Sheriff hunts for suspects in armed robbery on Larrabee


Four to five black men suddenly got out of a white Honda parked on Larrabee just after midnight Monday in West Hollywood and crowded around a group of three unsuspecting pedestrians who were passing by. 

That’s when, according to Capt. Bill Moulder of the WeHo Sheriff’s Station, one of the men pulled out a handgun.

The three pedestrians were forced to hand over all their valuables at gunpoint. Then the men rushed back into the car, made a U-turn on Larrabee and high-tailed it toward Santa Monica Boulevard.

The unidentified suspects are currently at large. 

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4 months ago

“Four to five black men suddenly got out of a white Honda parked on Larrabee” So the stereotype lives on. If gays were attacking them in their neighborhoods, we sure would hear about it would we? We can never forget the hate crime against Trev Broudy back in the day…same demographic!

4 months ago
Reply to  Tommy

You’re more worried about stereotypes than the fact that 4-5 armed black men robbed 3 men in our neighborhood. Where do stereotypes start?

4 months ago
Reply to  Keith

Well Keith, they start when it’s grows into a statistic over an ignorable stereotype. I was pushed to the ground with a gun at my head and robbed of a mere $20 by four black men at Cynthia and Palm. I was told, while standing, shaking, at the WHPD, that I was lucky because it had happened the previous week and the people robbed were not lucky.

4 months ago

Lindsey Horvath is the worst thing to ever happen to our city. That includes almost 40 years of john heilman.

Weho Resident
Weho Resident
4 months ago

There is a solution to this increase in armed robberies in West Hollywood. There is an election in November. Vote against existing District Attorney George Gascon. He is the reason these robbers have descended upon this neighborhood. When there are no consequences to crime, how do you expect criminals to behave? The police can arrest all they want, but when the elected DA forces his prosecutors to let them go with a slap on the wrist,all communities who once were safe will become unsafe. I will be voting for his opponent, Nathan Hochman, who has vowed to put crime victims… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
4 months ago
Reply to  Weho Resident

Please note that Mayor Erickson was one of Gascon’s biggest supporters.
While West Hollywood is more dangerous for a number of different reasons, including Council’s decision to cut deputies, Gascon and his supporters are more concerned about emptying jails and prisons than keeping the people of LA County safe. Gascon is one of those “progressives” who do not like their opinions disturbed by any inconvenient facts. We seem to have a lot of those types in West Hollywood.

Cy Husain
4 months ago

If the story was 4 or 5 white guys with MAGA hats & Confederate Flags got out of a Tesla with assault rifles to rob me, those posting would defend their 2nd Amendment rights to assault rifles, claim they have a right to attack me because it takes at-least 3 of them armed to stand a chance against me and, insist I’m somehow the aggressor & they’re the victim. Claiming otherwise you’re met with “wait for the investigation & evidence before making a judgement ❗ ” Something they’re completely unwilling to do with non-white suspects.

Last edited 4 months ago by Cy Husain
4 months ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

You are such a far left radical…you always act like blacks can do no wrong and are victims of racism. Just look at the story and admit no matter who did the crime it is terrible. No excuse. Put your sociology degree aside and look at things through an unbiased lens.

4 months ago
Reply to  john

Well said

4 months ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

But they weren’t white were they? Go virtue signal in Palestine if you want to make a change, son. You’re just annoying here in the good ol’ U.S. of A., racist too. We know you dream at night that you could be one of those sexy, bearded, muscular MAGA men. 😆

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
4 months ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Did this happen to you?

4 months ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Stupid comment. You can’t ignore who is committing the crimes in our neighborhoods. White, Black, or Latino. We need to know!

4 months ago

I think a lot of the problem comes from cash bail requirements or zero bail enacted in LA County. Although use of guns is exempt, some may not know this and may have committed other previous crimes without a weapon.

So it becomes the same people doing the same types of crimes over and over.

Last edited 4 months ago by David
Cy Husain
4 months ago
Reply to  David

The Zero Bail Policy ONLY applies to misdemeanors & specific non-violent felonies. In this landmark ruling on cash bail, the California Supreme Court ruled that courts can’t keep detainees behind bars just because of ability to post bail. This only applies to a tiny segment of the pretrial system, there’s still at-least a 5 day time period between a person’s arrest & when they can see a Judge in Los Angeles.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
4 months ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Bail can be a useful took in certain cases but historically it has been used to keep a lot of under -advantaged people in jail, just because they can’t post bail, often meaning they lose jobs or can’t pay their rent. The “Bail Bonds Industry” is just that; reasonable bail reform can be a positive for everyone.

Robert Steloff
4 months ago

Not really sure what needs to happen in our city beyond that which has already occurred with regard to hold-ups, burglaries, break-ins, general theft, etc. We are generally a MACE-ready, RING-ready, ADT-ready community, & that’s just not working! Can ‘general common sense’ come to the table and agree that the Defund the Police experiment & efforts, highly politicized & voted on by Sepi Shyne, Nikka Soon Shiong, & Horvath, was not the correct measure and best way to handle the community public safety initiative. ENOUGH of this nonsense. Adjust the budget, re-allocate sources for an increased presence of 4-6 deputies… Read more »

4 months ago

We need armed sheriff foot patrols during night time and early mornings in the Rainbow District and the Norma Triangle. Enough with the uselessly daytime patrols by Block By Block.

4 months ago

Thank you, WeHo Online, for keeping real, true, brave journalism alive by telling us what those loser criminals looked like so we know how to stay safe. You’re clearly reporting with facts, not feelings. Avoiding mentioning key details refutes any power a news article may hold (as we see daily in the MSM). If anyone has an issue with describing the race, then they should try focusing on community action to make those numbers decrease so we don’t see it often. It’s not racist; it’s common sense. And the perps’ description, including race, should always be in the report when… Read more »

Last edited 4 months ago by BloodshotEyedGuy
Robert Steloff
4 months ago

Thank you for your response & comments, I thought we were the only person feeling this way with these purposeful & ridiculous omissions. It’s all gone TOO FAR.

4 months ago
Reply to  Robert Steloff

I echo these comments — it’s the SAME m.o. in crime after crime.

4 months ago

I heard a report on the evening news a while back of a daytime armed robbery in which the suspect’s height, weight, and clothing were described but not his race. At the end of the report they added that he was dark skinned and had dread locks. I then inferred from those extra details that he must be black but the newsman would have rather choked on his own tongue than say that.

4 months ago

It’s not profiling, ….. it’s probability!

4 months ago

Where were the security ambassadors? You know, the group that gives a kickback to Shyne. Who made a big statement after taking office. Reimagining police where’s her go al!. It’s amazing how we elect these totally incompetent woke political hacks. Unfortunately, we still have Byers and Ericsson.

Roggan Graham
Roggan Graham
4 months ago

Where were the Protect and Serve guys?

4 months ago
Reply to  Roggan Graham

I didn’t realize they can be everywhere all at once.

4 months ago

Can we just replace the 85 Block by Block who patrol during the day when literally nothing happens, with gun carrying sheriff to patrol Norma Triangle weekend nights where this same MO keeps happening over and over again?