how incredibly convenient all of this has been for Netanyahu’s criminal agenda…

3 months ago

Kennedy is a narcissistic, conspiratorial scam artist. He represents such fringe thoughts and lets his name cover up how crazy he really is. His family has disowned him, his supporters represent the worse of the Covid and anti vax culture and he derives huge income from fossil fuel sources while closing to b an environmentalist. Just a horrible human being. Please do not vote or fall for his rhetoric . Do some basic research.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

Kennedy’s decades of advocacy for true environmentalism (rather than the carbon credit dystopian hell pushed by international central banks) speaks for itself. I can’t speak to his donors but did mention the major issues that have alienated his base as of late. Still, Kennedy’s last two books are required reading for anyone willing to seek the truth about the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies— that resulted in faux-progressives championing the biosecurity state under the greatest medical fraud in global history.

3 months ago
Reply to  West

One person’s truth is another person’s lie.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

Fringe? He’s a moderate. Good Lord the global .01%v who OWN 99% of the media have a handle over people’s brains. It’s so sad. It’s why people keep eating the same shitty processed food from other global billionaire’s companies… and then wonder why they have diabetes.

Robert Winn
Robert Winn
3 months ago

John Adams was an independent President. There were no organized political parties until the election of 1800.

3 months ago
Reply to  Robert Winn

Adams was elected under the Federalist Party, so you’re not incorrect although the claim is one of conditional definition.

Be your own hero
Be your own hero
3 months ago

Unfortunately he’s not the anti-establishment hero many of his supporters believe he is. He’s beholden to Israel just like Biden and Trump, has a spook as his campaign manager, and picked a big tech/Silicon Valley titan as his running mate. If he wants to be taken seriously as someone who will fight against corporations and their agendas he should start by cutting ties with VantagePoint and replace Miss Google as his running mate.

3 months ago

I share those same concerns: ultimately, the People have to depend on eachother.

Rowan Storm
Rowan Storm
3 months ago

Excellent article! More material please of this caliber 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

3 months ago

Kennedy is awesome. He’s an old school Democrat. A moderate, if you will. Moderates and the working class have been shit on by both parties for the last two decades. It’s a shame 95% of the media (which is owned my FIVE multi-national news-conglomerates) lies about him so much. Whomever is running the Biden administration is trying to keep Kennedy and Trump off the ballot in varying states. That alone should make people wake up. This country is being run by global billionaires… the one percent of the one percent… if you will. Billionaires who have disdain for the working… Read more »

3 months ago

A vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump. Even Kennedy’s family is against his running.
No. Just no. The country and every one of us has way too much at stake. This egomaniac interloper has got to go.

Last edited 3 months ago by :dpb
3 months ago
Reply to  :dpb

Trump supporters may might well say the same thing about him, but Kennedy is pulling nearly equally from both parties.

3 months ago
Reply to  :dpb

So not true. People tried to make that argument back when Ralph Nader ran. Fact is, California will go for Biden no matter how bad his dementia gets. He can be in a wheel chair and diapers,, mumbling incoherently non-stop, and California will vote for him. Which means they are voting for Kamala. IMO the Democrats in power need to be sent a message to wake up… stop dividing this country… and start showing concern for the working/middle class. That message can be sent with a vote for Kennedy. And Biden will still take California because this state believes everything… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Edie

Nader cost Gore Florida and that put George W Bush into office. Think broader than our California bubble.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

You aren’t in Florida. It did not cost Gore California. Besides… why exactly do you want a man with clear and progressive Dementia as President? What has he done for anyone, besides the billionaires that are telling him what to do?

3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

No, the archaic Electoral College and the Supreme Court placed G W Bush as President. He lost the popular vote to Gore, just like in 2016 when Hillary obtained more popular votes than tRUMP. The Dems did not take heed of 2000 -idiots.

1 month ago
Reply to  Really...

It’s not archaic. It exists for a reason. Mostly so NYC and L.A. cannot drown out the wishes of everyone in the middle. It’s set up to prevent mob rule.

Another WorldView Is Possible
Reply to  :dpb

You could just as easily make the argument that throwing you vote away on an unpopular fascist like Joe Biden – is a vote for Trump. RFK Jr. has higher favorability ratings than Trump OR Biden. In a three way race, he could become President just by being the top vote getter, in enough States. Joe Biden is a career loser. Luckily for him, the vote rigging machines and system, favored him in 2020… But people have seen who that dementia-ridden creep actually is, now. Nobody has ever been more unpopular. So that’s a one-term President, with or without Kennedy… Read more »

3 months ago

Exactly. And you have to wonder about Joe Biden’s handlers, and billionaire run machine trying to keep both Trump and RFKJ off the ballot… all the while screaming that they are trying to protect democracy. I have little respect for people that don’t even question this… just blindly follow and do what they are told by 5 billionaire owned multi-national news-conglomerates.

3 months ago

Some have speculated if he hadn’t been a heroin and drug addict, he wouldn’t have the health problems he has now. Speculation he was a dummy at school which I think makes sense. Voting for this guy is voting for Trump.

3 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

That’s just an MSNBC and CNN talking point. Think harder. Follow the money. Follow that manipulation. Do you know anything about RFKJ’s platform? Don’t allow billionaires to keep telling you what to think.

3 months ago

Is this another April Fools Joke?

3 months ago
Reply to  Tom

I hope so!

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