WATCH: Lauren Meister adjourns in her father’s memory


Councilmember Lauren Meister at Monday night’s City Council meeting adjourned in memory of her late father, Marty Meister, who died last week.

“I’d like to adjourn in memory of my dad, Martin Meister, who passed away Monday, June 3, at the age of 93.

My dad was a devoted family man. He was the dad who, when we were kids, chauffeured us and all of our friends to the movies or to a party and picked us up, no matter how late it was, and brought us all home safely.

He wanted everyone around him to be happy, so he always had a joke or a funny story on hand. He had an impact on every life he touched because he was warm, good-natured, funny, and fun to be with.

He will be missed by his family and friends from the west coast to the east coast. My hope is that he is surrounded by family and friends who have passed before him and all of our dogs and cats that he loved so much.


Tomorrow morning will be most difficult because every Tuesday morning following a council meeting, my dad and I would debrief. He always asked me what happened and why I voted the way I voted because he wanted to understand, especially when I was the only no vote.

He truly loved living in West Hollywood and loved being with the community here.”

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8 months ago

Oh Lauren: I’m just learning about your loss. My deepest condolences and sympathies to you and your family. For so many years, Marty was always such a cherished neighborhood treasure. I remember encountering him often when he’d be on a walk with your dogs. He was your biggest supporter. Sending much love

9 months ago

My deepest sympathy dear Lauren. To you and your family.

9 months ago

This is just another reason we love Lauren Meister. God bless you and your family.