New maps shed light on total crime in and around WeHo


As high-profile burglaries and break-ins continue to rattle residents of upscale neighborhoods in the West Hollywood area, the Los Angeles Police Department resumed posting crime data on its public website last week after implementing a new recordkeeping system that changes how crimes like burglaries and assaults are counted. 

When combined with data from the Beverly Hills Police Department and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department-West Hollywood Station, the numbers present a clearer picture of the frequency with which crimes are being committed not only within WeHo city limits but in the near vicinity as well.

WEHOonline looked at crimes reported June 1 to the present day within a two-mile radius of ZIP code 90048. This includes Beverly Hills, which is policed by BHPD, and communities bordering WeHo that lie in the City of Los Angeles, such as Hollywood, Park La Brea and The Grove, which are under the jurisdiction of LAPD. The City of West Hollywood is the responsibility of the Sheriff’s Department.

In addition to the 301 incidents of theft and larceny reported by the sheriff in WeHo, there were an additional 315 reported by LAPD and 107 by BHPD for a total of 723 since June 1.

The sheriff reported 78 burglaries, while Beverly Hills had 19. LAPD, curiously, only reported one, for a total of 98.


The 16 vehicle thefts reported in WeHo pale in comparison to the 81 reported by LAPD. With the 5 others reported by Beverly Hills, there were a total of 102 in the two-mile radius. 

Strangely, LAPD reported no robberies during the time period, while the sheriff logged 31 and Beverly Hills counted 7 for a total of 38.

LAPD recorded 155 vehicle burglaries/break-ins, more than double what the sheriff reported (64). With Beverly Hills’ 28 reports, the total in the area rises to 247. 

LAPD noted that while recent data can be compared to past years, year-to-date comparisons are unreliable due to the new reporting standards. This makes it difficult to determine whether crime rates have actually increased compared to last year.

In response to the surge in home invasions, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon announced a new Residential Burglary hotline aimed at addressing this “deeply personal and traumatic crime.” The hotline is part of a broader initiative to support victims and prosecute these crimes aggressively. Gascon emphasized that residential burglaries are more than just property crimes — they violate the sanctity of homes, instill fear and have lasting psychological effects. Community members with information about these crimes are encouraged to report it by calling (877) 542-9370.

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6 months ago

….”The 16 vehicle thefts reported in WeHo pale in comparison to the 81 reported by LAPD. With the 5 others reported by Beverly Hills, there were a total of 102 in the two-mile radius.”

There are 4 million people in the City of Los Angeles, only about 35,000 in West Hollywood. Per capita that’s a lot of vehicle thefts in West Hollywood.

Robert Steloff
Robert Steloff
6 months ago

Can we PLEASE just get rid of GASCON already!! He was elected, he ‘tried’, he failed, miserably- Please consider a vote for Nathan Hochman, he’s not the boogeyman nor does it make us MAGA in doing so..

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
6 months ago
Reply to  Robert Steloff

The “Road Rage” guy that terrorized our freeways and attacked two women in West Hollywood was sentenced to five years in State prison; a couple of days ago he was released due to lack of space. He served 18 months. Our legislature is busy closing prisons, allegedly to save costs, and Lindsay Horvath is leading the efforts on the County level to close Men’s Central Jail without replacing it with a modern facility. Our Democratic “leaders” are creating a situation were criminals will run free. We need to look beyond labels and focus on real world solutions to protect our… Read more »

Last edited 6 months ago by Steve Martin
6 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

We need to build massive prisons so everyone serves their full sentence. Criminals need to know there is a prison cell waiting for them. The amount of repeat offenders in the U.S. compared to other countries that have big prisons, must be staggering. And no more “country club” prisons for white guys, no more pampering. Criminals need to be locked up, fed bad cheap food, and nothing more. I get that it may not deter all future criminal activity, but it will lower the amount of repeat offenders.

6 months ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Wow comment of the year! This is unbelievably ignorant and straight up not the future anyone should actually want but here at weho online there can never be enough fascism!

6 months ago
Reply to  Robert Steloff

Gascon (Soros back), should’ve never been elected in the first place. He destroy San Francisco first with crime (If he destroyed SF with crime, what do you think he would do to LA? Duh.. Big red flag right there) Gascon was appointed by Gavin Newsom in SF first, then came down to LA to destroy this city with rampant crime, no bail laws, not enforcing laws under the city charter, not sentencing criminals to the fullest, and Mayors that defund the police, or are anti police. In 2011, in his last act as Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom appointed… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
6 months ago

If George Gascon was so concerned, he would not be opposed to incarceration of criminals who engage in these sorts of “deeply personal and traumatic crimes”. Gascon’s “hot line” seems like a desperate re-election ploy. I am surprised that Mayor Erickson has not accused him of “fearmongering” on this issue. But then again, Erickson is one of his biggest supporters.

Carleton cro9nin
6 months ago


6 months ago

In all the recent “crime is out of control in weho” articles, there’s never any mention of the #1 reason for this: Lindsey “defund the police” Horvath. Lindsey “my bff’s daddy owns the L.A. Times and endorses me” Horvath is the single worst thing to ever happen in weho, and that includes all of Sepi, John Erickson and Chelsea.