Mikie Friedman claps back at mayor for making light of her comment


Anti-scooter advocate Mikie Friedman responded angrily to Mayor John Erickson on Monday night at City Council’s meeting after he made light of her issues with delivery robots.


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Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
3 months ago

The day after the city council meeting, I sent an email to David Wilson and to Lauren Langer complaining about John Erickson’s (unacceptable) behavior.
I received a response today from David Wilson telling me that they understand my concerns, have spoken to John Erickson, and he has agreed not to make any more remarks after public commenters have spoken.
I hope that going forward that will be true.

3 months ago

I didn’t think he was disrespectful, but nevertheless, they do not comment and should not. Big difference in the complaints…

3 months ago

Good for her! I watched the video feed and was disgusted by his behavior, shame shame, shame.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 months ago

As Mayor, John Heilman, was often subject to attack during City Council meetings, yet he always kept his cool and did not engage in editorial comment after speakers addressed the Council. He understood that chair a Council meeting is not the same as hosting a game show. It is not the Mayor’s job to re-direct attention to himself after every comment. If the current Mayor is thinking his comments are meant to keep things light, then he should be a little less snarky to people he disagrees with. Frankly I think John Erickson experienced the dreary and pretentious manner of… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

As woman who appeared before the Council during the “Save Plummer Park matter, I often shook my finger at the council members and raised my voice. We developed a relationship that could been contentious, but I was always addressed with civility and attention. And we did save Plummer Park.I took no adversaries with me in everyday life. The council can disagree with Ms. Friedman but she can speak her mind. She should not fear a scolding or condescending from any member. We still have a democracy in WeHo. Even in Tinseltown, the City Council is not a casting call for… Read more »

3 months ago

Been to quite a few meetings of different kinds. Not familiar with anyone on the dais commenting to or engaging with a speaker. Neutrality is key if you are leading a meeting.

3 months ago
Reply to  Mike

You must have never been around 2hen Jean Dobrin was alive and feisty. There was often a back and forth with her and many council members.

WeHo Proud
WeHo Proud
3 months ago

I should know better to not be surprised by the Mayors comments, but rather than be surprised I’m disgusted. I feel that John leads a majority of the City Council who don’t take this job seriously. They do not serve their constituents but very obviously themselves. They are three individuals in their separate bubbles that have their own separate agenda. They have no respect whatsoever for this city and its residents. John Erickson and the other two have kidnapped this city and its government, they are in the same class as MAGA but just wearing a different disguise.

3 months ago
Reply to  WeHo Proud

Proud of Weho Proud and well said.

3 months ago

Joke Ferret-son is a disgrace to public office. What an immature, mean girls, self-serving, and just plain stupid deportment to display in a formal public civic government meeting. He should be ousted by a major uprising and recall campaign and replaced with an actually competent civil servant. The citizens of West Hollywood need to grow up and elect public officials who are competent and not just self-serving greedy vapid silly corrosive grifters with the maturity of a 14-year-old junior high school mean girl. You get what you vote for.

3 months ago

Imagine being disrespectful to a senior woman with a disability so you can defend delivery robots? Clownery.

3 months ago
Reply to  EM

No one was disrespectful to her. He made a lighthearted joke about the delivery robot that honored Marsha P Johnson.

Get a grip!

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You have no shame in your game, wow, u are so thick skinned. You really just jokes.

3 months ago

I would accept the horrid robots and even the moron scooter drivers if we could do something about the hordes of unhoused bums on our streets. There is no police presence and Block-by-Block seems to have completely disappeared.

3 months ago

And I’m clapping for Mickie Friedman.

3 months ago

Maybe spell her name correctly?

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 months ago

Storm the Bastille! Erickson’s pathetic and entirely disrespectful histrionic buffoonery has not just met its match, it has met its intellectual superior in the form of one passionate resident who had enough and let him have a much-deserved tongue lashing. Mikie delivered her response without calling him names or engaging in ad hominen, she merely (albeit forcefully) called him out on his tasteless and childish bullpucky. Perhaps Erickson is better suited to host The Price Is Right, but chairing meetings of the West Hollywood City Council demands someone with more maturity and grace. I am 100% team Mikie! She will… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

She quite literally was silenced and made a fool out of herself in front of the entire chamber. We haven’t had an outburst like that since Annie Jump Vicente.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

In your opinion. You have a penchant for stating as fact feelings that are merely your opinion. Clearly, many people feel differently than you do. Cute that you attempt to tie Mikie and Annie together. Ain’t working, dude. She said her piece and ended her commentary without being silenced, literally or figuratively. She had the gusto to confront a mean-spirited histrionic buffoon who lacks respect for the people and his role. He has you as his apologist-in-chief, so I’m sure he sleeps well at night.

Last edited 3 months ago by Alan Strasburg
Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Obviously you were not around for Jeanne Dobrin.

3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Good ones Steve. Now that was a formidable presence. I miss her.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

greeneyedguy The fact that you don’t have the courage to use your real name, speaks volumes about you being a coward Who seems to be under the mistaken impression that you are witty. You are not. What you are is snarky and obnoxious. If you can’t come out and use your real name then please stop responding. You’re wasting the space.

3 months ago
Reply to  Susan

The fact that almost every comment here is from an anonymous user and you’re targeting me is very telling.


3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I’m seeing a lot of Real names so maybe we’re reading different common sections. And I’m very confused about why you think I am targeting you and what is very telling about that?

3 months ago
Reply to  Susan

Maybe you should take a look again? Most names on here are fake or anonymous. “Resident” “Bloodshoteyedguy” “Outraged” “JF!” “Mike” “John Arnold” “Weho Proud” etc.

You just use the name “Susan”…that could be made up as well! Get a clue.

3 months ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Alan. You read my mind.

Christopher Roth
Christopher Roth
3 months ago

I watched the entire council meeting. Yes he did make lighthearted comments to Mikie however he was making lighthearted comments to many people during the meeting, other council members and a couple of additional public commenters.

3 months ago

It’s public comment time not Erickson time. It should keep his mouth shut during public comment and listen to the people.

Christopher Roth
Christopher Roth
3 months ago
Reply to  JF1

To clarify Erickson’s comments were made after the speakers had finished,

3 months ago

Council people are not supposed to answer public comments unless it’s on an agenda item. As Chair and Mayor he should simply say “thank you.” He’s not hosting Bingo at Hamburger Mary’s or trying out for the Laugh Factory.

Long Time Resident
Long Time Resident
3 months ago

That doesn’t make it right.

Christopher Roth
Christopher Roth
3 months ago

You are correct