Homeless man injures woman on Crescent Heights x Melrose


A woman walking her dog near the intersection of Crescent Heights and Melrose was viciously attacked by a suspect believed to be homeless.

In a post on Nextdoor, the woman describes the June 24 incident in which a suspect she describes as a 6-foot-tall black male wearing no shirt attacked her from behind, leaving her with a black eye and several lacerations. Surveillance footage obtained by the victim from a business nearby confirms her description.

The woman expressed frustration with trying to report the crime and noted that only two people stopped to help her.


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David Teal
David Teal
3 months ago

I’m pretty sure it’s a guy I’ve seen on my street, Laurel Ave. He seemed really “off” to me, screaming and ranting and raving, that sort of thing. If he’s going around attacking women, then the police need to get him off the streets before he seriously harms someone.

3 months ago

Vote Far Left, live with the consequences. Police enforcement and laws have a place in a civilised society. WH and LA lack both.

3 months ago

The picture of the guy is pretty blurry but he looks like a guy that tried attacking a girl outside the West Hollywood Library a few months back. He charged at me and punched me in the chest when I started yelling at him to stop and leave her alone. There should be a police report from when the WeHo police came out to look for him.

3 months ago

The picture of the guy is pretty blurry but he looks like a guy that tried attacking a girl outside the West Hollywood Library a few months back. He charged at me and punched me in the chest when I started yelling at him to stop and leave her alone.


[…] detailed by WeHo Online, the woman posted to social media that she was attacked June 24 near the intersection Melrose […]


[…] detallado por WeHo OnlineLa mujer publicó en las redes sociales que fue atacada el 24 de junio cerca de la intersección de […]


[…] detailed by WeHo Online, the woman, whose identity was not released, posted to social media that she was attacked June 24 […]


[…] detallado por WeHo OnlineLa mujer, cuya identidad no fue revelada, publicó en las redes sociales que fue atacada el 24 de […]

3 months ago

Dear BeHi,

Can we please borrow yours, or Santa Monica’s extremely qualified police chief. We would also like to borrow 50-60 real police officers.

We can trade one experienced sign collector and 100 mall cops.


Love this silly little town but they forgot to finish building it. WeHo might have a big party once a year and tout selected rights; but forgot actual things like having police, qualified city management, and an actual competent council.

Help us Beverly!
Help us Monica!




3 months ago

By all means, pour your resources into a bike lane on Fountain. I never wish bad on anyone but inevitably a council member or city staff will be a victim, which will miraculously lead to action and hiring more police. In the meantime, they are letting us eat cake while they make sure all their little pet projects get pushed through.

Don Jones
Don Jones
3 months ago

Just wait until Metro builds a stop in West Hollywood to see assaults and robbery attempts skyrocket. Just ask the residents of Santa Monica.

Horvath is dead set on getting the Metro to West Hollywood.
Remember this come her re-election.

3 months ago
Reply to  Don Jones

While I like to see the metro expanded, I too believe crime will skyrocket once the metro is built and stop are in West Hollywood. Too easy for criminals to get in and get out quickly. The only thing that will curtail this would be a beefed up police presence and we all know that the “leaders” in LA city and West Hollywood are anti-police.

3 months ago
Reply to  Don Jones

Horvath is dead set on getting the Metro to West Hollywood.
Remember this come her re-election.”

Makes me want to vote for her even more!

And I have several close friends who live in Santa Monica/West LA area. They have loved having the expo line the past 8 years. They frequently take it downtown for concerts and events.

It’s amazing how people will lobby against bike lanes, bus lanes, subways, light-rail etc and the continue to complain about traffic. Stop the madness.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

We have found something we agree on!

Let’s do lunch!

Don Jones
Don Jones
3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Your “several close friends” are in the minority of Santa Monica/ West LA area residents. The majority wish for life to return to the days when the crime was lower before the Metro.

3 months ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

… except for the voting for Horvath part! Only the stuff about the Metro.

Nah! We don’t wanna vote for Horvath!

Last edited 3 months ago by Gimmeabreak
3 months ago
Reply to  Don Jones

Seems to me that the Metro line has been in the planning for a lot longer than when Ms Horvath was on the CC.

3 months ago
Reply to  Don Jones

Tuesday – December 22, 2015 West Hollywood will consider putting a measure to raise the city’s sales tax on the ballot as early as June as part of a complex strategy to get the L.A. County Metropolitan Transit Authority to include the city in its west side rail extension plans. The measure, proposed by Councilmember John Duran, was approved by the Council in a four-to one-vote, with Mayor Lindsey Horvath voting no. The Council also voted last night to appropriate $200,000 to hire consultants to organize and implement a lobbying effort to build support for a light-rail extension to WeHo.… Read more »

3 months ago

When is this ever going to stop? When will local politicians and law enforcement protect us from this b.s.?

Last edited 3 months ago by BloodshotEyedGuy
3 months ago

So long as people keep voting for the same way…for the same mindset, for the same failed policies, this will only continue and get worse.

Last edited 3 months ago by JF1
3 months ago
Reply to  JF1

It won’t change…they don’t see the connection.

3 months ago
Reply to  john

I’m afraid you’re right. It’s unbelievable. No matter how bad things get they refuse to accept that the polices that have been put in place are not producing the results that had hoped for. Slow learners I guess. Unfortunately for the rest of us, we have to suffer through until enough of them wake up and vote differently.

Buster Hymen
Buster Hymen
3 months ago
Reply to  JF1

They’re never going to wake up. “vote blue, no matter who” It’s a hive mindset.