DEAR WEHO: 8 solutions for the mess we’re in


Dear WeHo City leaders,

As we learned from the John Duran debacle, the cult which has divided and ruined our once-united / once-great city doesn’t know their collective ass from a hole in the ground. 
1. Overdevelopment is one thing. But allowing contractors to tear up WeHo streets like Sunset, Fairfax and La Cienega without returning them to the same or better condition is asinine negligence. 
Solution: require contractors to return WeHo streets to the same of better condition. 
2. It’s just plain stupid to allow developers to build 110 unit monstrosities, with 115 parking spaces – in our already over-developed city. Solution: Permits should not be granted without a commitment for at least 1.5 spaces per unit. 
3. The decades long stupidity of reducing Fountain to one lane between La Cienega and La Brea is an easy fix: parking should be prohibited wherever there is not enough room for six lanes (4 for traffic and 2 for parking). Best example is Fountain and Fairfax where 6 parking spaces for a former church / now a synagogue, create bottlenecks when parking is allowed. 
Solution: prohibit parking at all times on Fountain where there is not enough space for six lanes. 
4. Ripping off tourists (and residents) with Gestapo-like tactics (meters automatically set to two hours and street sweeping insta-ticketing / towing as just two examples).
Solution: WeHo “reminder” text system for those who sign up, meters reprogrammed to 15 minutes as default, and revisions to the intentionally confusing regulations and signage. 
5. Wasting millions of taxpayer funds on ridiculous homeless initiatives like the Holloway Motel boondoggle. The shameless crony capitalism and epic stupidity would be hilarious if it wasn’t so damaging. Spoiler Alert: the problem is not the “homeless.” The problem is the mentally ill homeless. These often dangerous criminals belong in mental institutions (if they hadn’t been nonsensically closed). The mentally ill-homeless cannot and will not last in WeHo’s multi-million-dollar homeless “solution” frauds. So a real solution which doesn’t transfer tax dollars into the hands of the council’s developer donors must be implemented. For reference, the attached video documents one of the well known homeless criminals who run rampant in WeHo because of LASD negligence caused in large part by the cult’s “defund the police” stupidity.
Solution: Respect and fully fund LASD until the long overdue WeHo Police Department is created. #Duh 
6. Wasting tax dollars on moronic traffic initiatives which anyone with half a brain knew were destined to fail (plastic “guides” and nonsensical curves in the middle of traffic lanes, metal signs in the middle of busy streets like Laurel). 
Solution: hire city manager and traffic engineers with common sense. 
7. Failure to install a safety signal at Santa Monica Blvd. and Hayworth similar to the ones near Trader Joe’s and Shake Shack. 
Solution: immediately install effective pedestrian traffic signal (current flashing lights are NOT effective). 
8. Supporting intentionally divisive stupidity like the gang rape of the Gay flag, transapalooza, and presidential politics. 
* The rainbow flag was literally created to represent everyone under the rainbow (gay, lesbian, bi, trans). We were united under the gay flag and the “Gay” community branding. Then the lesbians whined, got their “L” (and got it first!). At that point, we were still relatively united under the rainbow flag as the Gay & Lesbian community. Then the divisive and destructive alphabet soup stupidity divided us to the point that we can’t say “Gay Pride” and the once-perfect rainbow flag was raped with black, brown, pink, nonsense and one hideous redesign after another. 
* For equality, gay marriage, trans rights, etc., I’ve marched on Washington, marched in Atlanta, marched in Sacramento, marched in downtown Los Angeles, and marched in West Hollywood too many times to count. But allowing our community to be hijacked by the intentionally divisive trans nonsense was a huge mistake. 
* WeHo leaders should hyper-focus on local issues in our local community.  Skyrocketing crime (if apples-to apples reporting wasn’t eliminated), taxes, mentally ill homeless plague, crumbling infrastructure, over-development / developer abuses, parks, tourism, etc.  The primary focus should not be Biden v. Trump. 
Solution: reunite our community under the rainbow flag and “Gay Pride” – leading the world with effective, common sense branding which unites, without pandering to the whiny provocateurs from every splintered group and/or every cause under the rainbow. 
All-of-the-above shine the spotlight on your failed leadership. Sadly, by shifting the focus away from real issues to one man in Florida – you manipulate ignorant WeHo residents into submission. 
Enough is enough. 
It’s never too late to do the right things. A good start would be fixing the mistakes of the past.
Now, more than ever, WeHo needs real leaders capable of adopting and delivering the common sense solutions outlined above.  
Michael Sanchez

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4 months ago

Hi – the video seems to be private. I’d like to see it.

Shelby L.
Shelby L.
4 months ago

I have one suggestion for you. Why don’t you go live in a deep red district in a deep red state because you sound like you don’t belong in West Hollywood. You clearly have a problem with gay people and your nasty trump style rhetoric is further proof. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I want to know how people like you have the nerve to move into one of the gayest cities in the entire country then get mad because you’re surrounded by gay people. Make it make sense.

4 months ago
Reply to  Shelby L.

Yes. It’s like joining a nudist colony then complaining that you have to look at naked people.

4 months ago

One easy solution…don’t keep voting extremist idiots into office.

Polina P
Polina P
4 months ago

Michael Sanchez for POTUS!!!

4 months ago

I am literally visioning this author, Micheal, standing at their front door yelling “ get off my lawn”. So many inaccurate points and a fundamental misunderstanding of so many things.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

He is spot on

4 months ago

I want to know this man and be a supporter. All of his comments make sense. All of his points are well made and on the money. And as a bonus..if he would be kind enough to contact via Wehoville – or my email address (on my comments) I will happily share my 30+ years of trying to sell the same sanity to the City of West Hollywood. I was one of the “Plummer Park Wimmin” that saved the park from becoming an underground parking lot. Please say hello via email. You are one smart cookie.

4 months ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS


Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
4 months ago

Thanks for writing your thoughts. City needs to work real solutions to actual problems

4 months ago

Sixth grade politics on the move here. Restore some dignity to comments instead.

4 months ago

One way to help our community would be to put all mentally ill people who refuse to take medication in jail. There are dozens of effective medications to treat mental illness. The people on our streets aren’t just crazy, they’re criminally stupid.

DJ Mendelsohn
DJ Mendelsohn
4 months ago

excellent article, I appreciate anybody who uses their talents to express their opinions with facts. The beginning of this article states John Duran debacle can anyone direct me to those issues or conflicts to connect this statement to this article. I know of a few incidents but only one scandal over 10 years ago.

Doctor Foster
Doctor Foster
4 months ago
Reply to  DJ Mendelsohn

John Duran should run for CC again next election & get started now. Those voters who haven’t learned their lesson by now are a lost cause. If JD were still on the Council, we wouldn’t have a hopeless home for the homeless (Oh excuse me, the unhoused) right in the midst of what is (or once was) among the most a thriving & upscale neighborhoods in the city, -look for more dark & deserted store fronts to soon follow – (Goodby CVS) Nor would we have a carwash rudely inserted on a small space, smack under the windows of a… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Doctor Foster

Yea so the people of West Hollywood can pay off another one of Mr Durans lovers. Great idea.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
4 months ago

I had to take the Metro several times this week so it was with a certain sense of irony that I felt safe as the subway was flooded with uniformed law enforcement and security. Funny how Erickson, Shyne and Horvath all voted to cut law enforcement but the most obvious example of law enforcement working and keeping us safe is currently at your nearest Metro station. Public safety is a city’s most basic function but our current City Council majority seems to feel more focused on bike lanes and pronouns.

4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

You are again 100 percent correct. They spend more energy on the asinine nonsense of pronouns and pushing adult-oriented drag queen shenanigans on children visiting libraries than public safety. They’re like five-year-olds in adult positions with adult responsibilities. What will it take to remove these clowns from office?!?

4 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

So true.

Joan Henehan
Joan Henehan
4 months ago

So sensible, Michael!