Lindsey Horvath pimps out Supervisor Office for birthday

LA County Board of Supervisor Chair Lindsey Horvath is celebrating her 42nd birthday by raising money for her officeholder account and a ballot measure entitled “Accountability and Progress.”

“Happy Birthday, Lindsey. Please join us for a birthday celebration!” The event is being held on June 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Horvath’s birthday is actually June 30. For $1,000 per person, or $1,500 per couple.

But if you really want to curry favor with the mastermind politician, donate to her ballot measure. It’s called the ballot measure for “Accountability and Progress.” Your $50,000 max donation will be used to promote a 2026 ballot measure to coincide with Horvath’s run for re-election to the Supervisor seat.

No information on what the measure calls for has been publicly released. The ballot measure committee reported $195,000 in contributions last year, and so far this year they’ve raised about $88,000, mostly from two big labor groups, the Southern CA District Council of Laborers Issues PAC and the SEIU Local 2015 State PAC.

The ballot measure as proposed appears to be part of a two-prong strategy to win re-election in 2026.   The measure with its fancy title of accountability and progress would carry Horvath’s signature and be on the same ballot as her re-election bid.  In 2015, Councilmember Lindsey Horvath proposed an Ethics Commission. The Commission was stacked with Horvath allies and championed few meaningful changes.

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4 months ago

Wow! It didn’t take Lindsey long to climb onboard the gravy train. She must have attended one of Abby Land’s “don’t underestimate your personal power” motivational speeches. lol

4 months ago

Why is a soul surprised?

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
4 months ago

WOW! She really wants expensive birthday presents! I guess she wouldn’t be happy if I just sent her a birthday card… So I won’t! 😋

4 months ago

This rag of a website has sunk to a new low.

Larry Block
4 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Or perhaps it is the County Supervisor who has sunk to a new low. First she sells out Heilman, then she sells out Weho.. and next is the County.

Truth hurts
Truth hurts
4 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

lol, poor green eyes doesn’t like the truth.

4 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Get real friend, this is not a website or a blog. It is now the media. Not the legacy dying New York or Los Angeles Times what they can’t give away or the Little Beverly Press that the city uses to push their dreck agenda under Mayor Erickson… including photos of him kissing the Pope’s ring on the trip to Rome that the city paid for. As for Lindsay horvath, possibly one of the most dreadful politicians ever to be created in East Cleveland. Schleps around and is available to be bought by any developer as we saw for years.… Read more »

4 months ago

Not all unions are bad but these two are directly responsible for so many restaurants and other businesses having to close in our state. Thinking an unskilled burger flipper should be entitled to the same salary as a highly skilled teacher or nurse is communism and we know how that ended up. Someone needs to ask this woman why she removed all references to West Hollywood from her campaign materials, and if she is pro lgbt only during parades and Halloween. Do not forget Abbe Land appoonted her.

4 months ago

It’s called fundraising. If the people who complain about the current elected officials knew how fundraise like this, maybe their candidates would win occasionally.

4 months ago


WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
4 months ago

Are you guys going to talk about WeHo co-sponsoring Inglewood Pride? Sounds like another waste of money.

4 months ago

You get what you vote for. A great philosopher named Forest Gump once said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

4 months ago

Nothing stupid about the people raising funds for her, they are getting exactly what they want. It’s called politics.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
4 months ago

Excellent headline to attach to the activities of this shameless political hussy. The corrupting power of money in politics can be seen in the big donors to a ballot initiative that at this point is merely a title. Why should political hacks be worried about campaign finance rules attendant to their own race when the system is complete rife with blatant opportunities for abuse? Because they write the rules! America needs to wake up to the reality that politics is the province of the highest bidders. Horvath would auction off anything not attached to the structure in her naked quest… Read more »

4 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

We could use more examples such as Eugene Vindman won his Primary yesterday in Virginia. He is the twin brother of Alex Vindman who testified before Congress to the substance of an improper Trump phone call. And Ms. Horvath dares to utter the word Ethics.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Really Alan, they are politicians. They raise money and get elected. Maybe you and your friends can learn how to find electable candidates and fundraise properly to elect them. To remind you, all the elected officials your rail against received more votes then the people they ran against.