OpEd: The race is on!


The race for West Hollywood City Council is just over two months away. The following are the candidates as they will appear on the ballot: Stephanie LaHart, John Erickson, Danny Hang, Dorian Jackson, Jordan Cockeram, Larry Block, George Nickle, Zekiah Wright, William West Seegmiller, and Rachel Schmeidler.

Elections are always fun. It’s fun to be rooting for a candidate of your choice. It’s fun reporting on it too. This year, I’m a candidate but also ushering through the end of this year with this publication. For me, it’s time to turn a page, and with everything going on in this city, it was too hard for me to sit on the sidelines.

This year’s pool of candidates is the most diverse in history. They include six men, three women, and one person who identifies as nonbinary. There are two African American candidates and one Asian American candidate. This year’s field includes one mom, the first I can recall. It includes two business owners. There is one homeowner and nine renters. There are two candidates 50 or over, one candidate who is a senior citizen and Medicare-qualified. One candidate lives in an affordable housing unit. The field includes four city commissioners.  Four of the candidates have run in previous elections.

The current mayor, John Erickson, is running for reelection along with nine other candidates. UNITE HERE Local 11 has endorsed John Erickson and is supporting Danny Hang to keep their current lock on city hall politics. UNITE HERE Local 11 also began a petition to strip City Council of some of its decision-making ability. It will be a high hurdle for any of the candidates to beat the UNITE HERE machine.

Renters and Workers for West Hollywood, sponsored by UNITE HERE Local 11, has opened several independent expenditure committees. On August 21, five committees were opened. Renters and Workers for West Hollywood is spending $15,000 for field canvassing in support of John Erickson and an additional $15,000 in support of Danny Hang. They are also spending $7,500 for field canvassing to oppose Larry Block, $7,500 to oppose George Nickle, and $5,000 to oppose Jordan Cockeram as anti-worker and anti-renter.


A few days later, additional committees were opened, spending $3,225 on what appears to be literature for Danny Hang and $18,225 in support of John Erickson. Two additional committees were opened spending $7,730.40 to oppose Larry Block and the same $7730.40 to oppose George Nickle.  

And then there’s the craziness out there and on the message boards. Silly season brings out the worst in people. While I don’t post the comments anymore, this past weekend, I took a look at what didn’t post — the ones in the trash. The vitriol directed at disabled commenters, myself, or the mayor or others are not going to post.   

People seem to be forgetting what is at stake in this election. The future of West Hollywood is on the ballot. The independence of our little city is on the ballot. As I ponder the future and the stakes, I just keep reminding myself what I’m fighting for — what we are all fighting for. We are fighting for a city that is a democracy, where the voices of the people overshadow special interests. We are fighting to keep WeHo safe and for your voice to matter. That’s what I’m fighting for. It’s game on.

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6 days ago

I’m getting phone calls for Erickson and Hang!
Most voters don’t read this publication or know much of anything about city politics; they will just vote for the most familiar name.
There are too many candidates who are likely to divide the vote leaving the very candidates we don’t want sitting on the council. The most responsible and honorable thing to do would be for three or four of them to drop out. Please!

Enquiring Minds Want to Know
Enquiring Minds Want to Know
6 days ago

This Union was $9Million in debt at the end of 2022 and yet they are pouring thousands of dollars into negative campaign ads, against Nickle, Block, and Cockeram. Why are they supporting John Erickson and Danny Hang? Read this article by a Union Watchdog. https://www.anaheimobserver.com/2023/06/28/whats-wrong-at-unite-here-local-11/#:~:text=Local%2011%20already%20had%20liabilities,the%20Center%20for%20Union%20Facts. Then ask yourself, “What’s going on here?” What are they getting out of it? And why do their members come to City Council meetings and speak for or against major development projects? There are 22 +/- hotels in Weho and only a couple are unionized. Why is their leadership not spending time and their members… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
6 days ago

I suspect that the developer of the Viper Room project paid Unite Here quite generously for their support; unfortunately we will never know because such contributions are not recorded in a meaningful way. Unite Here’s ambition to reduce West Hollywood to a political fiefdom is a real blow to local democracy.

Davi Reid
6 days ago

The fact that this organized mob of a union has targeted Larry Block and George Nickle let’s me know they think these two have the best shot at replacing the machine. I agree. And they would be the best foe the seats. Lincoln lost several elections. Larry has been here pre-cityhood. Me too. Living through many missteps is hard to teach or read about. I think George Nickle has done a solid, sane job on the Public Safety commission. A Lauren Meister appointee, she is actively endorses his run. Ten candidates isn’t a record but enough that the ‘formula’ weighs… Read more »

6 days ago

Erickson will be the top vote getter, followed by Hang. Unite Here has strong support from probable voters in West Hollywood, so their candidates get the lion share of people who bother to vote. Most of the other candidates just cancel each other out.

John Arnold
John Arnold
6 days ago
Reply to  Kevin

Where will Sepi’s voters go? Hang most likely.

7 days ago

Sadly, there are strong negatives for all of the candidates. Not a single one of them understands that the #1 problem in the City, that causes all other problems to get worse, is the encouragement of welcoming freeloaders to the city, along with strong rent control protections for people who could never afford to live here, and should be living elsewhere where they can actually afford to live (I just looked up, a 2 bedroom apartment can be found in Bakersfield that rents for $795 per month, compared to around $3,500 per month in weho for something comparable). If our… Read more »

7 days ago

I’m voting for the one who seems to have no personal agenda but instead wants to help the city thrive and make it safe for all. I don’t want someone showing up in a pink suit talking about themselves and how fabulous they are. I don’t want to vote for the first whatever to ever be elected, whether it’s a drag queen or an iguana. We need true politicians with drive and leadership skills who care as much about the older Russian residents as they do about the young gay residents. If most don’t want a bike lane on Fountain,… Read more »

7 days ago

NO on Erickson, NO on Hang! ..and NO Unite Here!!!!

7 days ago

Truly ask yourself is West Hollywood better with Unite Here’s influence over city council agendas and elections. Unite Here is actively campaigning for John Erickson and Danny Hang to keep their majority. The majority needs to shift and we ALL need to show up and vote. I have received campaign calls at least 4 times a day from Unite Here members asking for my support for their candidates! Don’t be influenced by the money they have given, be appalled that they are trying to buy an election.

7 days ago
Reply to  john


Last edited 7 days ago by JF1
Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
7 days ago
Reply to  JF1

Something to remember… United here local 11 money gave us Chelsea Byers! Now they’re trying to ram John Erickson and Danny Hang. down our throat
The question to ask is …why are they spending so much money to get these guys elected? To promote our interests, or their own?

Robert Steloff
Robert Steloff
6 days ago
Reply to  john

They are the worst of the worst, communists with a twist that ought not be allowed any position voiced within our city council or for the RESIDENTS of this city.