STEVE MARTIN: You’re safe because the mayor says so


We have nothing to fear but fear itself. While Mayor Erickson did not exactly say that in his comments about public safety at the last Council meeting, he probably wished he would have. The Mayor made it clear that he personally believes the City is essentially safe, but he is willing to spend more on law enforcement as a placebo to make people feel better. But it was apparent from his paranoid statements, he believes any discussion of crime that rebounds negatively on him is mere “fear mongering.”

To quote the Mayor: “I hope people understand that it’s not the time to scare people but to come together and know we are now taking things seriously…. But the fearmongering I’ve seen over the last few months, and that will probably continue in the next few months, is misleading.” Well, it is nice to know that the Mayor is now taking crime seriously, although many of us are skeptical that his current interest will last beyond his re-election.

I don’t know anything about a campaign to foster fear among our residents. Just reading the local headlines seems to be sufficient. Stats for ADW and armed robberies are up. I don’t think the Mayor is as concerned about resident’s fears about crime as he is concerned that he will be blamed for it in the coming election. Thus, the Mayor is anxious to re-write history, casting himself in a heroic role as a crime fighter and supporter of the Sheriff’s Department.

Last Monday the City Council was discussing whether to fund high-tech strategies that the Sheriff’s Department has developed, including cameras and an emergency response drone. While there was a hefty price tag associated with these new technologies, because the Sheriff’s Department is not currently able to add new deputies to our contract, these innovative ideas are a creative alternative to enhance the safety of our community.

The Mayor must have known that his colleagues Sepi Shyne and Chelsea Byers were not likely to vote in favor of these technologies, or in fact anything that would enhance traditional public safety. They are still mired in the “de-fund” mind-set that we need to cut the public safety budget to fund mental health outreach workers and other programs to help the homeless. That ignores the fact that with the City’s healthy operating budget, we are able to do both.


Mayor Erickson seems almost frantic because the public remembers that just two years ago, he, along with Lindsey Horvath, were enthused to follow the lead of LA Times heiress Nika Soon Shiong’s campaign to “de-fund” the Sheriff.

Mayor Erickson’s public safety commissioner voted to cut ten (10) deputies at a time when Sheriff’s staffing was at a COVID era low. Although the City Council ultimately did not cut that deeply, Mayor Erickson has supported a reduction of deputies. The reduction in deputies was a key factor in the LA Times endorsement of Erickson’s ally, Lindsey Horvath, for County Supervisor.

The public remembers Erickson did not make public safety a priority when he voted to maintain deputy cuts. Residents understood that the cuts were made due to ideological and political considerations; the cuts were not based on any rational analysis of facts and not thought was given how cuts could negatively impact Sheriff’s response times.

When you put politics before people, then you really can’t expect voters to forget that in our hour of need, you sold us down the river. So don’t have the chutzpah to tell us you put residents first. We in fact know that you don’t.

So exactly whom does the Mayor accuse of engaging in “fearmonger” on the issue of public safety?

Is it the employees of La Boheme who came to City Council to express their fears about returning to work after restaurant patrons were robbed at gun point as they left the restaurant?

Or was it the three young gay men who were assaulted and robbed on Larrabee? They came to both the Public Safety Commission and City Council to relate their tale.

Were they cynically trying to incite terror about crime?

Or maybe it’s Neighbor Watch leader, George Nickle, who helped organize the community response to the Public Safety Commission’s vote to “de-fund” the Sheriff? As a Public Safety Commissioner, George has consistently spoken out to demand more resources for the Sheriff.

It is tragic that people who come before the City Council to express their concerns about their personal safety and the safety of their neighborhoods, are now being demonized by the Mayor as “fear mongers.” The public’s concern about personal safety should not be trivialized and the individuals who have been victims and those who have spoken out about crime in West Hollywood should be treated with respect, not accused of playing “fearmonger” politics.

Despite his newfound “concern” about public safety, Mayor Erickson is attempting to thwart any discussion of public safety in the coming election by dismissing it as “fear mongering.” It is a clear attempt to block any examination of the Mayor’s sorry role in undermining the safety of this community since he took office.

If anyone has “play(ed) politics” with public safety, it is the Mayor.

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About Steve Martin
Steve Martin is a former West Hollywood City Council member and mayor, former president of the Stonewall Democratic Club and author of West Hollywood's successful term limits initiative, Prop. C.

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7 months ago

The mayor is a total joke. Send him back to Oshkosh. They probably wouldn’t even want to have him. He’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to West Hollywood. He is the personification of the ultimate narcissistic fool.

7 months ago

It is amazing how West Hollywood has a succession of mayors that have their heads up there… You just go from 1 to the next to the next. It’s really a shame that this city has gotten so far off what is initial purpose was which was to be a creative city for gay people were people could feel safe and comfortable to be free and be themselves. What a joke it’s turned into since then, a playground for the rich, more straight people than gay people in our bars restaurants etc., and consecutive city councils and mayors that just… Read more »

Red Eye
Red Eye
7 months ago

I thought you were a lawyer!?! You should look at the city’s crime records. Yes, in the six months ending in June, the Sheriff’s Station reports there were six more armed street Robberies than last year, and six more armed Robberies other than in the streets. But there been no increase in Homicide and Rape. And Aggravated Assault overall is down 22.35% (although there has been one more assault with a gun this year than last year. But hey, it’s America, the land of guns). There has been a 14% decline in overall Burglary, (although there has been one more incident of Residential… Read more »

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
7 months ago
Reply to  Red Eye

Walking cops means more cops.

7 months ago
Reply to  Red Eye

It is my understanding that a lot of retail thefts are not reported these days because, … why bother? Also, so few crimes result in arrests because … Gascon … so I wonder if the stats are skewed?

7 months ago

Thank you for this Steve. I didn’t expect anything less from Erickson. He must go. Nickle and Block for the win. We need common sense back on the council. we also need council members that listen to the people!

Mr Watson
Mr Watson
7 months ago

Such a clown.

John Arnold
John Arnold
7 months ago

It’s all just politics.

Carleton cro9nin
7 months ago

I never go out on the streets without my MACE. Hobbled with a walker I am an easy mark for any addled homeless person – who seem to be the
most likely to assault others without cause.

7 months ago

Get these incompetent self-serving egomaniacal morons out of office. Not just in the next election cycle; rise up NOW and demand their immediate resignation and replacement in an emergency election that gets them the hell out of our city and out of their grifter positions.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
7 months ago

Erickson has habit of just making things up and contorting his voting record. Now he laments fear mongering while engaging in fear mongering himself. He has created a bogeyman in the form of “right-wingers who are dumping money into a campaign to defeat my re-election.” Who are these money dumpers and based on what analysis does he decree them to be right-wingers, other than through his penchant for name-calling as a defense of legitimate civic engagement and criticism? The lies, manipulations, fraud and deceit in this election cycle are going to break records. Just ask the folks who have assumed… Read more »

7 months ago

John Erickson is a clown, a buffoon, a wanna be politician that really only cares for himself and his personal experience. He’s gay, he’s non-binary, he’s what ever he needs to be to get the brass ring, the personal treatment he continually believes he deserves. He continually trots out his childhood like it entitles him to be who he is. He thinks he supports citizens in his government position, what he does is only what supports John Erickson. That violent crime is inconveniencing his mayoral reign is a major inconvenience to him and of no interest to him to discuss.… Read more »

Last edited 7 months ago by :dpb
7 months ago
Reply to  :dpb

Steve and you are so right. Erick….son is one of the most voting human beings I’ve ever seen in action. Talk about abortion and is association with planned Parenthood. Unfortunately his mother didn’t follow the dictates of pp… I’m working on a new reality show called they should have been aborted. Guess who’s the number one candidate?

7 months ago

You should atleast report the facts if you going to do an oped. Erickson did not vote to defund on the initial vote that followed the recomendation of the Safety commission spearheaded by that nasty LA Times daughter. He voted with Meister, it was Horvath, Shyne and Diamico that voted in favor of defunding. It was only a year later, that he changed his mind and flip-flopped his original position.

7 months ago
Reply to  Eric

Why let facts get in the way of these pitchfork holders……

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
7 months ago

you’re exactly right! And as a matter of fact, I am going to be bringing that up in my public comments tonight at the public safety commission meeting!
BTW, another person who stood up for public safety and to reinstate sheriffs (and who has been demonized) is Alan Strasburg! At his suggestion, we all went to that city council meeting in which they reversed the defunding, wearing special T-shirts with the number 608 on them! John Erickson was VERY reluctant to reverse that decision and I, for one, will never forget that!

Last edited 7 months ago by Mikie Friedman
Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
7 months ago
Reply to  Mikie Friedman

Thanks, Mikie. It seems that being demonized is the price to pay for engaging in civic discourse that doesn’t tow the party line. Dare to disagree and you’ll find yourself subjected to nasty (and usually anonymous) attacks, as I know you have. You might have read that my identity was used in recent emails purporting to come from me (local and Federal law enforcement are getting involved and I have pointed fingers). Our little town has become nasty and it’s going to get worse. I know that you will not let that stop you from showing up and speaking out.… Read more »