Recap of Biden vs. Trump debate


A summary of key points from Thursday night’s debate between Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Trump on the Paris Climate Accord

Claim: Former President Donald Trump stated the Paris climate accord would cost the US $1 trillion, that the US was the only country that had to pay, and that China, India, and Russia weren’t paying.

Facts: The Paris agreement requires developed nations, including the US and Western European countries, to collectively contribute $100 billion per year by 2020 to help developing countries combat climate change. The US committed $3 billion under Obama but paid only $1 billion before Trump pulled out. Biden pledged $11.4 billion annually, but Congress allocated only about $1 billion in 2022. China, India, and Russia have not contributed to international climate finance, although there is pressure for China to do so due to its high emissions.

Biden on Black Unemployment

Claim: President Joe Biden said Black unemployment is at the lowest level in a long time.

Facts: Black unemployment was 6.1% in May 2024, higher than the record low of 4.8% in April 2023 and higher than the 5.3% low during Trump’s administration in August 2019.

Speaking Time Comparison

Observation: Trump had more speaking time than Biden during the debate, with Trump clocking in approximately 40 minutes and 12 seconds compared to Biden’s 35 minutes and 41 seconds.


Biden on Drug Prices

Claim: Biden said the price of insulin was reduced to $15 and that no senior would pay more than $200 for any drug starting next year.

Facts: The Inflation Reduction Act caps insulin costs at $35 per month for Medicare enrollees and caps out-of-pocket costs at $2,000 per year starting in 2025.

Democrats’ Reaction to Biden’s Performance

Comment: Some Democrats expressed deep concern over Biden’s debate performance, questioning whether he should remain the party’s nominee and suggesting potential alternatives like Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer.

Trump and Biden on Abortion Rights

  • Biden: Supports codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law and criticized state-level abortion restrictions.
  • Trump: Abortion laws should be decided by states and will not block abortion medication.

Fact Check: Trump on Iran Funding Terrorism

Claim: Trump claimed Iran had no money for terrorism during his presidency.

Facts First: Iran’s funding for groups like Hezbollah decreased due to sanctions but never stopped completely.

Biden on Taxes for Social Security

Plan: Biden proposed increasing taxes on high-income Americans to keep Social Security solvent, contrasting with Trump’s vague suggestions for entitlement cuts.

Trump and Biden on January 6 and Democracy

  • Trump: Denied responsibility for the Capitol riot, claiming he offered National Guard assistance.
  • Biden: Criticized Trump for inciting the riot and not acting to stop it, calling Trump a “whiner.”

Israel and Hamas War

  • Biden: Supports a ceasefire and hostage exchange proposal.
  • Trump: Criticizes Biden’s approach without providing specific alternatives.

Covid-19 Comments

Biden’s Claim: Trump advised Americans to inject bleach.

Fact: Trump suggested scientists explore disinfectants as a treatment, not as advice for citizens.

Fallen Service Members

Biden’s Statement: Trump called fallen soldiers “losers” and “suckers.” Trump’s Response: Denied making those remarks, labeling them as fabrications from a failing magazine.

US Economy

Current State: GDP grew by 3.1% in 2023, slowing in early 2024. Unemployment is at 4%. Inflation remains above the 2% target at 3.3%, with high interest rates weighing on the economy.

Russia’s War in Ukraine

Biden’s Stance: Steady support for Ukraine, with a recent $400 million military aid package. Trump’s Stance: Criticizes NATO, aligns with Putin, and pledges to end the war quickly without detailed plans.

Immigration Policies

Biden’s Critique: Condemned Trump’s family separation policy and caging children. Trump’s Defense: Claimed the border was secure by the end of his term and criticized current immigration policies.

Abortion Rights

Biden’s Position: Supports codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law. Trump’s Position: States should decide abortion laws, aligning with the Supreme Court’s recent decision.


Biden’s Claim: Inherited economic issues leading to inflation. Trump’s Response: Denied significant pre-Biden inflation, highlighting the surge to 9% in June 2022.

Afghanistan Withdrawal

Trump’s Critique: Called Biden’s withdrawal the “most embarrassing day” in US history. Biden’s Defense: Emphasized the continued violence during Trump’s term.

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3 months ago

Things you didn’t hear about in the debate:
-US bombing 4 countries
-AIPAC influence in US politics
-COVID vax injuries/all cause mortality spikes
-Forever chemicals/microplastics
-Hundreds of banks on brink of collapse
-Blackrock buying housing stock
-$34.8 T national debt

3 months ago

Howard Stern said it best, a few days prior to the debate. He said (paraphrasing): “I won’t watch the debate as there shouldn’t be any need for a debate to help anyone decide to know which of these two is qualified with a proven record of successes, and which is the liar fraudster.”

3 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

100 percent agree! I’m glad Stern came to his senses and is voting for Donald J. Trump. 🇺🇸 (BTW: Educate yourself. Go Google some very early Stern shows from when his show was on WPIX in NYC and see how incredibly waycist he was to Asians, blacks, and pretty much anyone who didn’t look like him.)

3 months ago

All you Biden apologists, America is a Global Laughing Stock.

3 months ago

The 25th Amendment should be invoked. This president is CLEARLY dealing with cognitive impairment and should not be allowed to continue in the capacity of the President of the United States.

3 months ago
Reply to  JF1

Thank you! To see that there are WeHoans who will be voting sensibly seriously warms my big ol’ gay heart. ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘

Suzanne Taylor
3 months ago

Thanks for the rundown. What the world has come to. How pathetic. Thanks to Biden for a lifetime of service, but he’s not sharp enough now to hold any significant office. Nobody is advocating for Tim Shriver, who would win in a landslide — if he can be convinced to run.

3 months ago

Thanks for the recap of this debacle of a debate.You now have a choice between a scowling lying ex-president and a current president whose cognitive abilities are in question.I am thinking of voting for neither come Election Day.

3 months ago
Reply to  hifi5000

WOW…”cognitive abilities are in question.” No they are not. This has been going on for years. The liberal media hides it but those that follow a variety of sites see it every day. What is in question? And it is going to get worse.

3 months ago
Reply to  john

Trump doesn’t even live in reality. He lost the election, Mexico didn’t pay for any wall, he left office with one of the worst economies and job reports of any president EVER, NATO wasn’t going “out of business”, he was found liable for sexual assault by a jury and judge, he is a CONVICTED FELON with 3 more outstanding cases against him etc. The list goes on and on!

3 months ago
Reply to  hifi5000

Well thatll teach ’em…

John Arnold
John Arnold
3 months ago

Buttigieg 2024!

C'mon Sense
C'mon Sense
3 months ago
Reply to  John Arnold

Correction. It’s Booty Juice.

3 months ago

Anyone who said they did not see this coming is either lying or clueless. I contend the debate was this early to allow the democrats, who knew what was really going on with Biden, to make a change. The convention is not until August.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

Yup, I agree. They threw him out there early to see how it went. They have given themselves plenty of time to pressure him to bow out and replace him with someone who can find their own way to the bathroom.

C'mon Sense
C'mon Sense
3 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

If the Demonrats are willing to do this to their fearless leader, just imagine what they have in store for us. Think you’re exempt? Think again.

3 months ago

Hopefully the DNC can pull out some magic trick out the bag, or we gonna have 4 years of Greeneyes whining, oh and crazy progressives burning down cities.

3 months ago

As a lifelong Democrat, it is impossible for me to vote for Biden. Trump was brilliant last night.

3 months ago
Reply to  resident

No one believes you’re a lifelong democrat.

Trump lied every time he opened his mouth last night.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I believe what people say until proven otherwise. As is almost always the case, you make grand sweeping statements that have no basis in reality. So, you’re comment that “no one believes you’re a lifelong democrat (sic)” is demonstrably untrue as I am someone and I believe resident.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy


3 months ago

Trump didn’t need to attack Biden….he just had to sit back and watch him try to form sentences.

3 months ago
Reply to  Davedi

It must also be nice to just lie to the American people constantly without any fact checking from moderators or otherwise. Trump loves to make things up to make himself look better. It’s pathetic. He’s a narcissist.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Why do you ignore Biden’s lies? He said the Border Patrol endorsed him…they tweeted, “that they would never endorse him.” No American soldier died under his term?? Tell that to the 13 Gold Star families that had a love one killed from his pathetic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

3 months ago

Trump just lied the entire time. Lie after lie after lie.

Yes, he’s a better speaker than Biden..but that doesn’t mean anything when everything you say is a lie.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

And Biden never lied? “No Americans soldiers died under my watch?” Admit, you would vote for a senile old man if he has a D next to his name no matter what. So why even follow…just wait until ballots come out and when you see a D next to a name that is who you vote for.

3 months ago
Reply to  john

Politician’s have ALL bent the truth…but we never had to worry about them getting lost on stage at a debate before. I mean, come on man…Joe’s family definitely needs to have that talk with him. It’s time to take away the car keys and check out assistant living facilities. It happens. It’s sad, but it happens…and it is happening to him. Thank you for your service…now get in the car, it’s time to go.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

We expected to hear nothing less from you about this. I’m starting to think you’re not even real. Maybe just an AI chatbot programmed to spout nonsense about liberals and Dems. It almost seems like parody at this stage. 😳 But don’t worry; when DJT wins, we won’t bang on pots and pans the next day like five-year-olds, like what happened in WeHo when ‘ol Sqinty McGee won.

3 months ago

It’s amazing how, when the ship is sinking, some rats still want to stay on board. I don’t know why I’m surprised…they’re rats.

3 months ago

Who is “we”? Do you have multiple personalities?

Donald Trump is proven loser who is a convicted felon. 40 out of 44 cabinet members have declined to endorse him. His own VP is not endorsing him. And you racist old gay men still support his lying and cheating.

Why won’t he accept the results of the election? Has that man EVER accepted defeat? Or is it always just a conspiracy when he loses? He’s pathetic.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I bet your eyes aren’t even green. Likely brown, and you know why. And how dare you make fun of me using “we”!!! I’m a “they,” so “we” would be correct in your green/brown eyes. But in this case, the “we” was referring to all sane, smart, free-thinking Americans who research the candidates before voting. 🇺🇸