OPINION: A Pride flag for all of us


While Pride Month 2024 may be drawing to a close, the debate over the flag meant to represent the LGBTQ+ community and our movement is far from over.

What began as a simple seven-banded rainbow — the original “Pride Flag” created by Gilbert Baker in 1978 — has in the decades since undergone several metamorphoses. Artist Daniel Quasar’s “Pride Progress Flag,” which added colors for transgender and non-Caucasian people, was introduced in 2018, ultimately usurping its ubiquitous predecessor as the social justice craze swept the country.

West Hollywood controversially replaced its beloved Rainbow Crosswalks in 2021 with the Pride Progress version. The latest makeover is the “Inclusionary Pride Progress Flag” by Valentino Vechietti, which adds a purple circle superimposed over a golden triangle (for intersex people) to an already messy mix of shapes and colors.

Many of us have grown weary of the bloated pride flag design — the arbitrary way the colors have been claimed and the “us versus them” mentality it engenders. For all of human history, the rainbow has served as a symbol of hope and peace that binds us all together as humans, transcending race, language, class and identity.  Those who misappropriate it as a battle flag or a weapon of war are defeating its mission and destroying us from within. 

It’s time to get back to the basics by simplifying the rainbow design — but that doesn’t mean anyone has to be excluded.


On the contrary, the flag I’m proposing can actually represent far more people than the present one does.

I call it the “All Colors” Pride flag.

It’s a simple gradient of the visible spectrum of light, where red flows seamlessly into orange, yellow, green and into blue and purple. Unlike any of the previous designs, the colors here are not divided. No group dominates. There’s a a shade and a hue for everyone. And it represents progress on a number of levels — forty years ago, it would have been challenging if not impossible to manufacture this design on a flag. 

The Pride flag should, above all, remind us where we’ve been, where we’re headed and that we’re all in this together. Whatever it looks like in the future, let’s hope it embodies the unity of our community, rather than exacerbating our differences.

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Christopher Roth
Christopher Roth
3 months ago

Just as our American flag has adjusted for stars and bars over the years I’m happy with our flag adjusting with our movement. I’m proud that our community has embraced others who are treated unfairly and will always stand with everyone in our collective group.

Snare Drum
Snare Drum
3 months ago

Which color or shape represents the Jew Haters in your city? And why isn’t anyone speaking out about it.

3 months ago

I’ll pass, I’m fine with old glory the good old red, white and blue flag. The only flag.

3 months ago

Is this kindergarten??

Shawn morgan
Shawn morgan
3 months ago

The pride flag is for all. What is going on with this generation, we now have pronouns this coming from a gay man is stupid him/her/it/dog/cat or whatever. These kids must have been so bored. The funny thing is that this new flag that added brown, black, and the trans colors white, sky blue and pink. Can anyone guess which race isn’t represented?

3 months ago
Reply to  Shawn morgan

Ted Cruz, is that you?

Snare Drum
Snare Drum
3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

David Duke is that you?

3 months ago
Reply to  Snare Drum

I’m a Jewish gay man and you’re calling me David Duke?

Please make it make sense lol

Truth Teller
Truth Teller
3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You seem daft. Just saying. You sound like David duke in almost every post you submit. There were Kapo’s in the concentration camps who were Jews. I’m Jewish and can recognize a hater when I read the posts.

angry gay pope
3 months ago

The progress flag at the crosswalk is STUPID. The idea of a rainbow flag means it reps all colors. Our knee jerk politicians who cave to anybody changed it for no good visual reason.

C'mon Sense
C'mon Sense
3 months ago

I think we should adopt a new flag every few years when someone cries louder than the person who cried before. Oh wait! We already do that. smh

3 months ago

I recall many years ago the creator of the original pride flag spoke at some council meetings, maybe about the way the flags were displayed in the city. Also maybe something about that although he created somethung truly iconic, known worldwide, he couldn’t generate much income from his creation. I like the proposed design, an update is reasonable as the current divisive flags are just wrong. Wasn’t the original flag just about “gay pride”? I suggest all the other groups get their own flags. Gays arent really trans. So why should we share a flag. The pride flag shouod really… Read more »

Reading Rainbow
Reading Rainbow
3 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Yeah, get your own freakin flag!

3 months ago

The flag in this article is lovely. I think the rainbow was already all inclusive. A

3 months ago

No other flag should replace the American flag to bind this country together wars were fought with Americans of all nationalities all over the world under the banner of Old Glory the US American flag and that’s where my pride comes from that should be the only one United this country.

Phillip Michaels
Phillip Michaels
3 months ago
Reply to  Jesse


3 months ago
Reply to  Jesse

Get a grip! No one is trying to replace the American flag with a rainbow flag.

4 months ago

Please look up SAMHSA instead of complaining about a rainbow flag

4 months ago

We don’t need alien invasion movies to scare us anymore because no creature hates humanity more than humans do.

This new “All Colors” flag you came up with to fight the “Progress” flag which was fighting against the original “Pride” flag… it’s just more division and more hate. No one flag will magically unite the community. You’re going to have to get used to having lots of flags.