Weho residents choose Larry Block for WeHo Council in new poll


Stewart Digital Affairs, an independent polling and data company conducted a poll of West Hollywood voters on Thursday, June 20 and Friday, June 21. The text message survey was sent to 68% of all registered voters with mobile phones within the City of West Hollywood.

The survey was commissioned by Boystown Media Inc. for informational purposes. It is not the property of any campaign and the results were intended for our readers. The survey used a randomized sort and asked the question: “If the West Hollywood City Council election were held today, whom would you choose?” Respondents were allowed to pick their first and second choices. The poll has an overall response rate of 3.6%, above expectations for a text message survey.

Names of potential candidates were listed in a random sort. The survey included declared candidates John Erickson and George Nickle. The survey also included Zekiah Wright, who had previously told WEHOonline that they would be a candidate. Wright has since withdrawn their candidacy, with Danny Hang receiving the support of Councilmember Sepi Shyne, Vice Mayor Chelsea Lee Byers and UNITE HERE Local 11. The survey placed BlockParty owner and WEHOonline publisher Larry Block against the above candidates. Block has not filed a candidate intention statement or formally declared his intent to seek a city council seat.

Respondents could also choose “Other” for any candidates not listed.  John Heilman who is not a candidate received two write-in votes.  Other may also include persons who are supporting candidates Danny Hang, West Seegmiller and Jordan Cockeram who have all signaled their intentions seek a city council seat in 2024.  “Other” was also the top second choice among all voters.  Block received the most first place votes.

Final vote totals were: Block 30.36%, Other 25%, Erickson 19.64%, Wright 13.1%, and Nickle 11.9%.


The text message survey was sent to 5,000 registered voters within the City of West Hollywood, with a 3.6% response rate. Text message surveys may contain “coverage bias.” Those without cell phones are under-represented in the survey, which may include older adults or low-income individuals who do not have a mobile phone. Text message surveys may also contain technology bias among those with cell phones who are not comfortable participating in a mobile phone survey.

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3 months ago

I’d be glad to cast my vote for you. You have worked hard for the city and the other candidates have don’t hold a candle .

3 months ago

Perfect. Another “know it all” who doesn’t listen to anyone. Just what we need at a time like this.

Please stay in your lane. You seem to be a maven who has too thin of a skin. Larry is the first to respond defensively to posts on his own website. Imagine any stakeholder questioning a city decision that he would make?

We have way to much hubris on CC right now.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 months ago

In the interest of journalistic integrity, perhaps the poll questions should be made public. It might dispel some of the concerns expressed about the poll.

Larry Block
3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

The poll question is listed in the story. ‘if the election were held today which candidate would you choose, pick up to 2. that was the only question on the survey

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 months ago
Reply to  Larry Block

That is pretty straight forward. So are the numbers just people’s first pick or a combined first and second picks?

Larry Block
3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

they pick one or two, up to them, the results were then manually totaled by Jim Stewart. Ive got no relation to him, just a google search. The candidates appeared at random so sometimes erickson was first, or wright or nickle, other was always last in the sort. Persons could also send messages, a few anti byers, or shyne letters came in but were not counted as any votes. there was write ins too, those all went to the other column. it was pretty straight forward, the results did show a series of interesting sequences. And yes the totals were… Read more »

3 months ago

It’s no wonder Wright was thrown under the bus. We need more people with the courage to stand up to this vindictive council majority. I’ve forcefully pushed back on their despotic antics over the years (and have the scars to prove it), and I believe Larry has the chutzpah required. I hope this encourages Larry to run!

Last edited 3 months ago by West
Left Field
Left Field
3 months ago

10 years I would have said no way.

But he has proven himself with his vast knowledge of city history and other business ventures. He is a part of both how and why the city works the way it does. And I don’t think anyone has a greater love for WeHo.
Larry Block and George Nickel are both wins for the city.

Larry Block
3 months ago

no Larry Block did not do a survey. The survey was conducted by Steward Digital Affairs, you can google them. If your saying that every entity who pays for a survey is not credible then there would be no survey business.

3 months ago

Nobody asked me so the poll is worthless. Just printing this article shows poor judgement.

3 months ago

‘Larry Block would win’ Says LARRY BLOCK haaahaa

David Reid
David Reid
3 months ago

County Supervisor of elections: WeHo has 27,599 registered voters. 68% of that is 18,768.
3.6% of that number responded or 675 people.
So Block has a solid 207 votes!
Robert Oliver beat Duran last election. If only he’d move back to West Hollywood.

3 months ago
Reply to  David Reid

Add in voter turnout at, say, 35%; he has a solid 72 votes.

3 months ago
Reply to  KoWeho

I recall one election, maybe some kind of vote only on a measure, where the turnout in Weho was just 8%. It’s beyond pathetic. But when people vote for Council, the rent control lovers do turn out, to make sure the out of town Unions pick our Council. Then people wonder why we get people like Sepi, Chelsea, Erickson and Horvath.

3 months ago
Reply to  Wehoqueen

rent control lovers” thats probably like 99% of the population. Sorry you 1% slumlords can move somewhere else if you don’t like it!

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Oh, how I wish you were my tenant. Maybe you are, and you don’t even know it. Could be true.

John Arnold
John Arnold
3 months ago

WHY did Wright drop out with these polling numbers??

3 months ago
Reply to  John Arnold

If you don’t have a huge fundraising effort, you end up self-funding everything. Word is Wright just had no real money backers.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 months ago
Reply to  KoWeho

See the article about her being forced off the Rent Stablization Commission and out of the City Council race. The junta running this City is pretty ruthless when it comes to dictating who will get the Unite Here endorsement.

3 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Steve, I did read about removal from the commission and commented on it days ago. I don’t see the connection to my comment though. Bottomline is, and you know this as much as anyone, it takes money and a big fundraising campaign to run for council. Wright has neither. Having Unite behind you is good but not the only path. Wright simply does not have financial support.

Matthew Flanagan
Matthew Flanagan
3 months ago

Larry block is a moron

3 months ago

Go for it, Larry-maybe the 4th time (??) is the charm. You better start fundraising as well; you know Erickson and Nickel are already bringing in big bucks and Hang has Unite money.