Mauro Café accused of refusing to serve Jewish customer


Already mired in controversy, Mauro Café in the Melrose District is now facing greater public backlash after a man wearing a yarmulke allegedly was denied service because he is Jewish.

Advocates of Israel led in-person and online protests of the chic coffee spot on the outskirts of WeHo after its owner, Evelyne Joan, was filmed shouting on a megaphone at Jewish attendees of a real estate convention hosted June 23 at the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles, where at least 15 people where injured when violent clashes erupted.

Evelyne Joan protesting at Adas Torah

A digital billboard truck later displayed Joan’s image outside the café, along with the message: “Meet Evelyne Joan. She blocks Jews from entering their temple but welcomes their money at Mauro Café.” The truck also played footage from the protest outside Adas Torah synagogue, and protesters gathered to confront Joan on site.



Days later, video footage of a Jewish man claiming he was denied service June 30 spread online. He told onlookers, “The owner said I cannot buy coffee.” A waitress then asked the group to leave the property. However, an employee later followed the man and offered him a cup of coffee.

Joan has not provided any comment on the incidents. Mauro Café, located on Crescent Heights and Melrose Boulevard, is frequented by celebrities including Paris Hilton and Zendaya.

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2 months ago

Never been there, but now I will. The whole thing looks staged.

2 months ago
Reply to  Keith

Oh and I would just like to remind everyone that I am a trans female but I AM A REAL WOMAN!! Come and hit me up at Mauro’s.

2 months ago

This is a scam. I was there. This guy complaining walked in screaming at people, calling them antisemitic. They made him leave and then he started filming this nonsense.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jonah

I am a former employee and this is 100% a lie. Jonah was NOT there that day. He is a regular at the Cafe and whenever he comes in he is wearing a Hamas T-shirt and tries to ask customers for donations for Hamas. We had to ban him for this. I quit after this incident as I do not want to work for Nazi’s like the owner Evelyne or serve Nazi customers who support terrorists like Jonah.

2 months ago

Our friends Son is a busboy at Mauro’s. He was inside when the man walked in, while being filmed by someone, and became loud, aggressive and hostile. Why was he being filmed in the first place by someone he knew? They edited the reel to show none of what happened inside. Very suspect. Also, why do the protesters get dropped off at a particular time and all leave at the same time? Again, suspect.
This is a terrible situation, no matter how we look at it.

2 months ago
Reply to  OhIKnow

This is a lie, the man did nothing wrong. We do not have “bus boys” working at Mauro’s. This person did come to Mauro’s though and began assaulting jewish people walking down the street and screamed of her support for Hamas. She has been banned from several establishments and is not allowed around children or within 2 miles of any school or playground but I am not sure why that is.

2 months ago

Stop Netenyahoo! he’s a madman

2 months ago

All these people need to grow up.

2 months ago

The owner, if innocent, could and should invite the man back for coffee and pastry and apologize for any sleight. If this was a setup, shame on the man for there is no shortage of anti-Semitic behavior in this area lately. One thing that is indisputable: the owner did participate in an anti-Semitic protest at the synagogue. One more thing – From the river to the sea Israel … IS … WAS … AND ALWAYS WILL BE! And yes, I know which river and which sea.

Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
2 months ago

Never had an Issue at Mauro, I am jewish, myy friend Moron and we constantly speak French with people working at Mauro. very odd

2 months ago

All of the anti Zionists in here would be given rooftop parties in Gaza and the West Bank. Most in here don’t even know what a Zionist is or what Zionism means. In WW2, the talk in Europe was for the Jews to “Go back to Palestine”, the then British occupied region and original homeland of the Jews. Now, the narrative is “Free Palestine” so why don’t you just admit that you guys simply don’t like Jews? Stop hiding behind your masks and come out of your Jew hating closet.

2 months ago
Reply to  Jake

Now, the narrative is “Free Palestine”

I am jewish. To look at the devastation and destruction going on in Gaza and not want those people to be okay has to be some level of psychopathy. I don’t know how you could live with yourself.

2 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

I’m also a Jew, just not a Kapo. You continue to close your eyes to the FACT that tens of thousands of “innocent” Palestinians lined the streets of Gaza to celebrate as Hamas paraded kidnapped Jews as they spit on, beat and threw rocks at them. They also kept hostages in private homes. If there are really any innocents there, you can thank Hamas, the government that THEY voted for, for using them as human shields. I care about my people, the Jews who were savagely murdered, raped and burned on October 7th, not the folks who cheerlead for the… Read more »

2 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Of course war is horrible. No one feels good about it. Unfortunately Hamas wants his people dead in order to elicit responses like yours. This government does not think like westerners. They are terrorists and they glorify death. His people are used as human shields. Did you ever wonder why there are so many tunnels but the Palestinians are not allowed to hide in them? How about the billions of dollars that Hamas steals where they live in luxury outside of the country?

2 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Blame Hamas and seek help

2 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

What would you do if islamic terrorists kidnapped your family members into Gaza, looted your home and murdered your children? 9 months later Americans and Israelis are still being held hostage, including young women and babies. Hamas FAFO’d and many of the so-called civilians involved were caught holding hostages in their homes, at least 3 doctors without borders members moonlighted as terrorists and UN workers gave aid to the terrorists while using schools or UNRWA buiodings to launch attacks.

2 months ago

Owing that that Evelyne Joan directed the waiter to hand the man Coffee, I’m assuming the Coffee was tampered with. What a horrible Anti-Semite she is.

2 months ago
Reply to  Rach

You do not know what you’re saying, were you there? Calm down

2 months ago
Reply to  OhIKnow

Yup, I was there and the owner is evil. You were caught attempting to kidnap children for trafficking.

2 months ago

Can’t believe some people don’t realize this yet but anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism. In the same way that a nutcase wanting to destroy Mecca would naturally be considered anti-Muslim. Same thing.

Katie Guastini
Katie Guastini
3 months ago

Wild and vile everyone’s first thought is “prove it” or “liar” without knowing anything and there is just not a single way a Jewish man could be telling the truth or experiencing antisemitism. Y’all don’t even try to hide your disdain for Jews.

2 months ago
Reply to  Katie Guastini

Y’all don’t even try to hide your disdain for Jews.”

It’s wild that you accuse people of antisemitism when this video looks extremely set up.

I’M JEWISH and I can see this. Why didn’t they show us what happened inside? WHY was the person filming him go in there?

In this day of propaganda and fake videos on tiktok, we should all be skeptical.

Dyslexic Squirrel
Dyslexic Squirrel
2 months ago
Reply to  Katie Guastini

Zionists have lied so much I’ve the last 70 years 🤷

2 months ago
Reply to  Katie Guastini

What if we know someone who actually witnessed what happened inside? And the witness is half Jewish? Calm down already you weren’t there.

3 months ago

He is Zionist Jew. Can’t you tell people. He support child killer Zionist Natenyaho

3 months ago
Reply to  Robert

yea and you support a terrorist country that not only kills babies but rapes them too! every single Palestinian supporter deserves to get a taste of their own medicine.. i wish someone comes to your home, rapes a family member kills another and then takes one hostage after setting your home on fire.. only for you to react with a thank you!

2 months ago
Reply to  Robert

If Larry will approve your evil comment, maybe he’ll post mine.

Your people are shameful, deluded morons.

Larry Block
2 months ago
Reply to  Jew

approved this but dont know what your talking about. im on the morning comment shift.

Boris Gutin
Boris Gutin
2 months ago
Reply to  Robert

Hey genius, do you even know what Zionism means?

2 months ago
Reply to  Robert