Cannabis complex set to sail through Historic Preservation review


West Hollywood’s Historic Preservation Commission at their meeting tonight will review the potential impact of a proposed four-story commercial development located at 8001-8003 Santa Monica Boulevard and 1105 North Laurel Avenue.

The development includes plans for a cannabis consumption lounge, a cannabis and coffee café, and a restaurant, with one subterranean parking level. The review is required because the project site is situated within public view of an eligible cultural resource: the French Market Building at 7985 Santa Monica Boulevard.

The French Market Building holds historical significance due to its association with the LGBTQ liberation movement in the 1970s and 1980s. The Cultural Heritage Preservation Ordinance mandates that the Commission evaluate any new development within the same block and visible from the public right-of-way as a potential cultural resource. As part of this review, the Commission’s feedback will be passed on to the Community Development Director, who will ultimately decide whether the project moves forward.

The proposed project involves demolishing two existing vacant buildings — previously housing a preschool, a tanning salon, and a day spa — to construct a new 24,711-square-foot commercial building. The new building will include 8,810 square feet dedicated to a cannabis consumption lounge, 1,548 square feet for a cannabis and coffee café, and 6,578 square feet for a restaurant, with substantial outdoor dining areas. Additionally, the building will feature seven parking spaces and two loading zones below ground.

The project’s location at the northwest corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and Laurel Avenue is surrounded by a mix of commercial and residential properties, including the French Market Building directly across Laurel Avenue. The new structure’s contemporary design, while differing from the historic French Market, is intended to be compatible with the surrounding area, which includes buildings of varying heights, from one to four stories.


Key considerations for the Historic Preservation Commission include whether the new development’s scale, design, and placement would negatively impact the historical significance of the French Market Building. According to city staff, the proposed project is unlikely to result in a substantial adverse effect. The development’s height, shadow, and modern appearance are not expected to interfere with the French Market’s ability to convey its historical importance, as the building’s significance lies primarily in the events and activities that took place there.

While the construction of the new commercial building will alter the visual setting of the French Market Building, staff believe that it will not affect its eligibility as a local cultural resource. The Historic Preservation Commission is expected to provide comments on the proposal, which will be considered by the Community Development Director before a final decision is made. The project does not require review by the Planning Commission unless an appeal is filed.

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5 months ago

“A private club with a rooftop pool”
Why did you omit this very important detail?
Where is your reporting??

5 months ago

7 parking spaces for all of those businesses??? Are you effen kidding me??? Seriously. The city is ok with this? Ridiculous. Laurel Ave in not a wide road as pictured above either. Ugh

5 months ago

Love the building.

Reefer Madness
Reefer Madness
5 months ago

Live, Play, Smoke, Welcome to Potville.

5 months ago

Another pot shop?!? I think even Cheech and Chong AND Willie Nelson would say enough is enough!

Latishia Jones
Latishia Jones
4 months ago

So true. And brings a lot of trash people into the community.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
5 months ago

This should be a non-brainer as the French Market Place is not being preserved, but will include a “homage” to it’s role as a community meeting place in the 70s and 80s. It is exciting that there is a chance to eliminate the blighted buildings to the west.

Angry gay pope
5 months ago

Nice to see a bldg proposed which is not generic junk!

5 months ago

Just what this small city needs…more cannabis. At least it won’t be another empty storefront. So yay. 🙄

Angry gay pope
5 months ago
Reply to  JF1

When that fails it can be re-used as something else.

5 months ago
Reply to  JF1

With cannabis businesses struggling due to the grey market (30-60% cheaper due to no onerous state and local taxes), what’s the profitability and revenue projections on a site like this. Can’t be great in this post MedMen business environment (additionally restaurants/dining sector is widely known to operate with very tight margins).